Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak coughs and begins speaking loudly to all in the Inn (He does this while Sylas is in the Inn)*

I said some things recently that I half meant, but due to my anger at the time I did not take any care in the consideration of my words.

I want to give an apology to Sylas Hay.

I recently made a statement that, while being partially a compliment, I also called him misguided.

Though my beliefs on a certain issue are very different than his I do respect his opinion and listen to him on the subject, though we mostly disagree on it. Then, I disagree with many people on the subject. Just because I have my beliefs, this does not make him wrong.

On this subject I do want to offer a bit of constructive criticism to all. Sylas is not always very outspoken. The only time I have noticed that he has been, has been when he is angry. Sylas is a wise man and I think that too often his input is ignored. This may simply be because of his demeanor or it could be more, but I really think that we all should make more of a conscious effort to listen to him when he has something to say. Just because he may be using a casual tone at the time does not mean what he has to say is not very important. I've seen his frustration and have become annoyed myself as I've seen this occurring.

Personally, I think he just needs to carry around a club to whack people with when he has something to say, but then, I've never said that anyone SHOULD listen to me, I just put emphasis on what I think is important.

Ah well...that is all.
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Sylas Hay
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*Sylas looks at Nyrtak, seems to take a moment to collect his thoughts, then stands up*
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak sits and looks to Sylas*
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Sylas Hay
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Post by Sylas Hay »

"I never claim to have all the answers, but I do speak up when I think I have something to say that can benifit others. Its in my nature. However its this nature that causes me some of my greatest heart ache. When I look around at the people here. Midway. My people. My freinds. My family. And I see the possibilities for such great things. But then I see all those great things that could come to be fade away because of back biting, and finger pointing." *pause*
"I agree. Sometimes I am misguided. Guided by the Idea that we can all benifit by Balance, and Unity. I myself fell from this path two moons ago when I gave up. I gave up beleiving that we are capable of working together. Luckily Rooks was there to set me straight, by showing me how 'Out of Balance' I was." *sigh* "Even in the few moments we have pulled together to combat some threat or another. Even that few moments of 'pure' victory, that we succeeded by working together, my hopes are dealt more crushing blows as the fingers point to who's fault it was that this or that went wrong." "No one wants to listen. No one wants to hear."

"I'm no soothsayer, but I do know that dark times are coming. If no one wants to listen to me ever again thats fine. I will trade everyday from this one to my last just to have you hear my next words."

*voice raised for emphasis*
"Everyone! Everyone, should try to do what they can to make themselves an asset to Midway. If you are not I suggest you move on to greener pastures. Because when the spring comes, and it is time to tend the feilds, and sheppard the weak, it will be time to seperate the wheat from the chaffe', and you will either be a part of it..
Or you will be culled."

*pausing only long enough to look at each person in the Inn. Leans over to wisper something in Nyrtaks ear, then departs without a word*
Disclaimer: the above is the author's personal opinion and is not the opinion or policy of CARPs or of the invisible men that follow him around.
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Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak listens to Sylas's speech and his whisper then as Sylas turns to go he abruptly places his hand on Sylas's shoulder and moves to Sylas's side, he looks over and simply nods his head in agreement. Nyrhtak turns back and sits at the bar to order a drink, rifling through some papers.*
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Mylo Fynnigan
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Post by Mylo Fynnigan »

*Mylo flips a mug up, catches it and pulls Nyrtak whatever he wants. He then raises his own glass to Sylas' back as he exits*

To conviction, sacrifice, valor........

and most oft overlooked....Honor!

*Mylo drains his mug and slams it down on the bar, a smile of approval playing across his face*
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

I'll certainly drink to that.

To Honor!!

To Victory!!

To Order!!

And to Deceased Necromancers, may many more join them soon!!
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

To honor
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
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"His only regret is not knowing what regret feels like." The Inquisition vol 137 pg 1 story about Daniel's latest adventures.

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