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Post by Faerykin »

*Twilight enters the Inn, her features a bit strained, she takes a look around at those gathered and addresses the group*

I apologize for interrupting, but I fear it is my duty to remind you all of the Prophecy. I understand that it was delievered some time ago, and there are those of you who care not of it. I also understand that much has transpired between its delivery and now, many occurances that could make one forget about the Prophecy's warnings to us.

*she takes a deep breath*

Today is the first full day of Autumn. The Gnomish King of Darkness shall return soon. He is one of the self-proclaimed Vampire Kings. He is quite powerful, and he has an army of bone and living stone ... an army of golems, powered by the speaking stones.

*she pauses*

We must prepare to destroy him once and for all.

*with that, she sighs as she takes a seat in the corner and slumps down, her head hung low*


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Post by Daerm »

*Daerm nods to Twilight*

"I'll try to help any way I am capable. Please let me know if there is anything I can do."

*Daerm looks like he is trying to relax, but he is noticeably shaken. He then sighs and tries to distract himself with busy work*
Daerm Doublenix
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*From the back of the Inn, in a soft cold voice and looking at Twilight.*

With the Gnomish King of Darkness, is there something only that specifically that can hurt him as there was in Jarrick de Winter' case? Or are we lucky enough that all normal means of damaging something that is undead will work.
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Post by Darthesis »

There are things that all people can do.

Twilight is known for one thing above others, that she is quite free with her information. Something I don't agree with but that is a philosophical difference between us.

Notice that nowhere in her announcement are details on the gnome king, where he might be, what he might be planning, or who might be allies other than golems. I truly doubt she left this information out to be testy, she left it out because it is not known to most of us at this time.

Even a peasant can notice something amiss, a simple merchant can take note of some strange trades, and a young adventurer can make a full report to our constable of a small group of skeletons found in a cave nearby.

Do your part and perhaps we will not all die in darkness.

Information is available in many places, and it is the most powerful in existance.
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Post by Johan Redflight »

*from a dark corner*

i am new to this area and haven't heared of this prophecy, is there anyone that would be willing to tell me about it? i would like to help in anyway that i can.
Johan Redflight

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Post by Faerykin »

*Twilight looks up as people begin their discussions*

Darthesis is correct, there is much we do not know. The Prophecy is quite extensive ... as well as elusive ... it is a great task to interpret the meaning of each stanza, but I am working as diligently as I can.

*she sighs as she looks to Kimberlyn*

I can only assume that he will be as difficult as Jarrick was to defeat. As Jarrick was also a self-proclaimed Vampire King, we can presume that Vampire King Autumn will be just as difficult to bring down.

*she rises slowly as she retrieves a few pieces of parchment from her bag and presents them to the newcomer*

This is a copy of the Prophecy I speak about. It was presented to us on the Summer Solstice.

((OOC: Please read "Sticky: The Prophecy Itself" under the Pieces of the Prophecy thread))

*she will wait until the newcomer is done reading through the pages before retrieving them from him and placing them back in her bag. Then she will return to her seat in the corner*


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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

I thought I would pose the question in case your research has been able to find what will harm Autum. With the weather turning colder I knew the time was coming when we would need to discuss how to harm this vampire.

Golums unless he makes a very rare type, are difficult at times but can be taken care of through normal means.

If this vampire is as powerful as we believe him to be, that means there is only a certain type of individual that can sustain him. Basically that he can feed from.

Basically with vampires, the more powerful the vampire, the more their feeding habits change. At first, a vampire can feed off of anyone, but a powerful one such as this Gnomish King of Darkness I am betting will only be able to feed from certain type of individuals.

If I am taking an educated guess from what all I know about vampires, I am thinking it would be one who is very skilled in something that they do. I am thinking at least an expert in something, but more then likely a master will be it.

That is also why the more powerful the vampire, the tougher they are to kill as well. Humm....and I am thinking this gnome is powerful enough that he could possibly walk around during the daylight as well.

*She pauses*

Twilight, I think we need to pool what you have learned about the Gnomish King of Darkness together with what I know about vampires and see if we can come up with a possible point of attack on this.
Kimberlyn Thurs-kona
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Post by Faerykin »

*Twilight looks to Kimberlyn*

I do believe his Golems will be more intelligent than other Golems we may have faced in the past. The Speaking Stones that we had in the Mage's Tower are quite frightened of King Autumn. They claim he takes them and places them in his creations - to power his Golems.

*she shakes her head*

As far as the weapon that may harm him, I am still looking into that. I have many books to read through, and I will be certain to let you all know just as soon as I discover anything useful.

*she rests her head back on the wall and gazes up to the rafters as she whispers under her breath*

... too little time ... too much to do ... too few who care ...


Summer Twilight
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Rasolin W.

Post by Rasolin W. »

*from the corner of the bar, and still writing on a stack of papers*

there are resources available, and you have but to ask
I will do what I can... just let me know what you need...

*continues writing*


Post by Guest »

*Tee walks in from outside and begins lecturing*

Dont you people get it. Twilight is sharing ALL the information she has about this prophecy. She knows as much about how to direct you and what needs to be done as you do. Stop laying about and waiting for her to come and tell you "do this: blah" and just DO SOMETHING!!!

There is so much to investigate that any ORC can hear the prophecy and think of questions to ask about things we NEED to know. Are all the great adventurers of midway so STUPID that they need someone to point out the 27 stanzas that need investigation and then on top of that give you an itemized list of questions to ask, specific details to research. ITS ALL IMPORTANT....not just some of it...ALL OF IT. PICK SOMETHING AND START HELPING OUT WITH IT.

Here wait...I will impersonate the adventurers of midway so far with regards to the prophecy: BaaaaBaaaaBaaaa...*Tee then huddles about doing his best impression of a Sheep* BaaBaaBaa Twilight help us what should we do...twilight come ask us for help and we will in a moments notice...BaaaBaaaBaaa.

*With that Tee looks around then mutters something under his breath*

By the Quickness of Air...Teleport!!
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak looks up from his drink*

Vanya sulie Tee. Twilight. Lle anta amin tu?

*Nyrhtak chuckles*

I picked that up from some elf I met on the road, I probably pronounced it horribly.

*Nyrhtak sighs heavily*

A'ight. What is done is done and what must be done, must be done.

*In a blank stare, he looks at nothing*

Tenna' ento lye omenta Tee.

*He turns to the Inn Patrons*

I believe he was right....and so it truely begins.

I know what must be done. Shall I fail? Perhaps then all is lost. We shall see.
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Post by Daerm »

*Daerm looks upset and quickly composes himself. He stands up and addresses the people in the Inn*

"I would like to apologize to everyone on Tee's behalf. He has been stressed as of late and not entirely himself. Again, I am sorry for the outburst..."

*Daerm gets up and rushes away from the Inn*
Daerm Doublenix
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Post by Faerykin »

*Twilight catches Daerm's arm before he rushes from the Inn*

You need not apologize for Tee's actions ... for what he said needs no apology ...

*she releases Daerm's arm and allows him to leave the Inn ... slowly following after him*


Summer Twilight
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn watches Tee and everyone after he leaves, she then looks at Darem and in her cold voice.*

I agree with Twilight, what Tee said needs no appology. Actually I agree with him.

There are things that can be worked on, but others choose not to do so.

Humm..perhaps instead of Spring having to do the research perhaps one of you can find a way to hurt the Gnomish King of Autum.

*She pauses*

We all cannot always rely on Tee and Twilight to give us the answers on what to do. Twilight has given all of us a start with her discussion on the whole prophesy, now comes the time for each and everyone here to work on it. Find solutions, figure out what some of this all means. Find out what can hurt the vampires BEFORE they arrive so that we are ready.

Humm...perhaps some information can be found on the Gnome King's golums as well so we know what we are facing.

*Kimberlyn appears as though she is about to say more as she looks over to Twilight and then stops.*

For those interested, I am willing to share what knowledge I have about vampires. It may help, or at least give people a start on what they are researching. I can try to recall the battle that took place against Jarrick de Winter as well since I was there.

For now, there are things I need to take care of. Preperations I need to make for the coming month.
Kimberlyn Thurs-kona
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak sighs heavily*

Placing the blame on others does no good, when some of the blame can be placed on thine own shoulders. You speak to all as though none of us have done anything towards thwarting the prophecy, yet this you do not know for certain.

This weight is upon all of our shoulders and it is a heavy burden indeed. Fear not, for soon will come the reckoning.
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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