Kenric stumbles into the tavern
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Kenric Sayne »

*As soon as Kathryn is done talking, Kenric scoffs, picks up his tankard, and walks to the complete opposite side of the tavern.*

*While walking away*
"I'm tired of being accused of corruption and hated by people for nothing, I'm done with DeVris for good. All they see is what I've done wrong, not what I've done to help."

*He slumps back down into a seat.*
Kenric Sayne
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Edrick Stormbane »

Edrick speaks up

Keneric, if it is important to you, you fight for it. If it is not, you don't. I guess Devris is not important to you, because if it was, you would have fought for it, which you did not. Getting drunk and feeling bad for yourself accomplishes nothing. Standup and fight for what you believe in. Make a difference and prove you are the man you say you are.
You screwed up, we all do, it is what you do to fix the screw up tells people what type of man you are. Right now, you are a defeated man unwilling to fight for what he cares about.

So what type of man are you?
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Res Ipsa
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Res Ipsa »

Res sighs audibly. He gathers up his ale and walks over to where Kenric moved himself. He slaps the man on the back and turns and states, "Ah for piss' sake... let the man drown his sorrows for a night. Obviously he ain't takin' this well... what's wrong with a man feelin' miserable for himself for one damned night? Let him pick himself up later."

Res nods to Katherine, "You wana talk about my little venture, I'm all for it Lady Katherine, But whaddya say we talk about it outside the Inn and let Kenric drink in peace. Even if he was in the wrong for what he did, he still looks like he needs it."
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Kenric Sayne »

*Kenric stands up looking furious and walks to the bar, muttering to himself along the way.*

"I just wanted some peace and quiet to drink away my troubles, but nope, not allowed to do that here."

*Kenric puts more coins down on the counter*

"Just give me the whole bottle."

*Kenric picks up the bottle and heads towards the door.*

"If you would like to find me, I won't be in Midway for a while, I'll probably be somewhere between here and Pelin. Goodbye for now, and screw you Edrick."

*With that, Kenric kicks the door open, and walks out into the cold.*
Kenric Sayne
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Kathryn watches Kenric go, her face troubled, and sighs*

Well Res, I don't suppose we'll need to go outside now, but are you planning to go after him? He's good in his heart, I think... He certainly won't talk to me though.
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Jewels »

Jewels stuffs a bottle in his pocket. Speaks to ziggy for a moment and walks out the door pipe in hand
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Edrick Stormbane »


When you are ready, I will be here to help you.

Safe travel and good luck
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Res Ipsa
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Res Ipsa »

Res quietly watches Kenric's outburst, and after he has left, he turns and addresses Kathyrn, "Nah. I ain't gonna follow him. The man says he wants to have some peace to drown his sorrow in booze, I say let'em have some peace. You don't talk no one into sense when they're angry or upset. Gotta wait for them to calm down first... and you ain't doing that the night after he thinks his dreams and his honor have gone to shit."

He shrugs, "Shoulda let him be, Lady K. Give him some time to come around, maybe. Nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself for a night or two. So long as it's only for a night or two."

Res lifts his mug up towards the doorway that Kenric walked through in a salute, then takes a long pull. Afterwards, he nods to Kathryn and motions towards an empty seat near him, "But we got business to discuss, you and I. Grab a seat. I'll tell ya all about what I'm aiming to do. Might be some money in it for ya, and some excitement to boot. Besides, I could use a woman of your considerable skills...." He winks at Katherine, "and there might be a job in my little band for you as well."
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by olaf »

"YES! Tonight is for drinking! TOMORROW is for fighting for what you want."

Olaf drinks deeply from his mug, then stops to think for a moment.

"Though if he does his drinking out there, Kenric may not have a tomorrow to do any fighting. But going to sleep in the snow is not a bad way to go, as they say!"
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Kathryn stares at the closed door for a few moments, sighs, then turns her attention to Res. She takes the seat next to him*

Adventure I have in spades. Money, however... well, that I could do with. So, tell me about this band of yours. I hope you have a decent name to start with.
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Res Ipsa »

Res motions to the barkeep, "Hey... 'keep... get the Lady here a drink on me." He leans forward and states, very deliberately to Ziggy, "PRETTY PLEASE."

Res settles back into his seat and shrugs, "Don't got a name picked out just yet. Name's important, but I hadn't given it a lot of thought yet."

"As for what I'm going to be doing... it's like this. I am a man with a very special set of skills. I'm real, real good at finding things. See... that's the business I want to start, and the reason I need a crew behind me to do it. I want to get in the business of acquiring specialty objects. I want to be the man that can get you things."

"Magical swords, rare items of value, teachers for rare skills, ancient texts and spells... you name it. You let us know what you're after, I figure out where it is, and you can pay our group for the info, pay our group to go get it for ya, or pay our group to let ya tag along. Price, of course, depends on how much resources we have to use, and how dangerous it is, plus a nice markup to make it profitable."

"I figure if we market ourselves to the nobility and the wealthy, we'll make a killing. Rich people and nobles are always paying for stupid junk like art and artifacts. In fact I once heard of some noble who paid 5 bar for an egg that was painted... if you can believe that."

"'Course," Res grins. "We are talking about things that are legal. I'm not wanting to steal from anyone it's not legal to steal from."

"And we get the added benefit of hobnobbing with powerful folk. 'course I'll probably need someone who looks real good and can kiss some noble ass, 'cuz I don't tend to do to well on that front. I'm not much of a charmer when it comes to the upper crust."

"But as chance would have it, I WAS thinkin' about coming to you on this... 'cuz you are a lovely woman, AND you seem like you're great at buttering up nobility"

Res winks at Katherine, "'sides... you'd get to work with ME on a regular basis, and I'm always a good time. Whaddya think?"
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Kathryn grins*

No need to butter up to Ziggy too much. I'll just have water.

*she rests her chin on her hands and looks at Res thoughtfully*

5 bar, you say? Well, you are right. I do know how to talk to the nobles, and I know several. And working with you is definitely entertaining. This sounds just like my idea of a good time.

*She hesitates*

You aren't going to require any kinds of sworn oaths of fealty or any nonsense like that, are you?
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Res Ipsa »

Res gives Katherine a look of complete, and dumbfounded incredulity, "Oaths of fealty...." He scratches his chin, with a perplexed look on his face, then he takes a drink, and when he lowers his glass there is a bit of beer foam that is stuck to his poorly shaven cheek, "Isn't that the kind of thing that Knights do? Do I look like a Knight to you? Where in hell didja get an idea like like that from?"

"I aim to lead our merry little band, but I ain't crazy enough to demand something like that."

Res sighs, and motions toward the barkeep, "As for Ziggy... If I seem a little terse with him, He's out and decided he ain't gonna listen to your judgment that he follow the deal the bar made with me on free drinks for my scrying. Seems when you aren't around he feels like he don't have ta listen to ya."
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Glances at the diminutive barkeep speculatively*

Was he even there for that? Or did he know he was? Besides *she says resignedly* I'm rather used to people not listening to me or remembering what I said unless I'm standing right there to remind them.

Anyway, I seem to recall Jack requiring an oath, which is, of course, the reason I didn't join the Long Knives. I already have enough oaths to uphold.
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Re: Kenric stumbles into the tavern

Post by Edrick Stormbane »

I can't but over hear your conservation and I'm interested. You have any need of an old treasure hunter? How would you run this crew Res? What would be expected of the crew? Who else do you have in the crew currently? Hmm, this could be fun!
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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