A few newbie questions
A Forum for new players to ask questions about CARPS. (and of course welcome to all of our Hungarian spammers!)

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A few newbie questions

Post by Dusty_Eves »

Been looking for a new Larp to join for a bit, between the interesting reads of your forums and Carp definitely has my interest piqued. I'd a mind to come and try a game when the season starts up, and in going over rulebook I'd a few questions.

The rulebook alludes to social advantages to playing a human over non-human but doesn't get too specific. I noted that non-humans don't have protection of the law, but that could range from the constable defends the rights of non-humans when he's not busy, to Nazi-Germany style, non-humans could be openly hunted in the streets. Could someone describe the social climate between non-humans a bit.

Regarding magic, couldn't find in the rule book how spell-points are regained. Do the just come back at re-pop, or are they restored otherwise?

And a question regarding stealth based combat skills, ie, one's involving a surprise call. Based on the definition of "in combat" am I correct in understanding the only way to use such a skill is either to use it to initiate combat, from hiding (once you've Hide Expert - Sneak Attack), or via speed of blade.

Much appreciated,

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Sylas Hay
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Re: A few newbie questions

Post by Sylas Hay »

Glad to have you aboard. We should have our 2011 schedule up soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
In the mean time, lets get you some answers..

1) Humans have a few advantages, first among them is position and political. They will find it much easier to gain status in organizations, and among the ruling class. A second advantage is, as you mentioned, safety. While non-humans arent actively hunted, they have few rights. Unless someone of a higher station takes an interest their ability to challenge their betters is nill, and they are likely to be taken advantage of.

2) You are correct. Spell Points are regained at repop.

3) You are mostly correct on you assessment here as well.

Feel free to check out the "Rules" forums, you may find answers to questions there already, and of course feel free to ask as many more as you like.

Welcome to CARPs, and we look forward to seeing you in the spring!
Disclaimer: the above is the author's personal opinion and is not the opinion or policy of CARPs or of the invisible men that follow him around.
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Kathryn Skress
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Re: A few newbie questions

Post by Kathryn Skress »

Welcome! I've approved you to post, and you should also now be able to see lots more forums then you did initially.
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