Fast track? and Starting funds
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Fast track? and Starting funds

Post by Phillipe »

Hello all,
I was making a character and reading the forums, and ran into the fallowing inconsistency.

In another post it is mentioned that a starting character has enough money to buy armor but with the 50% discount light armor costs 187.5, and heavy coste 375. the book states you start with 100. if you max out the rich advantage i guess you can buy light armor but you would not have the money left to arm yourself with more that a single dagger. is it assumed that anyone wanting to start with armor takes 5 lvls of rich? or am i missing something?

also i have heard mention off a "Fast track" what dose that entail?
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Post by Darthesis »

Firstly armor is very expensive in our game because we don't do 'piecemeal' armor as many LARPS do, ours is for a full suit.

Because of this there are cheaper versions of the armor available to starting characters. As you can see by reading the armor rules you buy levels of the skill then this is increased by good coverage and good quality phys reps. It's also then increased further by high quality armor.

You can also buy low quality armor (rusted or patched together old armor) that a starting character can buy. To buy -1 quality armor (one less level on the wear armor chart) the cost is 50% of normal, and to buy -2 quality armor (two less levels on the wear armor chart) the cost is 25% of normal.

It's something we normally discuss when you check in for the first time and buy your items, but that is how a person can afford to start with armor before he earns any money in game.

If you started with a nice set of armor with reasonable coverage and level 3 wear armor (light or heavy), you would be at 3+1+1 or level 5 on the armor charts. Anyone could afford a -1 or -2 level suit that would leave you at level 4 or level 3 on the chart.

Of course one of your first priorities would be to earn a good suit of armor by adventuring, crafting, trading, joining an organization, or just making friends.

As for the Fast Track, it's going into the book in the new version, but here is the post on the GM forum here to read:
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Darthesis »

I have defeated the GM Fesko on the field of posting time battle.

GM Fesko lays beaten on the field...
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

I submit and have deleted my post accordingly. All is ruin, I say. Whoa is the defeated.
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Post by Phillipe »

Thank you,
I must say that in over a decade of boffer larping i have NEVER had so much help from staff so fast. usually it takes days to get answers, and alot of the answers are "read the rulebook".

the lower quality armor is an excellent system to allow new players to be able to utilize it.

I do wonder about different qualities of pysrep being mixed, for instance I have for light armor leather bracers and gauntlets, ring mail grieves (Leather with steel rings)a ring mail vest(Padded with large mettle rings), For heavy I have a chain vest, a light haulburk, plate bracers and legs, and a chain coif. That are all "real" armors.
I also have suede over plastic chauces and could make a real looking helm, or just a real leather scull cap. would the two not quite real pieces make the suit not count as a high quality phisrep?
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Post by Darthesis »

We always have the GM staff look over armors to determine what it will qualify for as quality and coverage.

If it 'works together' you'd likely get a higher quality.

We're less about realism of the armor compared to how it real it looks and will increase immersion for those around you.

So if it looks 'good' you'll get a higher rating.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
Fidelis Pro Aurum
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