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Post by Darthesis »

*** Darthesis looks at you very evenly as if he is completely confident in his answer.

Of course. Money can be counted on. You can trust in it like you can trust in no other person. A person can deny you, can betray you, and can change their mind. Money does not make judgements.

My opinion of people does not change based on the money they have, my actions... do.

It simplifies my life, it allows me to focus on doing my job. It is part of what makes me the best at what I do.
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Post by Wren »

So in otherwords instead of finding who you can trust and who your friends are you rely on money as a constant, true and absolute source of sincerity. Also you said that money doesn't control your opinions of other people but it controls your actions, so what would you do if for some reason the current currency was to be vanquished and curency was based on trust, friendship, and personal favors?
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Post by Darthesis »

And interesting question to be sure. What would I do if there was no money, and I had to count on future favors and loyalty for no other reason than they felt it was 'the right thing to do'.

I believe I would find a difference place to live. I believe such a system would be almost purely chaos, and chaos is not good for business.
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Post by Wren »

So in otherword you rely on money more than companions, don't you think that your money gives you a false sense of security? Why does a working system need somthing as cruel as money to properly function as an orderly vessil?
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Post by Darthesis »

*** Darthesis laughs.

On the contrary, I find that counting on other people is what gives one a false sense of security. Money does not give me a false sense of security, it simply gives me greater resources by which to do that which I wish to do and that which I require be done.

A working system? Name me a place in this wide world of Phantarra where a society is based on the love and comraderie of it's fellows. I am guessing you will not find one, and if it exists, it is well outnumbered by those who do not.

All human kingdoms that I have ever traveled to are based on money. The dwarves use money, the elves use information, the avyana currently use fear.... no where that I have traveled is there a society that is even mostly based on the want of the common man to do what is 'right', with no other reward.

Idealists are amusing, but they never last long unless they are insane.
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Post by Wren »

Very well, I would have to say I disagree. I have money and it has never saved my life. However my friend Clouce has. Also the bonds of friendship are infinutely stronger than contracts based on somthing as feeble and petty as coin.
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Post by Darthesis »

As you will, I did not expect to change your mind. My point of view is not brought on by ambition or thought, it is brought on by learning how the world truly works. Good luck in your journey to true understanding.

And by the way, if money has not saved your life, then it is not money's fault. It is simply a lack of foresight to buy the right things... and people.
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Post by Wren »

Thank you for you conversation and I am sorry that you see the world as such a cold lonely place.

I would like you to know however I hold your opinion in high regard even though diffent from mine still valid
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*From just outside the Inn*

Ah the old question of lifestyle, Darthesis you say you know of no place on Phantera where love and comraderie are the way of life. This is good news to me because that means that you have not had any dealings with Dharma or N'hall or any of the other communities of my people. Spend one week within a Wood Elven society and you will see that a society that is not based on coin is possible, in fact it is a much older and proven way to live than the somewhat recent way of trading small coins for other things. You at least do say that all HUMAN kingdoms that you have traveled to are based on money, and that will eventually be Humanities downfall. Your race has more ambition and drive than any other, unfortunately that drive and ambition is focused on acquiring things, weapons of power and destruction, and focused on "bettering" your stations in life. But this "bettering" is upon the backs of many, your "peasantry" as your race calls them do most of your work for you while they recieve nearly none of the fruits of their labors. In fact within your society they do not even have the right to live where they see fit. They are given no rights at all, in a society where "ownership" is so important your race doen't even let those that do all your work to "own" their own land or the harvest that it brings in, or even the roof that covers their heads when they sleep. This type of society feeds its own greed and want for more and more things, and more and more power, never to be saciated, a thirst never truly quenched. But with that power comes responsibility, responsibility for the well being of your fellow man and woman, responsibility for your actions against such, and responsibility for the welfare of the society.

You say idealists never last long, our societies and indeed our world flourished until the arrival of the Humans upon Phantera, since that arrival hostilities and wars amongst humans and other races have continually risen, there is a cause and an effect that is clear and evident. If there are 2 things that I can accomplish within my years in this world they will be to quell the dark blight of necromancy and cycle breakers and to educate your race on it's potential to be a force for what is just and good.

You have more coin than any other member of this community, maybe more than any 2, tell me what is it that drives you to acquire more?
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Post by Darthesis »


You are definitely correct in the assessment of the human Kingdoms. For better or for worse we are the creatures that we are. Some learn to accept this, others do not.

As for your wood elven fellows, I must admit I have not traveled extensively in any wood elven living space and as thus must withhold comment on whether what you say is true. I will however, for sake of argument, assume that it is.

You state that the wood elves have existed for much longer than humans, and this is true, but not nearly as long as the high elves. The wood elves took to their own goals and their own places not all that long ago in the entire history of the world.

In this time, their numbers have diminished and their available space to live has diminished, as have all elves. It may be a society you are proud of, and one that lives the ideals you hold true... yet, it is dying. It is a slow process that I certainly will not live to see come to its inevitable conclusion, but inevitable it is. The number of elves fall, and the number of humans grow.

The drive and ambition you speak of is a part of this, however I also believe it is based on a more realistic value system. This however, I cannot state as fact, and therefore you can either accept it or not. The truth of this will be played out over a time period longer than my short life. Perhaps Solari , if you manage to survive to your natural lifespan, you can live to prove me wrong, or see the truth of my words.
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

The reason that our society is diminishing is directly related to the expanse of humanity. Who lived in the lands now known as Silverthorne before Humans came? And anywhere for that matter. I do not dislike Humanity, in fact I think that humanity could be a large part of what could turn this world around. But to do that Humanity will have to let go of it's greed, it's want to own all that it sees or comes in contact with.

It is true that my people took to their own not all that long ago, seeking to fulfill their own agenda, but that agenda was to help the world by removing cycle-breakers and necromancy from it. An agenda that we continue to try and accomplish. As far as the places, we were driven to do so or see our entire society be wiped from Phantera. It is true that the number of elves diminishes while the number of humans grows, but I disagree that the inevitability you speak of is so. But left to it's own devices, I do forsee disaster, but it will encompass the entire world, just as the breaking did. The question being is there a way to avoid this? The answer lies within us all.

You did not answer my question though, you have proven to be intelligent wise and resourceful so I thought that I may get a different answer from you. Most when asked why they covet more and more posessions and coin answer first with "I don't know" usually followed by "To have the things I want, or to better myself" I just wondered if your answer would be the same or more insightful.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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*From outside, near Solari*


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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

HAHA Ebek I do believe that if YOU were to spend a week in a wood elven society your head would explode. HAHA!

*Acloaked figure that comes up to about his shoulders approaches and says something to him quietly*


*Shakes his head and says something very quietly to the cloaked figure*

Darthesis, while I have enjoyed our philosophical debate I must be off, mayhaps you can answer that query another time.

*Solari heads into the woods with the cloaked figure*
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Guest »

Huh. Hope that wasn't an Avyana.

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