A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)
The tavern in Midway is open for business!

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NPC Brodie
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A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by NPC Brodie »

A man dressed in the kilt, plaid, and bonnet of a Caledonian nobleman walks into the tavern.

"Have any of ye seen the famed mercenary Elias? I seek him, for I've bloody work for him and his to do. Well paying, bloody work." He adds, looking around with a smile of appreciation at all those who wear steel at their sides.
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by pdusen »

Elias, who had been observing the room from a far corner, walks up to the Nobleman. "I am Elias. What are the details of this mission?"
Elias, Sword for Hire
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by NPC Brodie »

"Warrior Elias, I'd be Thane William, from the highlands of Caledonia. I have a rival clan who's been giving me a mess o' trouble and I'd like you and any you can summon with ye, to bring the sword down upon their heads."
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by pdusen »

NPC Brodie wrote:"Warrior Elias, I'd be Thane William, from the highlands of Caledonia. I have a rival clan who's been giving me a mess o' trouble and I'd like you and any you can summon with ye, to bring the sword down upon their heads."
"I see. I unfortunately have duties that I need to attend to for the immediate future; however, I have some associates in my business that I recommend highly. I assure you that they will perform to your expectations." Elias motions for Swift to come forward, crossbow and all.

(OOG: Circumstances have conspired to prevent me from attending the one-day event. :( )
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by AlexV »

Swift walks up with a questioning look.

"What am i shooting?"
Vorrin Lambsheart
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by NPC Brodie »

"The Clan Donnell have continually offended me and mine, but the lord of our land forbids direct fighting amongst his nobles. Hiring mercenaries from other lands is a practice that has been used to get around this injunction. I would have you and whoever you bring with you wipe out the Donnell's to the last and bring me the sword of their leader."
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by AlexV »

Swift shrugs his shoulders.

"If it doesn't get me in trouble here in Midway, then i will do this for you."
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by Edrial »

*Edrial speaks up from the table he is sitting at with Res*
I am the head of a mercenary company called Crimson Steel. We might be able to help you out. As long as it isn't violating any of the laws of your land we should be able to work something out.
-Head of House Mandilor, Midway
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by olaf »

Olaf slams down his mug and stands. "Now THIS sounds like FUN!"

He hefts Hakon to his shoulder. "You had me at 'bloody work'. Olaf will go!"
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by Gunnar Haymish »

*Gunnar looks up form his maps and book.*

"I guess count me in as well, unless the boss tells me to set this out."
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by GM Evan »

"Wow...you are all gonna just sign right up to wipe out an entire clan of Caldonian's down to the last? Are all of you really that blood-thirsty or do you not realize what To the last really means?

Dont you think it might be better to spend your time, and energy finding some monsters to fight or a town of people to help protect against our enemies like the red tear instead? Maybe see if the Ga'vin in the darkwood need help with any infestations of monsters? Or perhaps try and help these two clans come to a peaceful resolution of their problems?

Just some thoughts, but personally...this sounds wrong on many many levels.

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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by Gunnar Haymish »

*Gunnar looks over at Vaellar and shakes his head.*

"Never said I would go and fight. I said I would go along, but Vaellar is right. So count me out of this wagon. Guess I will go find me something more important to do. Like go help out Millers Down or keep the ladies at La'Honour out of trouble."
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by olaf »

"There be great fight happening, Olaf is great fighter. Will happen with or without Olaf, and Thane has Olaf's thanks for offer to take part! Would be wrong to miss!"
NPC Brodie
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by NPC Brodie »

"Well, then, those of you who'd like to come along and aren't a bit more squeamish then others - no offense meant of course, wee guthrie - can let me know when you're ready to go. I'll arrange a mage to teleport the lot o' ye just outside the Donnell clan lands. Ye can keep all ye find excepting the Thane's claymore and I'll give you a..." He looks into his purse and holds up a bar "Don't know your currencies right. Will this suit for the lot of ye?"
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Re: A man walks into the tavern (Mod day 2)

Post by Edrial »

I am afraid I will have to agree with the "wee guthrie" as you put it, a bar is a bit on the shy side for genocide of an entire clan. Not sure I have a price that could be met to slaughter women, children and the elderly. I kind of missed the "to the last" part of your earlier statement.
-Head of House Mandilor, Midway
-Head of Crimson Steel
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