Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks aproaches Bombour, and also directs his attention to any dwarfs in the inn*

Good day bombour, i know this is short notice but i plan to return to your homeland by the end of the week. Do you wish to accompany me? I plan to return before the next moon, and are there any others from the town that you would wish to come with us? Chronixxx should be there already.

-Rooks Reayvalynn
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Too many adventures of late

Post by Bombour Stoutbringer »

"Thank you for the kind offer Rooks, but I have had too many adventures of late. What my bones need is some recovery time here at home."
"They speak of my drinking, but never consider my thirst."

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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks nods his head to bombour, walks outside the inn, and teleports away!*
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*Sylas walks in the backdoor of the Inn*

"Anyone seen Rooks?"
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I seen him

Post by The Gavin Legion »

I seen him sylas

he was tryin to decieve poor Bombar here into believin that hewas going to the dwarven homeland, and then leave him out in the sea of dust with his wavey handy shenanigans

You should watch out for that elf, his tricksy ears will get you in trouble.
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Post by Sylas Hay »

"Nilbog! What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be trying to avoid me or something?"
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Post by The Gavin Legion »

Hey what????

nah it's okay..

I'm the Baronial head of the Carpenters and Masons Guild. You can't touch me, I'mm official and stuff...


never ever gonna hafta do any work for ahny bodiee namedd mr Sighlesss aghainn.........

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Post by Sylas Hay »

"You never HAD to do work for me before. I needed help with something that only someone of your skill level could handle, and so I asked. And so I thought you would help, but apparently that has changed. Too bad. I was actually getting used to you. Oh, and congradulations on the Baronial thing."
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not good enough

Post by The Gavin Legion »

Oh so thas how it iss Mr. Shighlessss.

not good enough for you am I.

Your snobby human self comes to me askhin for help with something, that knowing you humans could very well get me hanged, and now you no want my help no more.

It's because I'm grey isn't it?

You're all alike.

Just because someone's skin has the consistency and color of an oak tree you assume that they are incompetent and unable to help you.

Sheesh, you humans are so judgemental.

Fine, I didn't want to build that bridge for you anyways.

As a matter of fact I think nobody will want to build that bridge over the tarragon for you Mr Sylas. And I should know. I'm in charge of almost everyone in the are who has the necessary skills to build bridges.

You porbably don't even have the Baron's permission to get it built anyways.


THat was what we were talking about wasn't it??
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Post by Sylas Hay »

"Your completely insane arent you?"
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Post by The Gavin Legion »

not completly. It just helps to confuse the riff-raff to act at least a little bit senile and nuts.

After being over two hundred years old, I feel I deserve at least a little leeway for senileness and such.

I mean, you all cherish and respect the village 'Elders', even though they're less than haf my apparent age.


seriously though. What is it you want.

A house. A bridge. Some ziggerauts. A few defensive towers in the area of the town to house guardsmen loyal to you as you amass forces to overthrow the baron?


Oh, I know.. Flint sent you. You're here to put a respectable face on his stupid proposal.

If I hear one word from your mouth mentioning a wall around the town, I'll see that what happens to Gentleman Marcus Longfellow happens to you Boy!

Now speak up on what you want. And use plain words. I'm easy to act confused.
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Post by Sylas Hay »

"Fair enough"

"I need a favor, but I cant talk about it in the company of... *points twords the wall*
*Wispers* "the walls have ears"
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak kicks back, rubbing his arm*

And when you get done with Sylas, we need to get back to training.
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*Raises an eyebrow questioningly*
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

I've been doing some intense training this month with Nilbog. Been some long days.

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