Tarragon Keep
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Tarragon Keep

Post by Anya »

Anya strides into the Inn and posts something on the board, before turning to the others in the room and speaking, “I have just come from Tarragon Keep. The people there are starving, both the citizens and the troops, they were down to quarter rations, with no supply wagons able to make it to them. I was nearly swarmed when I brought 4 wagons of food to them. If you have any pull within my Food Guild, or are feeling generous out of pocket, they could use more supplies to make it through the winter. The quartermaster told me that without the supplies that I took them, they would have had to start sending non-combantants away as they simply could not feed them, let alone tend to their other needs. They are already destroying furniture to try and combat the cold.”

The note she placed on the board says the same thing, with longer lists of items the Keep is in need of.

High Need: food, blankets, wood for heat, socks, shirts, pants, boots, candles, torches, ink and quills.
Alchemists need: everything
Medical Need: Bandages and fresh linens.
Soldiers request: oil, whetstones, replacement weapons, arrows
Smithing request: coal, ore, and other smithing materials to outfit the troops.
~Anya Stanslinski
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by NPC SoCo »

Why on Phantara are no supply wagons making it to them? Why would they be starving? Were the crops destroyed this year? Is there something between Midway and the Keep blocking shipments? Some reason we can't destroy that something if it exists?
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Anya »

"Those are exactly the questions I have too, Daniel. The Quartermaster told met that 6 months ago things started to go bad and have just been getting worse there. They have been sending messengers out and they are supposedly delivering the messages, but they still get no supplies." Anya smiles, "Aren't you a seer? Perhaps you can find out the answers to those questions?"
~Anya Stanslinski
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Gunnar Haymish »

*Gunnar walks over and read the posting than turns around as Daniel speaks. His face has for the first time in a long time is as if he was set on fire. His voice is not very calm when he speaks.*

"The reasons why are very simple; the trade routes have been getting sacked by the underlings and rogues. I have looked into it and when I asked for help some of you folks offered to help. But did not put any effort into helping. So myself an a few other have posted mercenary's along the roads, I have sent scouts out to help find and keep ahead of those attacking the trade lines. I have spent more than eight moons dealing with this. I know that Edrick has also helped post Enforcers on the trade lines as well. So between the Messengers, the Scouts, and the Mercenary's guilds , plus a few watchers I have had help out with this. I have come up with no one person, no one group, and nothing to show for it. So by all means if you would like to help out with this one please do. I would like to get more eyes on the roads, I would like to get more Enforcers and Mercenary's in with the trade company's, and I like to run the bastards who are doing this through with one of my blades. Oh an to note I have found out that they hit our lines and than teleport out of the area so no tracks to follow. I have also been hampered when I have tried to track them with my soothe saying. So any ideas lets hear them I am all ears."
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Nel »

"Naw I know I ain't the brightes', but ain' it a thin' that maybe they ain't part of no group? I mean, there's safety in num'ers, but only while yah attackin'. They could just be takin' advantage of the fact caravans of goodies are bein' para'd in front of 'em, each of 'em gettin' away bes' they can"
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by celegar »

why am i only just now hearing about this! i could have done something months ago!
Ziggy Sprickzlesprooock M.D. -Gnomegeneer Extraordinaire-
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Anya »

I passed the word on as soon as I was able to. This was also the first I had heard about them needing supplies... do I take it that you all are willing to assist in this matter? Gunnar appears to have the most information about who might be intercepting the supplies. Divide and conquer perhaps? Some go after those that took the supplies and others look into maybe recovering anything that is still in good shape? I would like to make sure that Tarragon Keep does not fall.
~Anya Stanslinski
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick speaks up*

About a year ago the carvans of merchants were being attacked by red monkey like creatures that disappeared. After some investigation it was discovered these creatures are effrits from another dimension. Someone was summoning and unsommoning them once the work was done. That is why we could not track them. I have been patroling our local area for the past 1/2 year with no luck on catching anyone or anything. But the carvans were coming to this area with no problems.

This is the first I have heard of Teragon Keep supply issues. I personaly have no idea of these two events are conected or not. I'm willing to help pay for additional supplies to the Keep. Lets pool out resources and contections and get some relief to the Keep. Then we can start looking into what is going on. It is very strange that all the messages sent out did not get responses. Hmm This is not good.
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by NPC SoCo »

It is the first it has come to my attention as well. I'll join the hunt down the culprits and kill, err bring to trial if possible, group.
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by AlexV »

*Vorrin's head peaks up from behind a table*

"Di-Di-Did some one say underlings? Thi-Thi-This close to Midway? Uhhh. Uhm. Uhh. I'll volunteer to help protect supply lines. But i make no promises to not tactfully retreat at the first sign of an Underling."
Vorrin Lambsheart
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Anya »

Anya thinks on what was said, "Ziggy, you said you could have done something months ago if you had known.... can you still do something?"

She turns to Daniel, "I have never heard of an Effrit. Are they related to the Underlings? How does one summon them in? If we can find out that, maybe we can find the person who was doing it? The hit-and-run tactics could very well be like Edrick," she nods to him, "mentioned with the summoning and unsummoning of them."

She pats Vorran on the shoulder, "We will need people to protect and its always nice to have volunteers for that."

"So.... anyone have a step one in solving this?"
~Anya Stanslinski
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Nel »

Nel, now upside down on a bench
'Why don' cha talk to the one that lives here?"
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Edrick Stormbane
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Edrick Stormbane »

No the efferit are not underlings to my knowledge. They are just another inter dimensional nusience!

I have no evidience that the old efferit attacks are linked to the Taeragon Keep supply issue.

I suggest we start by tracking the message loop between the Keep and the resupply point. Nel, is that something you can look into? We need to find out were the break down of communication is occuring.
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Nel »

Nel gives a glance to Edrick, then to the door, then back to Edrick.

"Bu...is cold."
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Re: Tarragon Keep

Post by Hawke »

"Would you rather be cold, or dead?
If Tarragon falls, the rest of Silverthorne won't be far behind. And we're first in line."
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