To all who care........
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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To all who care........

Post by Rowen Kane »

*Kane climbs up on to a table and speeks loudly*

To all who care, mary made a very good point last night, and if I may quote her, " what ever happened to people covering eachothers backs".
i know that in resant times i have extreamly moody and even hypocritical
I sincerly apologize for that. I have no justification for my actions, all i can say is that i have been going thru some tough times and haven't handle them with very well.

*turning to arthur*

so..... Arthur my coments about you doing your job where untrue, you do indeed do your job, and if i may add you do it very well. but you do sit on your a$% alot but only when the town is safe. FLAT ASS MAN.

*turns to ros*

the joke that i made about you and nyartack was very untasteful and unkind. i am sorry if i upset you in any way.

*turns to dearm*

You may possably be the most annoying person that I have ever met, but the way i reacted was way out of line. i took out anger on you that was no your falt, you where right.

*turn back to all the people in the inn*

On a different note........

Mary is right we need to cover eachothers backs, the war between Chos and Order has begun for some strange reason chos feals it nessary to attack this town, so at this point i Hear by denounce my Chos taint. If any one know of a way to get it removed that does not include me getting killed, i would be more than thankful if could tell me.

last night i was attempting to find out why the Chos bandits where attacking the towns people, i tryed meny different ways. I tryed Friendly conversation, witch failed, i tryed interagation witched faled. hell i even tryed engaging them in a game in an attempt to gather information, that didn't work either. i do know one thing though they killed Ryhs, mary, and some others from what i heard, and i am shure just about everyone got knocked out and robbed.but thanks to tee most of the stolen items and money have been returned.

so i would like to suggest and idea to help aid in preventing what happen last from happening agian. i would like to see a buddy system formed, lead a corse by the highest law enforcer in town at the time of an attack,
it would kinda work like this ....... at the first sing of an attack all towns members meet in the inn where the highest ranking gaurds person( i.e. the constable, captin of the guard) will pair up the towns members into teams of three people, the teams will be responcable for watching each others backs. sliming the posability of a reacorence of last night. OF course this is just a suggestion. Please if anyone has questions or other ideas please share them with me and the rest of the town.

I am sorry to distrurbe you for such a long time but i had to get that off my chest. thank you for your time.

*Rowen gets down off the table and sits down*
Rowen Kane
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Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak steps up on the bench holding his back and grunts a bit as he hoists himself up and turns to whomever is around to hear him*

Friday night something happened. Something that has never happened to me before.

I was struck down in combat.

In all my years as a warrior I have never, -ever- been struck down by a foe. It has gotten me to thinking, however my thoughts are still too muddled to even begin to relate what comes to mind.


*Nyrhtak's gaze lowers a bit*

...then I was given even more to think about. Too much more, especially with the prophies coming to pass and other events that are unfolding around me. I was given the realization that perhaps I have fewer friends in this town than I thought. That fewer people trust me than I had come to believe.

When a Mage of Chaos walked into town and spewed forth rippling, deadly magic forged of chaos lashing out on the doorway of the Inn, then Killed Rhys...... was on! Chaos vs Order aside, these little freaks were killing people. I proceeded to hand the Mage's ass to him. With a little more assistance I could have finished him with all the blinking out of existance and instant forging of armor that he was doing.

*Nyrhtak turns to Kane*

Thanks for the help by the way.

Well, I didn't get that extra assistance. In fact, many people were lounging around here and there, and then it struck me like a blow to the gut. I almost felt like I had been killed again.

Someone had the GALL to say "Uhh, Nyrhtak, he's a human, I think you should stop attacking him."

My initial reaction was to give up. I mean, it was over, the battle was won, reason has obviously began to flood OUT of the town like some kind of raging river, and total indifference has set in.

In any case, MORE people died, MORE people acted as though nothing was going on, and I heard very few voices of reason.

Maria, I would like to thank you for your voice of reason.

Rhys, I would like to thank you for the honor of the temporary instatement as a member of the Town Guard.

Sylas, I have much respect for your reasoning skills as misguided as they may sometimes be. I trust you to maintain sanity and keep yourself out of jail? Absolutely not. Do I trust you with my life? Funny that. I do.

Ros, thank you for hearing me out and sending help when I got eaten, but never fear, that...'explosive' situation was well under control. *winks*

Twilight, thank you for your assistance.

Fergus, please try to hide where we can see you next time...or..well...something.

In any event, I was really disappointed with how things transpired Saturday Night. I hate to think of what may have happened if I hadn't ran the mage off away from Rhys, or if Twilight hadn't saw the minions of chaos hovering over Maria's corpse and calling out to me for help.

I am also quite tired of Chaos attacking the town and Order saving it whilst everyone says "there must be balance", "I choose not to help either side", blah blah blah.

Well know ye all that I HAVE CHOSEN, and I AM following MY calling. I, Nyrhtak of Mahuru, am a Knight of Order and am a Member of the Magnificent 10. Some know them as members of the Blazing Suns.

You do NOT have to become a Knight of Order to choose the side of Order. You do NOT have to become an Abomination of Chaos to choose the wrong side. People state that they want balance yet they look to the prophecy time and time again saying that so many things cannot be stopped, and that there are things that will come to pass whether we like it or not. I have been told that the Order and Chaos war will be seen to the end, and that it will end by Spring.

The prophecy states that Order will either be beaten or that they will win. Either way hopefully some will remain to help with the greater war.

Well, do you want SOME or do you want MANY? Do you want to see CHAOS reign or ORDER restored? There is NO BALANCE to come. One of the two sides WILL win this war. We need to choose.

Do you abstain and allow the greater forces of Chaos annialate me and my brethern, or do you offer aid to Order so that they may win the war?

How many times have the Blazing Suns given aid to this town?

How many times has Chaos attacked it?

Do you have ANY idea how many Chaos bandits were out there that night? FAR more than we could have dealt with for much longer in the ways that we chose to do so. They were everywhere, yet we kept allowing them to do these horrible things instead of organizing and simply dispatching them.

So what happened? Well Tee disappeared and somehow retrieved many of the stolen items. Thank you Tee! I applaud you my friend!

Maria knew what to do, but few seemed very interested in doing so.

So I took matters into my own hands and contacted another of the Magnificent 10.

What did I find out? These Chaos bandits were attacking the whole Barony. Luckily the FORCES OF ORDER have setup guardians at the smaller towns to keep them protected. Since most of Midway are seasoned adventurers that feel they wish to stay out of this war they felt we could handle things ourselves if need be and appointed no guardians to us.

So I braved something I still fear and contacted them. About half an hour later Order Knights could be seen in the distance slaughtering those that meant to do us harm. They did so because I asked for aid.

However things need to change around here. I mean to speak with my superiors soon and I am going to let them know that Midway wishes to see Balance and as such their aid is no longer requested. In fact, perhaps they should attack the town because THAT would give us some balance.

No...I intend to let them know, simply, we are at war and Midway is exempt from that war. They choose not to partake and as such should be avoided completely. I will remain as a representative and if Midway's feelings change, I may again request their aid.

However feelings will not be enough. This town really needs to shape up. We need some order restored and the leaders of this town really need to begin taking on more of a leadership role. I should not have been the one telling everyone to get into the Inn. I should not have been one of the few defending the town. You can't just ignore your enemy and hope that he goes away.

No, this town has to WANT to live before I consider not convincing my associates to stop helping you do so.

I am going to keep a STRONG eye out for Necromancy folks. I want to warn you RIGHT away that the forces of Chaos deal with Necromancers, and they have Necromancers among them. Don't believe me? Remember Lothar? As I recall, many like to argue that ignorance is no defence. Kimberlyn, you and I should discuss this later.

In any case, the war is heating up and it is now or never. Time to choose folks. Some of you may note that some creatures of Order came and attacked town for the first time. It appears that they have begun to release the hounds to hunt out Chaos.

Folks, if you aren't on their side, you are obviously on the enemy's. At this point you can choose to fight Chaos AND Order or you can choose to side with the rightous and we can help to eliminate the Chaos threat.

Well...that's some of the thoughts I have at the moment. I think perhaps I have given enough to digest for now. Any questions?
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Post by Darthesis »

Darthesis speaks from where he is sitting, not standing up.

Those are strong words, Nyrhtak. Those are also probably wise words when it comes to which side is more to our liking. Chaos is no one here's friend. Chaos is friends only with itself. Chaos does not defend the weak, nor protect the Kingdom, nor enable stability for growth.


As you very clearly state, a war has begun. This war is prophecized and it's outcome is unclear to most. Perhaps many in this town wish both the extremes of Chaos and Order to be beaten down enough that they cannot sieze any sort of power after their conflict. I do know that by 'sending out their hounds' and the attacks of the 'beasts of chaos' that both sides are willing to KILL to get what they want. Extremes are almost always detrimental and short sighted. The 'balance' of Essence and Necromany may be the one exception in my mind.

You should tell these people that by taking a side, you join the conflict. You join a conflict made up of Princes of Chaos, and Lords of order. Either side a force more powerful than almost any in this town can even understand, let alone compete with.

You can say that we are already 'involved', and you are correct. However there is a subtle difference between being 'involved', and 'joining'. I do indeed hope that people stand up and do what they believe is correct. Determined people breed results. Results are needed now. I simply wish that all understand fully what they are saying and doing when they take a side.

Dead fools bring me no income.

Determined people fighting for what they believe in tend want things done and done will.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Daerm »

*Daerm walks up to Rowen*

"I may be the most annoying person you know... but you still like me! Dont try and deny it, everyone knows it's true."

*Daerm snickers, smiles, and claps Rowen on the back*

"Besides, I don't hold hard feelings... I know how it feels when you can get stressed out. Sorry about the whole situation, glad we got it worked out."

*Daerm stops smiling for a second...*

"By the way, thanks for all your help keeping the crazies out of Bombour's. I wish I was strong enough to toss them out the door!"
Daerm Doublenix
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Post by Rowen Kane »

*looking way down at daerm*

Little man i will always call you friend, and for the rest of the town, Nyrhtak is right, we need to band together, support each other, show all who wish to do us harm that we won't cower under our mothersd dress but will stand together and fight til the death it means that one life will be saved, nothing is in vain. i may be choas, but i am sick of seeing people die because they won't fight or help in some way. *glances at flint*
i will gladly give my life for any of you, all i ask is that you will do the same. Save our town, and friends.
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Post by Daerm »

"Thanks Rowen!"

*Daerm's resolve looks stronger from Rowen's words*
Daerm Doublenix
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

Though misguided as he may be, I will not raise my hand against Divin.

Flint has been shown that chaos doesn't have a place for him. Obviously they have no place for heroes.
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Post by Rowen Kane »

Dearm i am willing to teach you how to be stronger if you like, but i must warn you, it won't easy or pain free. you know what they say no pain no gain. i will treat you like any one else i have taught. most say that it was the most painful experince in thier life. but my offer still stands. i could also mentor you if you like but that will be alot more painful.
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Post by Daerm »

*Daerm smiles to Kane*

"Would be nice, but my studies will keep me busy for quite a long times, probably for the next 10 moons. I appreciate the offer and may take you up on it in the future."
Daerm Doublenix
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Post by Rowen Kane »

My offer will stand as long as still breath, and to the rest of you all, I will teach any member of this town any skill that i know and if i don't have the skill that you want i will try to find a teacher for you.
Rowen Kane
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*steping from the shadows*

Yes Nyrhtak, i'm horribly misguided but my path is already chosen and so is yours but we've already had that talk. Now as for this damned war, this stupid conflict and has kept my busyier then i could have imagined but I'll see what i can just do about labeling midway as already won so they'll stop attacking.... stupid knights get so full of themselves and just start killing anything, i've even had to put down a few that got too far out of line. Now just like wars before even the winner doesn't really win, no matter what this plane will stay a midgrounds and all this war will acomplish is the need to rebuild. I suggest you all stay uninvoled and work to stear the proficy twards a better end.

Now Kane, if you want to get rid of that gift go talk to the blazing suns, just know you'll not get another of it's like in return.

Now Nyrhtak.... we should go have a talk while i have a few hours free... I have this idea you see....

*Divin walks out the back door of the inn*

(brad, im me or something)
Divin Stormshadow
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak snarls, then grins*

We have had this talk and assuming you don't go all crazy on me we shall adhere to it.

Lets talk..

*Nyrhtak exits with Divin*
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

now why oh why woudl you think that i may go, quote unquote, all crazy?

*divin laughs and continues out the door*
Divin Stormshadow
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak enters the Inn a few moments later shaking his head back and forth*

The man's nuts. Ah well, we shall see.
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Post by Spiff Fizzhlebohp »

About the attacks. They have said that they'll stop attacking Midway and the surrounding towns if I go with them. Sounds like a good trade if you ask me. That is unless peope would rather have the chance to see me hang then save hundreds of lives. Whatever works for them I guess. Interesting thought though. Kinda makes my ego get a little bigger just thinking about it.

*Spiff looks at the guards by the doors and smiles*

Wait why is it that I have been arrested again. Just wondering.
Spiff Fizzhlebohp
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