From the jail ;-)
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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From the jail ;-)

Post by FloggdaGreen »

*any who pass by the jail notice a valkin'vi sitting with his back to the wall, a mysterious grin oin his features, arms behind his head speaking casually to the person in jail with him*
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Post by Wraithson »

*the valkin'vi stops talking for a moment to watch the people as they roam across the town, a playful grin adorns his skull painted features. After a moment he looks around and speaks*

Well this certainly turned out to be an interesing journey did it not my friend?
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Post by Michael K. »

All journey's are interesting. Just remember that there is more to a journey then a destination, and with every destination, a new journey begins.

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Post by Wraithson »

Of course you are right my friend. One can only wonder where the journey will lead next.
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Post by Raven »

The young Valkin'Vi woman with skin that shines oddly like the moon, pauses for a moment near the jail, her bright green eyes curious. She tilts her head, long tapered ears alert and a corner of her mouth quirks up.

"Well, an odd wind it be to blow thee to such a resting place. It would seem I have missed some things while my wandering feet carried me away from this place. Perhaps I would like not the answer, but if I may ask, and thee might honor me with an answer, what has brought thee to this pass?"
" moonlight and shadow..."
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Post by Wraithson »

*valkin'vi man stands and bows in respect to the lady*
Ah mi lady that is an interesting tale. It would appear that I am being kept here til the next moon for mine own protection. Something about standing in the way of the local mage slayer. Odd since all I did was speak in defense of my friend. Ah well tis but a small thing. *stops and thinks for moment*

But I am being rude mi'lady allow me to introduce myself. *bows in gentlemanly fashion* I am called Jackyl Wraithson, but you may call me Wraith fair one. Might I have the honor of thy name?
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*A rustle in the woods and a shadow form into the visage of Solari as he steps out of the woods near the firepit and makes his way to stand near the jail*

*Regards Raven*
This one, *pointing to Kharma with a snarl on his face that only cyclebreakers can bring out* is TAINTED, if he were not in there either Kimberlyn or I would have done away with him already. But he says that he is willing to have the taint removed if at all possible, If not... *glaring at Kharma* he will be removed from the cycle post haste. Human or not necromancy can not be allowed to spread it's seed.
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Post by Wraithson »

So the lady's name is Raven? A good name for one so fair. I will enjoy meeting you out of these environs upon the next moon.

*a cold glare is directed at Solari*

As for you sir I would thank you not to threaten my friend. Things will be sorted out in a moon's time. I'm sure that a quest or the aid of essence magic, whatever that is as I know nothing about the arcane world but rumor and conjecture, would be able to do what other cures could not.
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

OOG: I never stated her name that's for her to do if she pleases.

I do not threaten. Necromancy will be wiped from this world sooner or later and the sooner the better.

*Regards Kharma* I hope you do find a cure... sooner rather than later.
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Post by Wraithson »

OOG: Sorry my mistake.

Perhaps it shall, one can never know how what the future holds. But my friend is NOT a necromancer. I have said this enough times and will hold my peace about it for the time being.

*turns to the lady*

My apologies madam for the outburst. Twas rude of my to do so, such anger is usual not unleashed on my part. I much prefer to remain calm rather than lose my temper thusly. I sould enjoy speaking with you again mi lady.
*realizes his rudeness at not introducing his friend*

Again my apologies mi lady. This is my good friend Kharma, and a better friend I could not ask for.
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Post by Michael K. »

Peace, please, to all of you.
It is unfortunate that my coin ran out here, and events turned out so. I have been above board in my dealings with any and all here, but I understand trust comes with time, though I would prefer to let my actions speak for me in this.
*turning to the wood elf*
I am not a necromancer. Believe it as you will or not, Son of the Cycle. I will readily admit that I have taint. I am not trying to hide it. If you do not believe me, ask the Hunter what I told her when she asked if she could assence me. Through no choice of my own, I was born to a father that worked the blasphemed magic. So judge me by my birth as you will.*turning to Wraith*
Please, you have stated your defense of me. Be at peace. Words alone will not change people or their opinions. By continuing to defend me in such a manner, you begin to cast yourself in a light which is unflattering to both yourself and your cause.
*to the lady*
As for me, I am Kharma. This is my travelling companion *gesturing to Wraithson*. I fear his friendship has led him to some rash decisions, and he now resides next to me, just as in our travels we walked together.
And it is true, I am waiting to see if a mage of essence may be able to remove the taint my father and my assosiation with him imbued my with. It is not such a bad thing, this incarceration. It lets me rest my feet and think a while rather than having my feet be road sore and my mind tired from the constant vigil needed when travelling.
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Post by Wraithson »

*Wraith closes his eyes and smiles*

You are right old friend. You always have been one of calmer temperment. I have few friends, those that I have I tend to overly defend. If I have offended any with my words I apologize. My loyalties matter to me almost as much as my dedication to my art. Old friend you are right to tell me to be at peace. I shall have to meditate on the sword forms my old teacher taught me.

*turns again to the lady*

Be well mi lady. I will hopefully see you again on the next moon.
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No apology needed.

Post by Michael K. »

It is not me that you have offended, if you have indeed given offense to anyone. Just remember words can be as sharp as swords and hurt just the same. Perhaps moreso, for there is no healer that can bind those wounds and time may make them fester.
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Post by Raven »

Raven locks intense eyes upon Kharma, studying him solemnly for a moment.

"Whatever the charges against thee, thy words speak of wisdom. I do not judge hastily even though Taint has caused much woe in my life. However..."

Here she turns with an unhappy frown to Solari, appearing somehow ashamed and apologetic at once.

"Forgive me friend Solari for I cannot help but empathize if this man speaks the truth. I once carried the burden of an unwanted heritage though in a different way than he. I am still innocent when faced with such pain I am afraid. I also hope he will be cured."

She then turns to Wraithson, smiling.

"I thank thee for thy courtesy and commend the defense of thy friend. Have patience and faith that the wind may blow in his favor and the twilight soothe his suffering. I will help cure him if I can though I know little of such things."

She laughs suddenly, low and melodic.

"Forgive my rudeness gentlemen. I am Raven Nightshade though some would argue the last to be Campbell now. I hope to see thee again under more favorable circumstances."

She looks to Kharma once more.

"Have hope."
" moonlight and shadow..."
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Post by Wraithson »

*walking to the bars Wraith bows*
I look forward to our next meeting madam. Twas an honor to meet you.

*sighs for a moment then clears his throat*

I suppose now is as good a time as any to offer my apologies to the mage slayer. I meant no offense, and in no way did I intend to incur her wrath. If she was angered or offended by my words then I offer my apologies.
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