Making our move
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Making our move

Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon enters the inn and walks to the center of the room, glancing briefly around at those gathered. He stands there, seemingly in thought, for a moment before finally speaking loud enough to be heard over the din*

"Let me start by saying that, despite whatever words or harsh disagreements were uttered two days ago, I know that all of us here share the same common goal. I want to make clear to each and every one of you that I love and respect you all as brothers and sisters-in-arms against the threat that has come down upon us from the Red Tear. That has not changed."

*he pauses for a moment, letting the last of his words die down before continuing*

"I know many of you have been angered, as have I, at the ineptitude of General Fuller and his many questionable decisions. For some, that anger has transferred to the Kingdom at large. I have heard almost everyone in Legacy speak with disdain and frustration at his continued presence as a General on the field."

"First what I wish for you to realize is that many in the Kingdom shared your concerns, and were actively working to rectify the situation. It is possible that had we not been forced into the necromantic world, he would have been removed long before he attacked the Kunapan... or that his attack would not have occurred. As to why he was not removed afterward, Catherine and I met with Fuller's superiors, and what we found was that Fuller's version of events were not entirely truthful."

"However it is a moot point now. I have just met with Van Droven, and he has told me that Fuller will likely be in chains after his bungling of the King's war operations against the Red Tear. To my knowledge he will be removed from command. I do not yet know who will take his place."

"For those of you who question the Kingdom and its motivations, let me say to you that I know firsthand, that the King, his advisers, and Prince Greyston are brave and honorable men. Silverthorne has long stood opposed to forces that would destroy the natural balance for their own ends. Forces like Gromm... and now the Red tear. "

"But while I believe that Ryphisto and the essence magi have the best of intentions and I will lend all my support and aid in assisting them in healing the wounds that now exist between the Kunapan, Silverhthorne, and the Avyana. I question their judgment. To talk of forming a new kingdom will certainly be seen as an aggressive act that will plunge them into a war with Silverthorne for years at the very time that we can ill afford yet another enemy."

"It is my view that we should retire from this place back to Midway while keeping a portal open between the two and continuing to work with the Essence magi, provided they do not assert claims of territory over this land. I will continue to work through political channels to ensure that Silverthorne will be willing to treat with the Kunapan and the Avyana, and thus unite us all against our common foe. But to claim Alric's gift, or to assert any semblance of independence is sure to have the opposite effect of what is intended - namely it will make it MORE likely that war between those who should be our allies continues."
Last edited by Sir Llyshon on Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Archian »

I admit that when they first came to us it seemed as though what the mages were suggesting was the correct course of action to stop the Red tier, but after listening to your words, Lyshon, it is evident to me why your deserve your new rank of Knight. You have given me and i am sure all others here a lot to mull over.

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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Deathly yellow with a rasping cough Daniel stumbles into the common room of the inn. Leaning on a staff he makes his way over and sits down by Llyshon before speaking.

"My friends," Daniel rasps as he places a hand on Llyshon arm, "do you really feel that our only hope of survival and someday defeating the Red Tear and all they stand for requires us to turn tail and leave these lands? To surrender what we have fought for and what many have died for!

I am sorry if my words seem harsh or if I offend, but... but I was there, I lost many a good man a just few days back. I saw them fighting against evil. I saw them trying to stop the advancement of undead. I saw them winning that battle and holding their lines. And then I saw them being ripped apart by beings we called allies! By the trees of the forest with no more of a mind than to kill. And why? Why would or how could they do this? Because MY MEN bore the symbol of Silverthorne? Of the ONLY Kingdom willing to fully commit to the effort of stopping this darkness coming from the sands.

Rather than talking of retreating there must be something else we can do?" Daniel looks around the room and locks eyes on the bard and her harp, "I am so sorry Wren, but like you said we have to make our stand and pick our sides. If there is no reasoning with IT then there must be other things we can do stop its madness... to stop its unchallenged murder of our people.
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

* Aroura comes down from the rafters of the Inn*

Daniel what battle did you see us winning? For I did not see that. I saw us all fighting and barely holding ground not making any. And He who removed us all gave us all a break. A chance to regroup, and rethink this Strategy.
And the IT you speak of has a name IT is Woods Father the oldest being I have encountered in all my days of travel. He was here before the land was dust. He alone decided to cast everyone who was fighting each other out of this land. So do not even suggest that all the Trees, Woodelfs, Essance Mages were against Silverthorn. He gave warning to stop fighting each other, band all together and together, Silverthorn, the Aviana and Kunapan could all defeat the Red Tier. But we did not. Nor even try, recently.
Even I did not comprehend how quickly he wanted this done otherwise I would have pushed harder for it sooner. But he does not understand the world of politics. Which I also do not pretend to fully understand. Though I do understand some choices to calm the situation.
While I agree that I do not wish to leave this land, I understand the need to return to Midway for political reasons.
*Aroura looks down in sadness, and walks outside*
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Post by Floggdagreen1 »

*looking up from the a back corner of the inn*

Flogg think maybe tree guy right. Dese necrojerks be enemy of all right? Why it bad that we work with da bird types and lizard types ta win war? Ifin it only cuz dey not pinkies den Flogg say that dumb.

Seems ta Flogg dat yuse not want ta even think bout workin with not-pinkies. Why?
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Post by Ash »

Eve gets up quietly and moves across the room, then out the door.
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Post by Taban »

*Taban stands up mug in hand*

"Now I know I don't know much about the polictics of this area. but it seems to me the "magic" user's want to make their own nation which well it scares me if they have their own nation what is going to stop them from doing what the red tear are doing now. magic is something I don't dabble in and don't plan on it so please tell me if I'm wrong in this opinion. also I follow what my pack mates say since they are wiser and more know-led-gble in the surrounding area."
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Edrick Stormbane
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick has been listening to the talk and speaks up*

I have a couple questions on the politcal issues
1. Is Silvertorn Army falling back from Legacy?
2. Has anybody tried to treat with the Aviana and Kunapan. It sounds like we need make them allies not enimies. How can that be done?
3. How big of treat is this IT or tree demon is?
4. Has Fuller always been so reckless? I wonder if he has be tainted by the necromancers?

I know this. The battle is here at Legacy. The true enemy is the Red Tear. To me, if we leave Legacy, the Red Tear has won a victory. Yes, it is grim now and there is much hard work ahead of use, but I have seen this town do some amazing things. What will be gained if we retreat to Midway? I know I will stay here at Legacy fighting the Red Tear until they are dead or I am.
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*A woman carrying three shortswords sits nearby where Llyshon. She has been quiet and when Aroura speak just sighs. Once she is out the door she just shakes her head after listening to the statements that were made. She listens further to the individuals before speaking.*

First, Fuller is from what I've heard from you all an idiot. General Fitz-Droven and especially Baron Von Droven are the types of leaders with merit Sir Lyshon has been speaking of. They are both individual that can be respected.

Second *looks at the new individual who spoke about mages* the LAST thing anyone especially King Silverthorn will want to see is an uprising of a MAGEOCRACY. He will do anything and EVERYTHING in his power to prevent this. It was one of the reasons back in the day Mage Hunters came into the picture.

*Looks at Eldrich*

Woods Father and a few others are proposing that Legacy be a "buffer zone" between the Kingdom of Silverthorne and where the Red Tear are located near the Sea of Dust. Sir Llyshon can explain it far better then I can for I know what I am thinking, but I want to see if my instincts are correct on this one.

*Looks over at Daniel*

Good to see you Daniel. For now it appears I have been reassigned to this area and the Midway and away from the front lines. We will have to catch up sometime soon.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Places his hand on Daniel's briefly and nods to him in greeting* "Your anger is well justified my friend. But this area is already lost to Silverthorne for the time being. No one holds these lands now except for Woods Father and the Essence Magi. But they will not be able to hold them from the Tear for long without our help."

*Llyshon looks up at the rest of the group* "And Daniel speaks truth. What other Kingdom has risen up to oppose the Red Tear? What other kingdom has paid the price that Silverthorne has, in blood? The toll is heavy. Peasant boys, barely old enough to shave, are being conscripted and sent to the front lines to face horrors from their darkest nightmares. Yet they go. They fight... and they die under our banner. No other nation has paid so heavy a price."

*Llyshon closes his eyes and visibly calms himself before continuing*

"I admit that when I hear others question my Kingdom, or speak out against it, I grow angry. For decades we have fought and spilt our blood for the safety of others, some of whom are the very same people who question us." *He looks pointedly at Rowen Kane when he says this* "While I know that he did not understand... Woods Father made a grave error when he attacked Silverthorne. His warnings came much too late to be of any use. The Kunapan and the Avyanna would not ally with us overnight. Neither would they allow our diplomats to come to them yet. I find it ludicrous that a being so ancient could not understand the need for patience and for time... yet he has acted in his wrath against us."

"These Essence Magi are citizens of Silverthorne. Ryphisto himself is a citizen. To even speak of forming a new kingdom, or claiming these lands outside of Silverthorne may be seen as treason... whatever their intentions. And despite what I have heard some of you say, Sir Alric WAS a knight of Silverthorne, and he loved and followed our King. There is no question as to his loyalties. For those who would say otherwise, well... I lived and worked and studied with the man for years. No one here knew him better than I."

"I will say again that I believe our place is in Midway. I believe strongly in the goals of the essence magi, if not with their methods, and I will work with them. But only under the caveat that they do not lay claim to these lands. I see these lands as Silverthorne's. If the King wishes to cede some part of them to the Kunapan and the Avyanna as enticement to further our diplomatic aims, then so be it. But they are his to cede, and the essence magi tread dangerously close to the brink of treason if they claim otherwise."

"That is how I see it. Others will see matters in a less favorable light towards the essence magi. Others will misinterpret their actions as a grab for land and the rise again of a mageocracy, assisted by the wood elves. Some already speak of it. Kimberlyn is right. Should The King suspect this, there could be no hope of peace... for the only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor. If our Kingdom battles the essence magi, it may be the end of all. "

"It is disturbing to me that Ryphisto and the essence magi themselves could not understand this. To my mind, it is a blunder as great as any that Fuller has made. I only hope that cooler heads may prevail amongst the townspeople, and that through our combined efforts we may seat all of our allies at the table. We did so with the Kunapan and the Avyanna. We will have to do so again. In one respect, Ryphisto is correct. If we do not unite. We die."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Racking with coughs and a mixture of blood and spittle Daniel again gains air to speak he looks to Aroura, "Yes, Woods Father does have a name. A name that I have heard time and again with growing concern. This isn't the first time we've had major issues with him. Correct me if I am mistaken, but isn't he the very same being we overlooked for taking innocent people prisoner and refusing to release them unless we brought him living necromancers to exchange for them? If that wasn't bad enough now he is killing. Age and grace can only go so far before, at least to me, his actions resemble the very enemy he claims he is fighting. Murder, kidnapping, and extortion these are not the ways of Essence as I have come to understand it. Mark my words, I do not claim to be a Mage nor a being greatly knowledgeable in their ways, but to me he acts not as a great and wise creature willing to help us, but more like a child throwing a temper tantrum for not getting his way and not getting it now. For us to leave Legacy seems to me to be a surrender. How are we to redeem ourselves in the eyes of the Kunapan if we leave them to perish against the Red Tear alone. How are we to convince the Avyana that with us as allies we can stop a common enemy if we are not even here to offer that aid. Tree Father may have the best of intentions, but as I have stated in the past and re-state now, the ends do not always justify the means. For what does it profit a person to gain the whole of Phantara and loose their own essence? If to beat the Red Tear we must resort to these means, are we now not becoming just as bad as them?"

He then looks to Lyshon, "If we must leave then we must, but I fear that they are following a being that is completely insane, when it comes to this Wood Father. He is no longer the being he once was before our age."
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
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Post by Zen Zecharion »

hmm. interesting. it would seem that there are many different accounts of what is actually going on right now, and more specificly, what the issue is that needs to be taken care of.

perhaps we should look at these actions as an itemized list.

first is the issue of loyalties and political views, of which the situation is the current standing of the town of legacy and its surrounding lands. in this item the choices, as they have been made appearent to me are to establish with the kingdom that those that reside in legacy that are already aligned with the kingdom remain as such, or to stay here and allow the kingdom to make its own conclusion. to me the answer is clear on this issue, those aligned with the kingdom must travel to midway to make their alliegences known, then return to deal with the issue in this land.

second is woodfather and the expulsion of the armies. given that there were 4 armies and that the wood had little trouble expelling them, even if they were surprised, i do not believe that the wood is in dire straights as of this moment, but that is not to say that they may not be at a later date should those armies seek to destroy the wood specificly. as i recall i heard a tale of the destruction of the old town that would apply to this situation, but i will not go into that in public forum. so i see the options as this, do nothing. or meet with the avyana and kunapan to address the meaning behind theirs as well as silverthorns expulsion from the wood and attempt to gain their support against the red tear, noting that it would not be beyond the woods power to do more, much more than meerly expelling the armies should they continue to quarrel over petty things rather then face the real threat head on.

third is the focus of those authories in silverthorn that currently reside among us, specificly their actions and potential actions against the essence mages. i have heard talk of this magocracy and of being far more concerned with "rogue mages" than the massive undead army that is on our door step. would a few mages that do not register with a kingdom so that said kingdom can keep tabs on them be more important than the ARMY OF UNDEAD THAT ARE TRYING TO KILL US ALL (exclaimed voice, not yelling). i do not short those among us that are in service to the kindgom in regulation of mages, they can go bad, and in a big way, but there are FAR more important issues at hand right now than ensuring that mages are kept on a short chain.

i hope this is helpful in focusing further discussions on our current plan of action.
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

I agree with Daniel.

What will be gained if we travel to Midway? What of the troops of Silverthorn? I don't understand the reasoning of why we must retreat to Midway? Are we that lost?
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*With the talk of rogue mages Kimberlyn look directly at Zen*

I am only going to say this one time. Mages who wish to cast within the Kingdom of Silverthorn must register with the Guild of Magi. There are no exceptions to this rule.

All necromancers and rogue mages will be killed on site. King Silverthorn knew what he was doing when the rules were created for it was his ancesters *She looks at Llyshon for verification* who took down the original mageocracy in the first place.

I...I stand behind the orders given to me back when I first became a Mage Hunter, back before we became members of House DeVris back when we were agents for the King himself.

Llyshon is correct as is Sylas if lines are drawn in the sand this will become ugly...why Ryfesto would push for this is beyond my comprehension considering he was once head of the Mages Guild Council itself....back when people like me were trained to do what we do.

*She looks at Llyshon*

Lukas would never have stood for this....ANY of this.
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Post by Zen Zecharion »

*addressing kimberlyn about the mages guild*

of course, and as i said when mages go bad, they go WAY bad, but my point is that you have an army of undead marching toward us that is being led by mages that can go as bad as you can possibly go, yet we quarrel about petty things amongst ourselves, my point is that we should focus on bringing down the necromancers, we dont have, from what i can see, the resources in warriors and mages alike to police our own ranks while battling against the red tear at the same time. perhaps some faith should be put in the mages guild itself to protect the kingdom from rogue mages for the time being while mage hunters like yourself go and hunt those mages that really need hunting.

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