Delegation to the Kunapan
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks looks to solari* "um.. in case you didn't know, or forgot, i know exactly how to get to our un-fun brethren. I just... don't have the means to get there physically. That many golems is past my ability... and my homeland has yet to do a single thing to help..." *mutters under his breath* "last time i bring every dead consort of the prince back to life... took half the dam council to resurrect them..."
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The robed Kunapan converse in rapid whispers as Llyshon speaks in Andar, then turn toward him when he finishes.

“We have no reference of this ‘Shri’Illi’Aingun’ , ‘Regis Mortem’, or any of these other names you mention. Indeed, you seem to know a language we do not.”

One of them then turns to Skarr, and speaks in lizardspeak. One of the Silverthorne battlemages, with a translation spell of his own active, translates. “It would seem there is much knowledge to be had here.”

The Warmaster nods solemnly back, and responds in lizardspeak. “Then the settlement and human civilians will be spared, contained, and tolerated to assist your efforts, Honored Seeress. The Legion will preserve any found records.”

“Knowledge will come more quickly from the willing. I sense the potential here is well worth an Alliance.”

Skarr does not look pleased, but again nods. “Then so shall it be. These lesser beings - these soft-fleshes – will enjoy an honor they hardly deserve. They will have the favor of the Kunapan.”

He now replies to Rooks. “Normally, no, you could not dissuade me. But it would seem our most Learned finds worth in the Humans. We will not attack, but send emissaries to exchange knowledge and learn of your plight against this ‘Red Tear’. But surely a competition between champions may be arranged for the entertainment of all.”

The Seeress listens to Solari. “We see your affinity for Essence Magic. Your kind has always been well attuned to the Cycle. They did well enough, a thousand years ago, when the undead rose in number both within and without the Ascendancy to carry out coordinated attacks, for Kunapan to form a pact of mutual assistance with them. When the Life Wars ended, the Wood Elves faded back to their forests, as elusive as ever. If you are once more gathering your strength, this is indeed a notable event. The Triumvrant, itself, must hear of this.”

“But I regret the Un’Far’Dar is yet another name unfamiliar to us.”

As Solari mentions aiding Kunapan Scouts, General Fuller erupts. “You will NOT provide these walking crocodiles with any information on our allies!”

All reptilian heads swing toward him with slitted eyes, and there is much jostling and hissing from the surrounding Kunapan soldiers.

“So,” Skarr snarls. “In finding you we have found our true prey, as well! Those who harbor our enemies will receive no mercy!”

“Ha! I would never treat with such beasts!” Fuller responds.

The Warmaster glances briefly at the Seeress, who sighs and gives a single slow nod.


“You dare- ?” The General can say no more as ranks of Kunapan warriors fall upon the delegation from all sides.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*As General Fuller again erupts, Llyshon glances to Sir Frederick, then pointedly towards the General, as if to communicate his frustration with Fuller to the Knight. When the lizardmen army begin their attack he shifts into his elemental form and runs to the front of the Thane, seeking to protect him from any onslaught.* "FORM AROUND THE MAGES" *He screams* "PROTECT THE NOBILITY!!!"
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Post by Chronixxx Thunderforge »

*Chronixxx looks at Fuller with a *my oh my you are one of the dumbest humans ever ook*

Then he looks at Lyshon, steps back and whispers something to Rooks*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Sir Fredrick shouts over the din of blades and claws, “ENSURE YOU ARE IN PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH ONE ANOTHER!”

“BATTLEMAGES! ON MY ORDER!”, Captain Greggor bellows. “THREE… TWO… ONE… TELEPORT!”

The main body of the delegation vanishes.

(If you wish to remain behind, post as such. At this time, you can’t make out who’s going, who’s staying behind, and who may be down.)
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari extinguishes the flame in his hand and puts his hands on the Thane and Erdick if they're still there and screams*

I'm leaving, grab on 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 teleport.
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*looking at fuller* wow... you single handedly... wow... *sense magic level ten on fuller prior to the teleport*

*rooks spins his back to chronixxx and klogg locking shields with them, and awaits to see what actions unfold*

*chuckles to chronixx and klogg* Wasn't my fault this time, i behaved myself."
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Post by Chronixxx Thunderforge »

*chronixxx stays away from the silverthorne group with Rooks and Klogg*

"Id say we behaved quite well compared to previous times"
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The Kunapan continue to fight for a few more seconds before Skarr shouts “SKIRMISHERS – WITHDRAW!”
No other members of the delegation remain behind. All others had managed to teleport out.

Ascendancy Commanders echo the command, rather needlessly considering the fight was now over so compact an area, and the soldiers back off from the three remaining adventurers.

“Our quarrel here is with Humans and Avyana. You, Chronixx, still have our gratitude for the use of your flying ship, and our respect for your battle prowess and crafting skills. A credit to Dwarves. Klog, your mastery of the battlefield will surely be something to behold. But not here, not like this. I hope to meet more of your kind one day. Rooks, you have a command of magic exceeding the reach of my Legion’s finest Mystics. The Triumvrant, itself, would likely enjoy discussing methodology and philosophy with you.”

“You are free to regain your vessel and depart. You have the luxury of choosing the side you will fight on during the coming battle, or merely observe the glory of war.”
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*Rooks lowers his shield and addresses skarr*
"I thank you for your offer and your respect. I have no clue how this will play out now. With someone that high in the military structure gone so awry... odds are full on battle will be unavoidable. I know many who will most likely stand with those idiots for their kingdom when you descend upon them, and undoubtedly I will be asked to join them. I wish to see no side fight in this combat as you know, and will still seek any means to further the cause of phantara, and minimal life loss.

As I said when we first met I would love the opportunity to come and learn more of your people. I would happily make time to speak of my understandings, believes and experiences of this world with your people."

*rooks looks to the skies*
"So much hangs in the balance here... and one fool can toss us into oblivion. I must keep my light going..."

*re-addressing skarr*
"I thank you for the respect you have shown me today. Let the next time we meet be as friend, so the drink may flow endlessly and the tales be grand. But should be meet as enemies, let our blades sing for ages of the glory of our battle. "

*rooks waits for any replies then walks towards the boat*
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Post by Chronixxx Thunderforge »

"I also would be interested in hearing more of the great kunupan and the wars of 1000 years ago. If we have time, I would like to return and listen before the Blood moon comes.

If the humans do fight they will most likely ask for my help. But I will only agree to fighting you Skarr. So when the time comes and we have not meet again, seek me out in the battle."

*Chronixxx then waits for the response and leaves with Rooks*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“Much would be to gain from such an information exchange.”

Skarr holds up a restraining hand while still holding the eyes of Rooks, Chronixxx, and Klogg. “Patience, Honored Seeress. While these non-Kunapan hold esteem, they also hold our enemy’s ear. Let us wait on such commitments until after the Avyana and their upstart Silverthorne friends are dealt with. Then we shall see where we all stand, and then shall we consider such discussion.”
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