Delegation to the Kunapan
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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Warmaster Skarr seems pleased to see Rooks and Klogg arrive. “Ah, Rooks! You are welcome to speak, of course. But the challenge is high, indeed, if you seek to convince me of the worthiness of this ‘Kingdom’.”

To Llyshon. “You understand better than your so-called leaders. You have shown strength and magic worthy of a Legion Commander. Completely unfathomable that you have not put this newt down (indicating Fuller) and taken your rightful place at the head of your armies. But you are not the Warmaster of the humans. You have not the right to treat nor challenge me. A pity. I have not been defeated in over 300 years, and relish the thought of an opponent who might actually be a threat.”

Skarr considers Chronixxx’s words. “A fine argument for letting these humans be. But I reason that Silverthorne’s tendency to ‘draw powerful opponents and pay well’ would indicate they hold something that others want. At the very least enviable land and great wealth. Perhaps the Ascendancy should discover what this great draw is, and claim it for the greater good of the true civilization of Phanterra.”

He nods to the Dwarf. “Rest assured that, should you fall in battle, no Kunapan will consume your body. Thus will you have a chance to fight on another day.”

General Fuller snarls. “You have threatened the Kingdom I serve, and insulted me personally. I AM the commander of Silverthorne’s armies! It is with ME you ought to be treating with – not an Elf, a Dwarf, and a Squire! You will have the war you covet so much, and your forces will break against our defenses at Legacy! Your defeat is nigh, and you shall find neither fear nor mercy in the eyes of the Silverthorne soldiers you face!”

Skarr is truly enjoying this. “Excellent! You may be weak and powerless, but at least you finally show some spirit! My Legion will come, battle will be joined, and we will see who falls. But you, unworthy General, on your flesh shall I dine!”
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Solari Son of the Mother
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari stands off to the side watching for the most part, when he's sensed he senses (level 5) from where the sense came from, when Llyshon transforms a small ball of flame glows in his hand, he bares his teeth and he steps to where the Silverthorne delegates can all easily reach him.*

*quietly* If things go awry I can get you all out.

*After Llyshon transforms back Solari looks towards him puzzled but keeps the flame in his hands alight*

*Solari chuckles* Cowards? Interesting, those who have stood idle long enough that peoples hundreds of cycles old have forgotten them. Yet those who have ventured into the unknown and stood against the greatest threat to this world are cowards, interesting indeed.

Tell me Warmaster Skarr, what is it you seek? Battle? Glory? Honor? It would certainly be a shame for all that idle standing by to be wasted. What is it you seek, it cannot be battle or your peoples would not have as you yourself said stood by for so long. So, what is it you seek?
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“Ah, a Wood Elf! What has prompted you to come down from your tree and partake in civilized affairs? Do you also protect Humans?” He turns to Fuller. “Just how many races does Silverthorne hide behind, General?”

Without awaiting a reply he returns his gaze to Solari. “We seek the Avyana who dared assail the Ascendancy. Some of those directly responsible for this brazen act – which has doomed their entire race to genocide - came this way, and my Legion is on the hunt. We will not rest until every one of them has been torn asunder by Kunapan talons.”
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari bursts into laughter*
Civilized, thats the funniest thing I've heard in moons!! You are obviously wise, I think you know better than to think that my kind has chosen to protect the humans. No, we as always, protect what we always have, the land and the cycle.

So, the Avyana have been treacherous, *raises an eyebrow* not surprising. So you and the General here DO have more in common than pride, a dislike and distrust for the Avyana. Not to mention the threat of utter annihilation by the cyclebreaker armies.

*Waves his hand to indicate the army*
The Kunapan's prowess in battle should be obvious for all to see, you wisdom has been shown to a degree as well, do not let pride stand in the way of it. Your Legion is indeed mighty, but is there any wisdom in warring with the enemy of your enemy? Is there any wisdom in creating more undead soldiers for the undead hordes? Surely you can see that warring with Silverthorne and the Avyana Kingdom as well as the undead hordes all at the same time is not in the least a wise thing.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*While the Skarr converses with the others, Llyshon moves next to Sir Frederick and begins speaking to him in low tones, so as to be inaudible the General (although those standing in the immediate vicinity might be able to hear)*

"Sir Frederick, these Kunapan do not seem to pose a direct threat to the kingdom. Or at the least, they are a lesser threat than that posed by the Red Tear. As you have no doubt seen, they measure a leader's strength by his magical aptitude. They treat General Fuller poorly because he has no magical ability. Their hierarchy is based solely upon strength, and to them it is unthinkable that a mage of my strength should be his inferior."

*He sighs as General Fuller explodes at Skarr, then continues to address the Knight* "The General is putting his pride in front of the welfare of the kingdom. War with the Kunapan may be inevitable, but we should at least attempt to convince them that we are not worth their attention. Skarr seemed interested in battling with the Tear. It would be a wiser course to direct them in battle towards our enemies while avoiding war with them ourselves. It seems that they are not here to attack us, but the Avyana. My concern is that the General's pride may bait them into a war with us at a time when we can ill afford another enemy. The General will not listen to me, nor would it be wise for me to challenge his behavior in front of the Kunapan, further eroding their view of him, I implore you to act before our efforts here are lost!"
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Stepping away from Sir Frederick, Llyshon speaks to Solari, "It is not simple pride that drive the mighty Kunapan. All that has stood between the Ascendancy and its destiny have always been obliterated. Three enemies assailing the mighty Kunapan at once would indeed be a glorious battle, one worthy of the Ascendancy." *He pauses a moment, then takes a deep breath before continuing. *Yet those three armies would also be warring with one another, weakening each other. The armies of Silverthorne fight not only the treacherous avyanna, but also their Red Tear allies. It would seem to me that the true strength of the Kunapan army would not be tested unless they met with the full force of the Red Tear and Avyana armies. It seems to me that two armies of great strength would be a more glorious conquest than three armies that weaken another." *Llyshon looks at General Fuller now.* "General, I implore you to not enter into war yet with the Kunapan until after they have destroyed the Red Tear and Avyana armies, as I am certain they must." *As he stops speaking, he looks glances quickly to Sir Frederick, then back to the General and waits patiently for a response.*
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari chuckles again*

Do you always say everything you're thinking? I understand that, it still does not answer the question of why?

*returns his attention back to Skarr*

The Avyana may be what you are after now but they are not what you seek, why were you on the move after such a long time in the first place? What is the destiny you seek?
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Sir Fredrick responds to Llyshon in a low voice. “The problem that I see is that neither side knows enough of the other. These Kunapan remind me of Orcs. For now war appears inevitable. We are either too weak to be shown any consideration, or are strong enough to provide them with an enjoyable challenge. They can’t seem to fathom we might actually hold our own against them. We need to defeat them in battle at least once. Soundly. Only then, I think, might they respect us and treat us as equals. That battle had best occur in the very near future. We will speak more on this later.”

Skarr laughs as Llyshon talks with Solari and General Fuller. “Nice try, Warmaster-who-is-not! You hope my Legion would be sufficiently weakened by the Avyana and the undead for your humans to repel us! Your hope is in vain. Nothing can truly test the Ascendancy – nothing can match it’s strength and glory, only fall before it’s superiority. Regardless, it is your pathetic race that will be brushed aside first – to pave the way to vengeance against the Avyana and glorious combat against this supposed ‘Red Tear’.”

He then turns back to Solari. “Why? We were attacked! That has at last provided the much needed ‘why’, and so have we responded. We seek, and have found, vengeance, war, and glory. We hunt the Avyana who came this way for more of the same. As a bonus, we have discovered a new human tribe – one that’s actually willing to hold ground against us - and an undead concentration to clear out. A new age is upon us – one favoring the Legions!”
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick keeps an eye on the stituation and those near him and the mages knowing fihgting might break out any moment. He try's to keep a blank expression on his face, but when the talk turns the red tear and the undead army his face goes cold and a hatered can be seen in his eys.
Edrick says nothing for he is a stanger in a strang land has come to this meeting to protect those who serve and help the lands of Silverthorn*
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon smiles grimly at Skarr and inclines his head in a respectful nod* "Very well. But the time of Humans as "tribes" is long past. You will find that we have multiplied and grown in strength over the centuries. I look forward to meeting you on the field of battle."

Ignoring any further comments from Skarr, Llyshon returns to Sir Frederick's side and responds to his comments quietly, "Yes... a trial of strength is needed. I had hoped he would challenge me, and even were I to perish, I hoped to prove the resiliency and strength of our kind so that the loss of life necessitated by a battle would not come to pass." *Llyshon sighs* "If Skarr will not be diverted into the Tear, then it appears we are out of options and battle must be joined, as you said. It seems our delegation here has ended. I suggest we quit the field."
Sir Llyshon
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Ehh hem...

Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

"The potential strength of the humans was accepted before this delegation arrived, due solely to the worlds of an elf, an orc and a dwarf. Three races, with, honestly very little to gain or lose here."

*Rooks turns to general* *Fuller, I would have expected more. We made it clear to Fandrill that we needed someone with a cool head and could prove the strength of his army, not the volume of his boast. You would think a kingdom with so many enemies would have been more diplomatic towards a potential new ally. Remember, an elf proved his strength and value to these people with words alone. Words, that were said to save the lives of hundreds of your soldiers." *a quizzical looks comes over rook's face* "And for one who demands respect for his title, i would think you would put more stock into properly addressing a diplomat to one of your bordering kingdoms." *chuckles into his hand* "Not that my title matters, nor little else, its my actions that must now speak.

*rooks turns to address skarr* "Well, this could have gone better. I apologize for having convinced you that a simple meeting such as this would find these two great armies allies. I most likely made promises i have little power, myself, to complete. I only beseech you, give me a few more minutes of your time, or perhaps that of one of your historians, teller of tales, or one who would remember tales of long ago. Have the Legions ever joined forces with another for combat? If so, why, when, against what foe? I ask to understand better, as i know very little of the tales of your kind, and even if no treaty is to come of this, i at least wish to know more of the past of your kind, to show my respect.

I have more i wish to say skarr, but if you could first let me know if what i ask is possible, then i will finish my speech."

*rooks turns again to the delegation* "Many innocent lives hang in the balance here. I understand general, if you choose to thrust you men into battle with the Kunapan, but you put far to many others at risk with your actions here. This thing is bigger than you, bigger than me, and you would do well to remember that."
Rooks Bloodsinger Reayvalynn
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Fuller bristles. “Captain Fandral is not in command here! I chose to grace these reptiles with my personal attention, yet they have thrown that honor back in my face! They are the irrational ones here! They are the ones who arrive full of bluster! But I will send them back whimpering to whatever holes they crawled from! Our alliance against the Red Tear certainly does not need the help of such arrogant and barbaric beasts!”

Sir Fredrick nods his agreement to Llyshon, and is about to suggest an immediate departure to Fuller, when Rooks speaks.

“Let us see how this plays out.”

Skarr, who had been smiling at Fullers words, now frowns at Rook’s. It is one of the robed Kunapan behind him who replies.

“The Ascendancy’s history is spotted with temporary alliances with non-Kunapan Lizardfolk, Wood Elves, and Guthrie in regards to the emergence of necropolises, goblin and Gavin raiders, and the Life Wars at the end of the last millennium.”

“But such alliances were brief,” Skarr interjects testily, “and largely unnecessary. Few Non-Kunapan are worthy to fight alongside Ascendancy Legions. Those who prove themselves are granted the honor of doing so, but Ascendancy victory is never in doubt – with or without such allies.”
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Nods in response to the Knight, then tilts his head to one side as the robed figure behind Skarr speaks. He looks at the figure and states, "The Life Wars? What our people called the Essence Wars..." He pauses, and looks thoughtful, then stepping forward calls out in the ancient An'Dar language, *

"Your prison of the splitting shall not hold me. I am the master of suffering, the lord of death, and all the living of Phantera will join me in my retribution or weep as they are crushed under my heal. My ten thousand years of suffering is ended and I shall feed again on the victims of this pathetic world. I am Shri’Illi’Aingun."

*Here, Llyshon pauses again, allowing the sound of his words to die out amongst the crowd. He then states quietly in common, "Shri'Illi'Aingun. Regis Mortem uttered those words at the beginning of the war of Essence." *Llyshon walks forward and points at the robed figure.* "His seals have weakened. I was there when the bowl of time was shattered. I fought against his forces when they raided the ancient An'Dar city beneath Elthinaar and withdrew the sword that was to shatter the bowl of Mind. Long have we fought against him. Our Kingdom stands against him... he has come again... and the Red Tear are his harbingers."

*Llyshon continues, "If the Kunapan allied themselves with the forces of life of that time, then also did they ally themselves with some of our kind. For Sir Alric, an Essence Mage who faught in that war, was revered as one of us. He was an adviser to our King, and also was my tutor for a time. If proof of our strength can be had by words... then you should know that our Kingdom, and the people here at this meeting have stood again and again against the forces of Regis Mortem. But for us he would already have been unleashed in his full might against the world."
Sir Llyshon
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not a need, but a want

Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*Rooks is still only addressing Skarr, standing next to Chronixxx and Klogg*

"Now skarr, if i remember it correctly i never said that this alliance was a necessity, as i would not wish to call the strength of the Kunapan into question. I brought about the proposal with my friends here in the thought that both parties could gain from such an allegiance. From what i have gathered speaking with you i would guess i could drone on like one of my kind for millennia and it would never sway to to accept an alliance with the kingdom of Silverthorne am i right?" *Rooks chuckles heartily* "So i propose something to further this process, which should be to your liking. You said it yourself, give these people a chance to earn the honor to fight by the side of the great Kunapan legions. Let them prove their worth of this, in battle. Nothing large scale, I wouldn't want to see to many lives lost in such a thing... unless of course its required. Lets say... a gathering of champions? Be it one on one combat, or a melee between the two sides. One way or another, it should be a good fight, and if it isn't you will have proven the might of the Ascendancy to any amongst this kingdom that might question it."

*rooks lets a smile pass his lips* "what say you skarr?"
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

What the war chief that is not a war chief says is true. Phanterra once again faces a war of life. Ask your aids, I have the mark of life upon me, granted by those same essenge magi. My peoples have gathered together once again, as it was in those times. Soon the remnants of Regis Mortems taint on that place will be obliterated, and my peoples will join the fight in full to once again turn back his forces and defeat him.

I humbly request that an audience be granted to the wood elves so that we may treat with the Mighty Kunapaun, as was in the past. I also humbly request a small bit of information. If there is any information provided on the subject in question, I will stay for one night and one day until the sun is at the same height in the sky on the morrow and give what aid I can to your Kunapaun scouts to find the Avyana you seek.

*Solari makes sure to scan back and forth over the war chief and the robed figures faces for recognition*

I would ask for any information you may have on what you may know as the Un'Far'Dar, they would have similiar appearance to Rooks or I, but would not have the ability manipluating the mothers grace as we do.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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