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Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Tom and he will notice she smirks a bit at the comment.*

I really do not have much information on the thieves. The ones I ran into lacked. oh how to I put this nicely, intelligence. However those could be just the ones used as bait or whatever. You never know Tom, they could give us a run for our verlin, so I would not presume we could teach them a lesson with an arm tied behind our backs.

*Her eyes brighten for a moment*

Blindfolded however might make things fair for the thieves.

I like thieves about as much as I like necromancers and rogue mages. Needless to say since they are pestering people in Midway, bringing them in will be my pleasure. If they decide to draw weapons it would be an unwise move for although I will not kill them, for punishment is for DeVris to decide, I will make things most unpleasant.
Kimberlyn Thurs-kona
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Post by Gorrick »

(Gorrick looks at kim with a huge twinkle in his eye)

Could i tell you over dinner.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks over at Gorrick and is a little startled*

You do realize with whom you are speaking to, correct?
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Post by Gorrick »

(Gorrick looks at kim with a look of great intrest)

madam i am sorry if i hae angered you with my request, But i am nw all i se is a woman that has brawn to match her beatuy.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Gorrick a little more closely to study him in greater depth*

I am not angered, how about taken a little off-guard by the request.

*She pauses for a moment*

As flattered as I am by the request sir, I am going to have to decline. It is a long story, but the short of it is that well a part of me in truth belongs to another.

Besides, I am an Agent of King Silverthorne's so the whole concept of diner and all is a little lost on me. As you could probably gather from the conversation I was having with my friend Thomas over there, a good part of who I am has pretty much been explained. It leaves little room for anything else. I am all about duty and my responsibilities to my King and this town.

*She looks over at Thomas*

Tom, we should probably go and find Sabin to see when he wants to go track down those thieves.

*Looks back over at Gorrick*

Perhaps sir we can talk some more one of these times I am in the Inn. At Lt. of the Guard I am a tad curious about your background and all.
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Post by Gorrick »

(Gorrick looks at kim)

Perhaps one day i can change your mind about the dinner. And as for my Background i would love to tell you.

(Gorrick pauses,and looks around then back at kim)

and maybe you can help me, but for know i can see you are busy.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks back over to Gorrick*

If you need assistance on something, you can always ask. I may not be up for it, but I can probably direct you to people in town whose talents you might want to use.

As for the diner, it is a very nice invitation, but I have already explained how I feel on this subject.
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Post by Gorrick »

(Gorrick laughs)

ok i am sorry i will not try any more.

(Gorrick looks at kim with trust)

but as for my history it is not somthing i want alot of people knowing so an in is not a good place to tell is there somewhere we could speak, alone ... i think i can trust you if you work for the king.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Gorrick with curiosity*

We could speak by the fire. It is less crowded then it is inside.

*She pauses*

It is the best I can offer you. I mean we just met and I tend to be a tad cautious until I get to know people, just ask my friend Tom.
Kimberlyn Thurs-kona
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Post by Gorrick »

(Gorrick leans towards kim and wispers in her ear)

My family twas killed bydark elves and they tuned me to this form you se here i am realy a wild dwarf. elven peasents found my destroyed home and an 12 year old elf. I hate there race and i need help finding my way to the batards who did this to my life.

(Gorrick looks back at kim with sandness in his eyes and begins to shed a tear)

this is my lifes goal i hope one day i can gain your trust so you can help me.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Gorrick*

I understand to some extent what you are going through. I have not exactly been a big fan of dark elves.

*She pauses for a moment*

Humm...perhaps the Archon of the Mage's Guild might be able to find a way to reverse what has been done to you. It is possible perhaps to transform you back into a wild dwarf. Since the spell has already done what it was suppose to do I doubt I am going to be able to remove it. I can however give it a try if you would like.

The first step would be for me to look at you a bit more closely and see if the spell is even on you. If it is, then we might have a shot depending on the casting level of the magi that did this to you.

This is unfortunately the best solution I can offer you.

*She looks at him with understanding*

I made a promise to someone that I would stop the vendetta I once had. If the individuals who did this to you comes into town and try to create problems that is one thing, but with all the mage activity around here lately, a majority of my attention has been on that.

I am and to some extent am not the person whom you have heard stories about these days. As I mentioned if you would like, we can talk more by the fire. Currently I am waiting to see if someone wants me to track down some thieves.

If you head out by the fire Gorrick, I will be out there in a few minutes.

(OOG-either e-mail or PM me)
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Post by Gorrick »

yes milady

(Gorrck nods at kim and heads toward the fire)
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Post by Sabin Remson »

*Sabin, after being startled by kimberlyn for a little while, finally responds(OOG: Sorry guys, My Internet was down for a little bit :lol: )*

"Ok, I was almost robbed just recently by these styupid thieves, and quite frankly, I REALLY didn't want to be ROBBED, THANK YOU! They are getting VERY annoying, and ALWAYS fools you for them being someone else. I just want them dead! :evil: :evil: :evil: YES! Kimberlyn, I don't know how you could help, but just-- well... If you SEE them, or if they try to rob you, JUST KILL THEM! :twisted: Just be warned, they can be quite sneaky! 8)

*Sabin turns to Gorrick*

"Good to meet you Gorrick, my Name is Sabin Remson. I usually help people new to midway, so if you need any help on anything- ?'s, help on fighting, don't hesitate to ask..."

*Sabin COntinues his drink awaiting for gorricks Response... *
"Nobody Said the Life Of A Warrior Was Going To Be Easy..."
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Post by FloggdaGreen »

*upon hearing Sabin ranting about killin again Flogg gets up, careful not to hit his head and moves over by the new elf. muttering under his breath*

try ta tell em, but nnnooooo nobody listen ta Flogg.
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Post by Matt Meyer »

* With a grand smile, and a wink at Kimberlin *

" Well if you ask me, killin is 1 of my specialities ,and if i remember
correctly its 1 of yours to so we'll havelots of fun.

As i recal i do belive Zero waas attacked by a thief type last moon
and the reson we couldent do any thing was he was human and
Zero isnt,and knowbody saw it occur.

Regardless, i do belive this itch needs to be scrached. Hard!"

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