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Divin Stormshadow
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*looking over at Sylas*

They threw a party and didn't invite us, I just know it. From the looks of it a pretty rockin party too....
Divin Stormshadow
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

A human warrior in deeply scarred heavy armor is in the lead.

“You did miss the party.” He said. “The first major paying job for the Harrison’s Folly Chapter of the Mercenaries Guild outside of the city!” He extends a hand. “Brock Jacobs, Guild Captain. House Toevass hired us to clear this place out of Frogmen so they could begin excavation of these here ruins. Apparently they extend well underground. A hard fight, but we had the manpower and ability to handle it. Only needed to use two res potions. Once the armor repair and healing are finished, we’ll be on our way back to collect our reward.”

“Kinda surprised Toevass didn’t turn to you Legacy adventurers, first. Seems that would have been more practical and convenient – not that I’m complaining.”
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*shaking the mans hand, then touching his armor (cast spell; repair armor)*

*looks impressed during the mentioning of Harrisons Folley's up and coming Guilds, untill he hears about Toevass*

*looking suddenly angered*
"They did. I told them it was off limits because it was inhabited. Looks as if someone from Toevass and I are gong to have a 'chat'."
Disclaimer: the above is the author's personal opinion and is not the opinion or policy of CARPs or of the invisible men that follow him around.
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“Thanks for the armor fix. Gentleman Neglotius of House Toevass is currently staying in some Guthrie wagon built for humans in the Riverside District, but he’ll be setting up shop right here very soon, I’d imagine.”
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*looking focused*
"Then I should go give Neglectius a visit."
*relaxing a bit*
"Captain. While I understand you have excepted a job, and I would never ask you to put your men in jeapordy, please do your best to avoid unecessary conflicts with the creatures of this area. We have enough on our plates with the Red Tear and Undead to be making more enemies."
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*looking over to the captain*

plus, there was this guy Jack here, he made these tasty little fish things, guess he's probably gone now, too bad really, man oh man where those things tasty....

well maybe it's not too late.... Have you seen Jack? He's green, about yeh high, talks kinda funny, makes him way hard to understand. Come to think about it, not sure I every had a clue what he was sayin. I asure you he looks like a Jack though, you'll know it when you see him.

*starts to wander off looking at bodys*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Brock appears confused as he watches Divan walk away, then turns back to Sylas.

“Bad business to fight things we’re not getting paid for. Had no troubles getting out here, and we expect the same on our way back.”

He looks over his shoulder as an Elf near the tower calls out.

“Looks like we’re ready to head back. A pleasure to meet you, Constable.”
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Solari Son of the Mother
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

"From a tree overhead Solari snickers"
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*watches the Captain go, then hearing Solari's snicker in the trees grimaces without lookng up.*

"Think thats funny.. have you heard the one about the 'missing essence stone'?"

*begins walking*
"Im going to find Mary and Aroura if you two want to join me."
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*after hearing Slyas's comment abotu an essence stone Divin stops and starts to riffle through his bags*

So there are really only 2 places that stone could be. One, it could be on my person, and two it could be off my person. I've just looked and it's not on my person so it seems i've narrowed it down by half the posibilitys for ya.

Maybe Jack had it... You should help me look
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari hops down still chuckling*
Neglectius... ironic and classic... Anyway, how'd the stone get taken without whoever was gaurding it alerting anyone? I'm assuming that NOONE would be silly enough to think that a little running water would be enough to keep the Red Tear from snatching such a powerful artifact. Especially since it served as a natural barrier to thier attacking army, that'd be like leaving the one bridge to your stronghold ungaurded and thinking the moat alone would be deterrent enough.

Right... I'll ask the animals if they saw any human folk drag a big rock out of the water, hopefully there are some animals that make their home near where the stone was. Where was this stone at?
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*pausing for a second*

"Hey Divin. After your done looking for Mat, or Whatever you said his name was, could you do me a favor and and burn the remaining bodies? Assuming there Dead of course."

*turning to Solari*

"Im gonna go out on a limb here and make an off the wall semi-accusation. Rather then guess it was the bad guys doing bad things, Im guessing it was the Dumb/Greedy guys doing something Dumb and Greedy. We have entirely too many idiots running around here, and I wouldnt be surprised if one of them pulled the stone out of the river to keep it in their bath tub, or moat, or what have you."

"With any luck we might be able to catch up with Aroura and Mary"
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

least these guys don't have hair... man I hate the smell of burnt hair

*and with that Divin start lighting up the dead bodys*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Dead Frogmen don't burn very well - especially when laying in swamp water. But somehow Divin has them reduced to cinder in short order - including those completely submerged.
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Looks in amazement as Divin burns frogmen*

Between that mantle and the mountain, I'm surprised you even remember who you are sometimes. *snicker*

Let's hope so, although if Summer's vision is to come true this spring the undead army will find a way to cross the river in droves and droves regardless. And finding a stone heavy enough that it took considerable strength and multiple people to move that also I assume radiates some intense magic will be much easier to find in one of the villages than in Red Tear HQ. Samson Bulls would be the first place I'd look, he's definitley one that would take the stone to pretect his own interests instead of the communities and one that would think that he had every right to.

Speaking of that, someone should probably check on the southern lizardmen.

*Looks back to Divin's efforts and wrinkles his nose*

You said something about catching up to Aurora and Mary, are they at the spot where the stone was before it went missing?
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
Sunlight Reflected Off Of The Dew As The Sun Crests The Hill
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