Essence Stone Quest
Music, fun, and best of all, lots of Ale! One cannot ask for more than that, except for a warm bed, which they have as well.

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Mary Baker
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Post by Mary Baker »

Coming back to report what she has seen, Mary speaks in a low voice.

"Across the river I see a ruined tower of dark stone with perhaps two dozen adventurers fighting from and around it. Scores of frogmen charge fearlessly against them, while their shamen hurl magics at the motley collection of humans, elves, orcs, gnomes, and guthries. But those around the tower are clearly experienced warriors and know how to fight together. Shield walls hold the frogmen at bay while pikemen run them through. Mages cast death upon their foes while protecting and healing the fighters. Numerous frogmen bodies all ready litter the surrounding swamplands.

I don't understand what this is about. I want to keep going on our quest, but I thought we had an understanding with the frogmen. I'm uneasy about the slaughter occurring across the river. Why are they trying to take this tower, and what are they trying to protect?

What do you think of this Aurora? We'd be foolish to ignore it, but would it be even more so to interfere? We've not the resources to spread ourselves thinly."
Head Magistrate, House DeVris,
Legacy Chapter
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

I believe we should take a moment to run back to the inn explain what we have seen and continue on our current errand. The people in the inn can either try and handle it or come up with a plan while we are gone and we can assist when we get back. But i do feel we shouldn't delay our current mission any more that we have to. There are people at the inn that would be able to track our steps to find the frogmen and the other people.
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Mary Baker
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Post by Mary Baker »

"You are much better in the wilderness than I am. Why don't I keep heading up towards where we placed the stone, and you can catch up?

Basically we're just following the river's edge to (points in the direction...OOG can't remember what the name of the place is, but remember the location). My tracks should be easy to follow in this snow.

Oh, I'm planning on checking the river bed itself too. If you want to go in with me you're going to need to hold your breath for awhile somehow. It should be deep enough where we dropped it that it shouldn't be frozen over yet. But it's going to be damned cold, so I wouldn't blame you if you stayed on the banks. "
Head Magistrate, House DeVris,
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

Well i will run back to the inn quickly and tell people what is going on. And return as soon as possible.
As for the holding breath, that's not a problem. I have a spell to breath underwater. As for cold, not much for it, i'll get a fire started before jumping in.
I will see you shortly.

*aroura takes off at a run towards the inn (wilderness lore level 2)*
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*aroura runs along the path to where they were before. looks for Mary's tracks and follows them up the river to where it looks like mary stoped.*

Mary are you here? *waits for awhile for a responce or obvious sign of mary being in the water*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Aurora meets up with Mary near the outskirts of Harrison’s Folly. The outcast city appears transformed – earthworks and a rude palisade surround most of it. At the main rode into town, six men in the red livery of Samson Bull stand sentry. More beings can be seen atop crude towers constructed along the palisade. The Essence stone should be further up the river, near a lumber mill owned by the Bull.
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*running up to mary*
Hello again.
So it looks as though sylas and divin are going to look into the Frog man issue. Then Sylas is going to find us.

*looks ahead*

Well that's only a little bit of a difference. (heavily laiden with sarcasim)
Do you think we'll need to go past the gaurds to get in? I could just teleport us near where the stone was dropped in.
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Mary Baker
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Post by Mary Baker »

"I'll speak to Samson and see what he knows. I'l tell him that Sylas sent me. Let's go."

Mary hails to the men at the entrance. "Greetings! We have business with Samson and the river. Has he passed the gate this morning or is he still in town?"
Head Magistrate, House DeVris,
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Thane Bull is currently at his Riverside estates.” One of the guards responds with an emphesis on the title. “You will need to see his Chamberlain if you wish to arrange an audience.”
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*Aroura whispers to Mary*
Wow, this is a FUN new development. Not surprised in the slightest though considering what he thought he deserved when he got here.

*to the gaurd*
Is the Chamberlain in, so that we might talk with him about a audience with Thane Bull? (no emphasis on Thane at all, if anything a lack of it)
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“He will be at the Riverside Estates, as well. Take Samson Boulevard, formerly Traders Road, North along the river. You can’t miss it.”
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Mary Baker
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Post by Mary Baker »

Mary nods towards the guards and gives a curt "thanks". She heads up towards the Riverside "estates" quickly.
Head Magistrate, House DeVris,
Legacy Chapter
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*following at a nice brisk walk that mary has taken*
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

When Mary and Aurora explain why they’re in town, the Chamberlain quickly understands the importance of the issue (for a Wood Elven mage named Licenia Orchid, who has greatly aided in the city’s defense against the undead, had explained the effects of the Stone on the water). He claims there are many small boats on the riverbank, as Riverside lumberjacks are constantly going back and forth across the river to apply their trade. Mary and Aurora may take any such available boat to look for the Stone. A guard is assigned to them to ensure no one takes issue with their use of a boat.

When they reach the river, multiple boats do sit ready on their side of the bank, while many others are in transit, taking lumberjacks to the north side of the river and timber on back.
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*Aroura to the gaurd and mary*
Do either of you know how to man a boat? I know i am not skilled in such.
* to mary* Though with you 'diving' abilities and my magic we may not need a boat. What do you think Mary?
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