A Tightening Noose
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X-GM Fesko
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A Tightening Noose

Post by X-GM Fesko »

Sergeant Bryanson of the Portal Guard arrives in town with two other soldiers escorting an unarmored and disarmed third soldier in chains. A fourth soldier follows behind carrying a large block of wood.

They proceed to the town center, where the wood block is set upon the ground.

The Sergeant clears his throat and reads from a scroll.

“Hearye Hearye! Guardsman Gelt has been found guilty of desertion from his post in a time of war! The punishment for this crime is death, to be carried out immediately!”
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Post by Vaellar »

Ummm...Excuse me Mr. Army man sir...I have a couple questions for you before this mans head gets chopped off.

1. Who found him guilty?
2. When was the trilal and which magistrate proceeded over the trial?
3. Which member of house Jackoric stood in as the truth finder on the trial?
4. Does the punishment really have to be death, given that we are about to be swallowed by an army of undead and we could use every sword arm available?
5. If the punishment does have to be death, then do you have to perform such "unsavory" acts right here in the middle of our town?
6. After this man has served his sentance and been killed, will you allow me to return him to life through my magics?

This seems like a military matter to me, and if that is the case then I believe you should handle this at a military location. We are but a small town of tradesfolk and adventurers and I hardly feel this is the appropriate place to hold an execution. However, I am but a simple Guthrie and should you continue on this course please allow me a few moments time to depart before such foolishness commences.

*Vaellar then awaits the guards response, while looking around for Mary Baker, Kathryn, or Sylas and hoping that he was able to stall long enough for one of them to arrive*
X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The Sergeant continues to speak loud enough for the various gathering townsfolk to hear. “It is a military matter, Guthrie, but as Gelt in his cowardice sought to abandon all of you to the approaching undead, you have the right to witness his punishment! Anyone who tries to flee Legacy - weakened Legacy before its foes - deserves the same! The Coward and the Traitor are one! Let it be known that by the King’s Law all West of the Chaos Mountains are required to stand and defend their homes against the approach of the Red Tear! By the King’s Order the Tarragon River is the line the Red Tear may not cross! By our strength and effort will that Order be upheld! With unity shall we prevail – those who do not stand with us stand against us! And those who stand against us shall be dealt with most severely!”

The prisoner’s escorts kneel him down and force his head unto the block.
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Post by Faerykin »

*walking up from around the back of the Inn, Winter stops as she hears the shouting ... after watching the spectacle, she speaks*

For a King who cares nothing for our petty settlement but as a place to send his royal rejects - then to demand that we stand and fight for it. Infiltrating Red Tear Headquarters, destroying 5 Red Tear Outposts, obviously this means nothing to our precious King.

*she scoffs*

I take these new orders as my cue that it is indeed time to return home.


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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*aroura walks out of the woods*
*to Twilight*
Good thing most of us have not homes here only. Or at all, minus staying in the Inn. It's interesting how those who choose to come here are now required to stay here.

Do you think these men will stay after they kill Glet and fight or go back to there land. Does that not count as lessening legacy's strength now that they are here?

*to Vaellar*
By all reason after the man is killed his sentence has been served. I see not why we could not restore him, the extra man is always needed.
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Post by Vaellar »

So this is the Glory that has become Silverthorn, to end the life of a man who got scared and attempted to save his life without trial or due process.

If this is truly the glory that has become Silverthorn then I will not stand for it. You Sir are an idiot who obviously has not the brains to think for himself and see that the orders and laws hold no place given the dire circumstances we are under, so I will hope that your men have more intelligence then you do.

I say this once and only once. If you decide that you must carry through with this action, then I will be forced to carry through with my course of action....and those results will be most unpleasant for you and anyone else who stands in my way.

*With that the small Guthries hands begin to crackle with multple balls of lightning and a blade of pure elemental air combined with a magical aura appears in his other hand*

Silverthorn and its "Army" can barely stand against the red tear now as it is...if you think they will waste the resources to try and catch an arch-magi of the plane of air after your bodies are destroyed and only ash remains...then by all means continue your execution. Somehow I think that they will have enough problems to deal with and the loss of a few soldiers...nay.."Executioners" will be of little consequence to them given the aid I can provide to their forces at this time.

Make your choice.

Leave this man with me, under my care to defend this town...or chop of his head and feel nature and the winds unleashed.
X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The Sergeant’s face turns beet red as he trembles with rage.

“You… DARE… speak that way of your King and your betters!?! Your very words are treason! ARREST THEM!!! ARREST THEM ALL!!!”

All is silent save for leaves rustling in the breeze.


The Sergeant turns to see his three soldiers and the prisoner backing away.


“B-Begging yer pardon, Sir…” Responds one of the soldiers, “But arrest ‘em yerself.”

The Sergeant stares around incredulously, finding himself alone in middle of a growing ring of townsfolk, adventurers, and soldiers.
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Post by Vaellar »

*The Guthrie gives the sergeant an evil smile, then speaks in a tone making it very clear that failure to obey could be fatal for him*

You are dismissed Sergeant.

*The small Guthrie then turns to the swordsmen, the prisoner and the other assembled people*

You soldiers are welcome to do as you please, stay here and join The Legacy town guard to help defend this town against the undead menace the comes...or you can return to your posts...with him *Points to the sergeant*. I am sure Torvach would welcome men with enough intelligence to know when orders need to be followed, and when they are simply endangering everyone.

*Vaellar then walks over to the "prisoner" and frees him from his bonds where upon unless stopped he leads the man into the Inn making it clear that any of the swordsmen with the sergeant are welcome as well.*
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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

*from off out of the way Divin pulls out a bag of peanuts and sits down to watch the show*

scared humans.... this ought to be good....
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Post by Darthesis »

*** Darthesis speaks from behind the Sargeant.

Sir, you may wish to speak to your superiors to learn more about 'this town' before you believe we would find this enlightening... or intimidating. This group of people have done more work for this Kingdom than yourself, or likely your entire battalion.

We work directly for the army, directly for barons, directly for dukes, and in some cases, directly for the King himself. If someone is going to 'order' us to stand here in front of overwhelming odds, and die defending a piece of land rather than have us stand WITH the military at the pass... first of all they would be a fool, secondly they would need a name.

I can openly speak the name 'fool' as I KNOW that the Baron who still claims this land is Baron Von Droven, and he would never throw away the people assembled here in such a manner. He is many things, but a fool he is not. I respect my King and my superiors, I do not respect anonymous commands from anonymous sources.

Before you pass out orders that were not made clear enough to you, perhaps you should speak to him and have him send an official messenger this town. Then we will know what our ruler has to say in this matter. He arrived in PERSON to ask us to move here to defend this Kingdom, the very least I would expect, and I'm sure he will be willing to provide, is a direct message from his keep with his signature on it.

As for what to do with cowardly soldiers... I could care less.
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Post by peace420 »

*Solari steps from the woods and takes up a place flanking the Seargent his hands begin to glow*

Your foolish King has taken our acquiesence to his idiocy and folly too lightly. How dare he come and ask for our help, promise to reward those that do and then demand that we stay here. We agreed to help on our terms, and now he demands such. Indeed he must be growing senile.

*His eyes begin to glow softly and he bares his teeth with a small snarl*

I would suggest you take the guthries words to heart.

OOG: Solari isn't really casting anything just making himself look menacing.

I bet he probably fainted from exertion, what with carrying around all these items that are um... heavy with value. I should liberate them er... for his own good of course.
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Post by Darthesis »

*** Darthesis sighs

I wish you would all not blame the King for things he has surely not heard about or made any decisions on. If I truly believed the King felt it best for us all to be left behind and destroyed, I would likely feel as you do.

This is the military we are talking about, and they are NOT known for accurate communication, especially in times of a nearly-full retreat.

We should at the very least inform all those around us that we expect the Baron to give us an answer, or send someone to speak with him... by whatever travel means are necessary.
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Without taking his eyes from the seargent*
Send whatever envoys or messengers you wish, I intend to stop this man from losing his life for what you believe to be an obvious mistake in the communications of the military. Because they are inept does not mean this man's or any other's life should be forfeit until we can confirm what your king truly ordered. And I certainly don't put this past a man that has become increasingly more eradic and paranoid over the past few moon cycles. I CANNOT stand by and wait for your heirarchy to do something that I don't believe they will do. You are certainly no fool friend, would the Von Droven or the Silverthorn you knew allow another Duke to send criminals into a territory that they cannot even manage to map let alone defend? Something is terribly wrong here and it's about time someone did something about it and got to the bottom of it.
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Post by Darthesis »

*** nods to Solari

I agree with you that someone should get to the bottom of it immediately. Sylas looked into this last moon and was told that it was INCORRECT. It sounds like some members of the army are confused or some order has been misinterpreted.

As for this man, if he broke the laws that he swore to uphold as a soldier, then I care not for him. However, since he was brought into this town, he does have the right to request a trial by DeVrie. I am not an expert on the law, but I believe this Sargeant has made a mistake if killing him was his goal.
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Kathryn finishes gathering her things from a distant table and approaches the group, surprised how quickly things have gotten out of hand. With a nod to Darthesis...*

I am an expert in the law. Sargeant, I will take this prisoner off your hands in Mary Baker's stead, as she is not presently here. I will place him in the care of our Constable, and in the security of our jail cell until proper trial records can be brought. As the good king's man I am sure you aspire to be, I am certain you know that all penalties of trials are to be carried out with proper documentation by a member of House DeVris, and preferably in a House member's presence.

*With side-long glances at Vaellar and Solari, she takes the prisoners arm to lead him away to the cell*

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