Money, Money, Money
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X-GM Fesko
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Money, Money, Money

Post by X-GM Fesko »

Money is currently very tight in Ulric’s Gift. But if you need more cash to meet your needs, look to the local leaders for work – especially in Harrison’s Folly. The pool of skilled individuals over there is, well, ‘extremely limited’ is something of an understatement.

City district leaders will almost certainly have things needing to get done (legal and not-so-much). Guild leaders generally will, too. Currently there aren’t many leaders to choose from – and those present are dirt poor right now – but that’s all changing as fast as reasonably (maybe even a bit illogically [heck, it’s a fantasy world]) possible.

Until then, while jobs are always available, pay will be low – even in the form of promises. That may well change soon, however, and getting in good now with those in charge isn’t a bad idea. As the city grows, even more money-making methods (legal and not-so-much) will become available.
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Post by Faerykin »

So the Leadership in all four Districts has finally been established?


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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Leader, or leaders, in areas still in flux. Most PCs currently know only of Thandar of the Highlands district. Likewise, no established guilds are yet known.
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