Mage Tower Posting
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Mage Tower Posting

Post by Khalanis »

Greetings fellow Mages,
During the cold of winter is an excellent time to reflect on the events of the previous year and to begin planning for the one to come. In this time of reflection, I am asking my fellow mages for your stories of combat! Now, I'm not looking for musings on the use of powerful spells or rituals of force alone. I'm interested in tales of cunning, cooperation, or novel tactics to get a leg up on your foes.

Have you used, or witnessed the use of mystical prowess to great advantage in combat?

Have you worked in concert with others to put your skills to great affect using clever or unconventional tactics?

If you are a well traveled mage, what advice can you offer those just beginning their journey?

I will be compiling any insights gathered in this matter into a treatise available for all mages of the guild to read at their leisure within the tower.

If you find this a worthy goal and would be willing to share your insights or experiences, please reach out to myself or Dendar Farstrider, who has expressed an interest in assisting in this endeavor. Either he or I would gladly listen to your exploits.


Magus-at-Arms of the Midway Mages Guild
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Rianna Lindsay
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Re: Mage Tower Posting

Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*note written and left on table next to posting*
From an old Archon, Aroura of Silverwillow

while i am sure others have figured it out before me, i recently combined my essence magic and destruction magic to find a way back to old spells before the most recent breaking.
In combining my essence ability with destruction storm i am able to get life storm back. Which allows me the continuously throw essence damage until i move.
this is as the old magic was, but with the only limitation being what energies i have to throw.

Also granting others the ability to wield essence for their weapon during a combat, i learned i have no numbered limit anymore.

for the new mages, keep your mind forever open to new possibilities, the world is ever changing look for those changes and see how they can help your furture goals.
don't get stuck in a set mindset of protection mages can only do *blank*
or fire mage and only do *blank*
there are endless possibilities.
Gone and Yet not gone
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