Announcements for 5th Moon
The Mage's guild tower within the town of Midway. Internal Access is restricted to official members of the mages guild. Knock and politely request entrance, or face the consequences.
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Announcements for 5th Moon

Post by Wrexton »

"Dwarves and orcs...orcs and dwarves..."

Wrexton rushes into the common room of the Tower and posts a piece of parchment without breaking stride.

"Dwarves and orcs..."

The notice reads:

This is to inform every member of the guild of the following changes:

Raedir the Forestwalker has stepped down as Guild Second. I have asked Melaena Rose to take over the role and she has accepted. I believe she is exceptionally qualified and will execute her duties brilliantly.

A new position has been created within the guild. Please, upon seeing him, congratulate Volcor Firewalker on his new role as Magus-at-Arms. His responsibilities include: protection of fellow guild members, internal security, commander of Tower defenses in my absence, elimination of external threats to the guild, and guidance of new mages in the more...explosive...schools of magic. If there are any conflicts between members, I ask that they are brought to Volcor should I not be available.

Thank you, and stay safe.

Wrexton Abernathy Wrenchspinner
Mages Guild- Archon
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"I'll be happy to bind your wounds and heal your injuries, but first a few questions for purposes of research and academic necessity."

"You either die being a true gnome...or live long enough that everyone considers your antics evil!"
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