A short...ish notice posted.
The Mage's guild tower within the town of Midway. Internal Access is restricted to official members of the mages guild. Knock and politely request entrance, or face the consequences.
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A short...ish notice posted.

Post by Wrexton »

To all members of the Mages Guild of Midway:

In light of the recent reinterpretation...or new interpretation rediscovered...or old meaning reinstated...or-

I digress.

Because of the mandatory nature of joining this guild or House Toevass, members will no longer be required to pay the one verlan per moon due. Instead, any who wish to donate are welcome to do so. The usage of any donations will remain exactly as the previous dues: Taxes, tower improvements, laboratories for our craftier mages, and aid to members in finding or pursuing Paths, as well as incidental expenses related to the guild.

Thank you in advance to any willing to donate.

Wrexton Abernathy Wrenchspinner
Mages Guild- Archon
Tinkers Guild - Member
Smithing Guild - Member
Charities and Healers Guild - Member
Scribes and Booksellers Guild - Member

"I'll be happy to bind your wounds and heal your injuries, but first a few questions for purposes of research and academic necessity."

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