Greetings and Announcements
The Mage's guild tower within the town of Midway. Internal Access is restricted to official members of the mages guild. Knock and politely request entrance, or face the consequences.
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Greetings and Announcements

Post by Wrexton »

Wrexton hurries into the Tower and skids to a stop in front of the Tower Golem.

"Hello!" he says waving, forgetting he has a piece of parchment in his hand. "Oh, right, that. Can you post this where such things are typically posted, please? I would look for the proper place myself, but I have to be running along with utmost haste."

He slaps the parchment into the automaton's hand and, with another wave, leaves in a rush.

"Thank you, Golem!" the gnome shouts over his shoulder.

The posting reads:

Hello, everyone.

For those who may not already know, I am Wrexton Abernathy Wrenchspinner and I have been appointed Archon of the Mages Guild of Midway. I intend to make the most of my unexpected fortune and hope to meet all of you soon if I haven't already.

I will be away on pressing matters this 6th Moon, but I have asked Volcor Lorecrafter to act as my proxy while I am gone. Raedir is, of course, still Guild Second with all the authority that entails. Volcor has agreed to be my voice on matters I have already discussed with him, should those matters arise.

Also, I am asking that starting 7th Moon, upon my return to Midway, that all members of the Mages Guild contribute one verlan in dues per moon. As a personal assurance, I will be contributing two verlan per moon. In no way does this obligate future Archons, only myself.

This is to provide for our taxes, improve our library and resources, expand and maintain Tower defenses, help with those in need after the many attacks from opposing forces and factions, and research into more advanced magics and specialties for all within the guild.

One more matter I wish to address: the guild's relationship with House Toevass. I am aware of some matters that occurred in the past that led to a long-standing animosity between guild and house. After speaking with Erinin Nikosa, Head of House Toevass, we are agreed that this history will not hinder our friendship. This is something I would like to see carry over to our working relationship with House Toevass. Given the threats we face, there is no logical reason to foster old grudges many of us never held in the first place. If there are any arguments against this stance, please meet with me on my return.

I wish all of you good health and safety while I'm gone.

Wrexton Abernathy Wrenchspinner
Mages Guild- Archon
Tinkers Guild - Member
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Re: Greetings and Announcements

Post by Anduril »

Posted below.

Wrexton, our Archon,

Thank you for the update. I, too, will contribute two verlan each moon to the Mages guild to contribute to the pursuit of knowledge and to maintain the general well-being of the guild. Few things are more important than the understanding of the arcane arts and I am happy to assist in any way I can. On a side note, please see me next moon, or whenever you are next available, for I seek knowledge regarding a private matter. I look forward to speaking with you.


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