Staying for a while?
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by Dorian »

A fire lights up in Dorian's eyes the essence of a storyteller is felt in the room he starts off.

"I had once known a man, sent out by his people to save others of the same kind, with him followed his father, his brother and a number of powerful warriors. They all had been tried countless times, but one night, one of their seers sensed danger so they made camp in the night, on many nights when in the darkness the two brothers would go out on horseback, riding. On this terrifying night they were racing with no care of danger, they were not afraid. Each could protect themselves and each other. As I said they were racing through the forest and they had both felt that something was wrong, that they should go back, they had gone too far. So they raced back fearing for what might be happening with others. They both were the leader’s son and one had the most powerful will in the study of magic and the other the strength and swordsmanship of a battle made warrior. When they finally reached the camp, there were creatures of shadow that they had never seen before, they were taken aback. Most of their strongest warriors were already dead. Their father was trained to be a grandmaster in both the magic’s and the sword. He had fought and won countless battles. They raced toward their father, seeing that his comrades were falling around him. As they ran, they vanquished few shadows on the way. They were almost to their father. All of his brothers around him had passed. As we ran the shadows were enclosing on him, he saw us running and screamed with such anger and fear for us to leave, telling us to save the other people in danger, to continue on without him and save themselves. He had said that the people were dead and there were no other lives to save but our own. We left, never turning back to acknowledge the screams of pain and the battle cries of a warrior, a true hero. The two finally were nearing the other people that they were supposed to save, they came across a pack of werewolves that were attacking a young Sylvani girl being attacked. Without a second thought, the man of the sword killed the attacker and went after the next werewolf with no mercy. His brother, at his side killing their foes without breaking a sweat. After they had finished their enemies, the man of the sword went to girl to make sure that she was alright. She was indeed, unconscious but okay. The moment the man of the sword had laid eyes upon this girl he was instantly and madly in love with her. His brother was burning the werewolves bodies as the unnamed girl was waking. She at once was alert and drew her sword, the warrior at once dropped all of his weapons saying the he was only a friend, that he only wanted to help her. She was hard to convince but he eventually won her over. They continued on foot toward the people who turned out to be her people, when the swordsman’s brother sensed danger at the place we had been going and he said that he could handle it, and for the swordsman and this girl should go on to safety. So the swordsman and his new found love continued to the nearest town to hear word of her mother and sisters.
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by JLorenz988 »

At the conclusion of the story Miles drops his drink to the ground, simply staring at Dorian realizing what was just told.

When he comes back to, noticing many people are staring at him, he quickly regathers his thoughts and mumbles some words in Sylvani ("I had no idea....")

Uh... sorry for the mess.... I have to go.

At that he quickly exits the bar.
Last edited by JLorenz988 on Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by Ash »

The look in Eves eyes suggests, that as the young man was telling the events of the story, she was seeing them as if she were there.

When he is done speaking and the sounds of the Inn comes back in focus around her, she says “I see that you do not lie. Know this Sylvani Dorian of Nightfall, Keep your oath to your father and you may keep my sister. Become unworthy of her and (in sylvani) “I do not know what will happen to the two of you.”
Last edited by Ash on Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by NPC SoCo »

Bob begins rapidly pouring drinks and refilling the food trays as the crowd picks up and is very happy to be busy.
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by GM Evan »

*The guthries appears thoughtful and then looks over at Dorian.*

"Not bad, I personally prefer a happier story or a tale of purpose and teaching but still a good story. I must say that I think your story is more of a personal tale of experience and adventure then of folktale and legend, but I still thank you for sharing.

It is customary among Guthrie Storytellers to always trade something when we request a story and someone rises to the challenge, so in Guthrie storytelling custom I will craft for you a gift of my appreciation. Tell me a little about yourself. What sort of person are you...Great swordsman, valiant protector or the weak, healer of the sick, mysterious magi, procurer of goods? How would you classify yourself, if such classifications as simplistic as they are, were used?"

*The Guthrie looks the Sylvani up and down as if looking for something. A strange tingling sensation comes over Dorian as the Guthrie is looking him over*

(OOC: Sense Magic Level 10, also can I get a physical description including a general idea of normally carried gear. Visible weapons, armor, etc etc. Feel free to answer this in PM instead of public if you prefer. All visable gear will also be sensed for magical emanations at level 10, just a yes or no if they are magical is fine).
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by JLorenz988 »

After some time, Miles reenters the bar without saying a word. The look of shock is still on his face. It is evident to those around him that something is bothering him. Instead of sitting at the bar, he instead walks to a corner so he can listen to the conversation, but not be in it.
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by Ash »

In a sweet light voice Eve begins to sing.

Away, away away my love away away away.

My heart is breaking this day my love away away away.

I’ll will summer round the winter bend

To come back to you when the road ends.

I live for her she is my love away away away.

She carries me far and sometimes near,

I will remember you my forever dear.

Away away away my love away away away.

Summer come and seasons pass,

However sweet my fair lass.

Away away away my love away away away.

Ending Eve goes and puts her head on Miles shoulder, then starts to talk to him in sylvoni very softly.
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by Yevette »

*Yevette walks into the Tavern, stands by the door and assess it's occupance. Looking over in the corner she smiles at Eve and Miles approvingly, then to the bar area where Vallar and Dorain sit....she takes a breath and walks over sitting near them both. She addresses Dorian first, her voice stern but not threating, more fustrated.*

Here YOU are... Where is My Bella?

*To Vaellar, with sadness.*

This boy came here with My seems I still do not know where she is. I would very much like you to meet her. You have much in common with her.
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by GM Evan »

*Smiles up at Yvette upon seeing her enter the bar, then sort of shirks back at the motherly scolding only to finally relax as he realizes its not being directed at him.*

"Ut oh Dorian...looks like your in a bit of trouble. I am not sure what a "Bella" is but you better find it and bring it in here before Yvette gets really angry. She might take our cookies away!!"

*Reaches out to the cookie plate and grabs a few, then nibbles on them protectively while smiling.*
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by Yevette »

*Yevette sofens and smiles at Vaellar...pushes the plate of cookies in front of him.*

I am not That angry at Dorian....after all he brought Bella back to us....and from what she tells me he saved her life....

*She glances over at Eve....*

Only one of three daughters I am able to keep track of...

*She looks back at Vaellar*

I was hoping you and I could spend some time together...

*She pulls a small package out of her pocket, waves it infront of Vaellar's nose so he can smell the sweetness inside....then sets it on the table in front of her and looks over at him & smiles.*
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by GM Evan »

*His nose and eyes follow the package back and forth, until she sets it down. Then he looks up at Yvette.*

"Well, you certainly know how to get my attention. Aside from a small trip to Ports end for the Constabulary I am not remembering anything my time is committed to. What did you need?"

*Keeping his eye on the package as though uncertain if he should take the Bribe until he knows exactly what is needed, he listens to Yvetter. After a few seconds of inner turmoil it appears his Guthrie survival instincts kick in and he patiently waits to see what Yvette needs before opening the delicious smelling package*
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by JLorenz988 »

Miles glances at Yevette, it is obvious to her that something is bothering him. He watches to see what she is trying to get from the Guthrie...
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by Yevette »

*Yevett is certainly enjoying the guthrie's reaction to her little package...but mearly hoped to get his attention, smiling she leans over and whispers in his ear.....when she's finished she waits for his reaction....glancing over at Mile...a look of concern replaces the smile.*
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by GM Evan »

*Listens to Yvette whisper in his ear. As she leans back he smiles and begins unwrapping the yummy sweets. Taking a deep breath he slowly pulls them apart and carefully tastes the first one, slowly chewing on it to savor the taste much like an elf would do with a fine wine.*

"I find your proposal very much acceptable and will be happy to assist. He then looks over at Miles, winks at him, then turns back to his treat with a mischevious grin on his face."
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Re: Staying for a while?

Post by Yevette »

*Yevette smiled approvingly....and laughs watching him munch on his treat.*

Very good.... that makes me very happy....Thank you

*She glances again over at Miles....and grows more than a little concerned.*

Vaellar Please excuse me....I believe need to attend to something.
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