A portal opens
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The Thanedom's Taste Tester
The Thanedom's Taste Tester
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Joined: Wed May 02, 2012 7:11 pm

A portal opens

Post by Gekek »

A small black portal opens in the counter top by the job board. A small humanoid skeleton climbs out of it and then turns around and pulls a roll of parchment out of the portal. The skeleton turns and tacks the roll of parchment up on the job board. Then after a long stretch it turns around waves at those in the inn and jumps up falling back into the portal which then closes.

On the parchment is the following written in every common language found in the rulebook.

Greetings Midway!
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to your lovely town this Blood moon and thus will be unable to partake of your wonderful chili fest. Fortunately I will also be missing whatever death and undeath you will be dealing with. Never fear though I have managed to complete sufficient acquisitions that I can make it to Midway this month! A close friend of mine has also agreed to help this year to try and make things easier.
So knowing what is going on I have managed to collect some things that should be useful to you. For the first time ever I have collected some magics that can be transferred directly to someone, these boons are also for sale! Unfortunately while I can figure out if the magic would benefit a warrior, mage, healer, or utility, I can’t figure out exactly what they do.
So here is how its all gonna work this year! Everyone will be getting a number again, but this time that number will be the group that you are part of. Each group will have three people who get to come up at once. I’m gonna have multiple lists for people to look at (in every language!) so you can figure out what you want, because you can only buy one item. You can reserve one item before the gather for one and a half times the cost. You can’t reserve boons because I don’t know what they do. If you reserve something you can choose to buy a second items for double the cost! If you want to reserve something write you name next to the item. If multiple people want the same items it may become a bidding war.
So with all that here is what I have for you this year!
Items for 1019 (the list appears to be written in all common languages found in the rulebook)

Black Gems - 10p (x5)
Spirit Sight 1/Ever

Essence Water - 20p
1/Ever Blessing of Essence Minor Boon (cannot be raised as an undead upon next death, goes away when you die). There are 10 drinks in this pitcher and each use will cost 2 Verlan. Boon will be added to character sheet upon purchase of a drink and Logistics will update your sheet between events.

Black Cat Figure - 50p
Cast Invisibility or Perform a Hop 1/ever (x5)

Ghost Figure - 50p
“Solidify 30 seconds” 1/Ever (x5)

Black and white stone necklace - 100p
Cleanse 5 1/Ever

Candle of Twinning Power – 100p
1/Ever When crafted into a planar asylum candle, it allows two planes to be picked and will stack the two planar asylums into the same General Buff Slot. Planar Asylums must be picked when the candle is being crafted.

Chameleon Stone - 100p
Grants Camouflage to the wearer, making them twice as hard to track in the woods for the event. 1/Ever

Dandelion Glass Orb - 100p
Grants the user Planar Asylum: Air and allows them to walk on clouds. 3/Ever

Graveyard ring - 100p
Expend a sidestep to remove the "from behind/surprise" requirement from a single attack for a combat. 1/ever

Harvester’s Wooden Charm - 100p
Doubles the result of Harvesting 1/Ever

Musical Note necklace - 100p
This necklace will complete a Bard song instantly 2/Ever

Pearl Hairclip - 100p
Water walking for the Re-Pop 1/Ever

Potion of Airy Dreams – 100p
Once consumed, this potion makes all Air spells able to be “Focus Cast” (per the Dream rules) for the Event. 1/Ever

Potion of Fiery Dreams – 100p
Once consumed, this potion makes all Fire spells able to be “Focus Cast” (per the Dream rules) for the Event. 1/Ever

Potion of Watery Dreams – 100p
Once consumed, this potion makes all Water spells able to be “Focus Cast” (per the Dream rules) for the Event. 1/Ever

Purple resin ring - 100p
Grants +300 Natural Armor for the repop. 1/Ever

Rainbow stone bracelet - 100p
Allows a protection buff slot to hold both a toughness and armor buff. 1/Ever

Self Love Stone Pendant - 100p
Magic Craft consumables can affect spells up to Tier 3 for a Re-Pop 1/Ever

Silver Leaf Bracelet - 100p
Glide (self only) or Levitate 6/Ever

Vial of Earth Stones - 100p
Double mass and density and makes you immune to knockback and sleep strike for the re-pop into a General Buff Slot. 1/Ever

White Magical Pendant - 100p
Allows the caster to Echo or Storm (per the Destruction one-shot) a single spell 1/ever

Wood and Stone Necklace - 100p
Converts skill uses of Bash into Bash Limb for the re-pop. 1/Ever

Balance Stone Pendant - 150p
Lash Grant Weapon Rune: Essence. 1/Ever

Black Order Cord Necklace - 150p
Doubles the effect of Order’s Armament for Re-Pop. 1/Ever

Copper Flower Bracelet – 150p
Will enhance an “Inspiration of Water” to effect a Racial/Path skill 1/Ever

Creativity Stone Pendant - 150p
Inspire Familiar (restore a familiar’s skill) 1/Ever

Day Stone Pendant - 150p
Allows a Diviner to store a divination from Soothsaying which can be shared with a Group (of four) during the event. 1/Ever

Defiant Charm - 150p
Grants Immunity to Shatter and Sunder Armor for a combat. 1/Ever

Dream Charm - 150p
Throw bursts of Dream damage for a combat. These Packets deal Dream damage equal to 3x your level of Dream Magic. 1/Ever

Dream Warrior Stone - 150p
Call forth a single Dream Blade that deals unmodifiable “20 Dream” damage for a combat. 1/Ever

Night Stone Pendant - 150p
Grants plus 5 levels of Scry Shield for the Re-Pop 1/Ever.

Prosperity Stone Pendant - 150p
Gain 2 additional rolls on your Estate 1/Ever

Starscape Pendant - 150p
Triples the distance you can travel during Star Step for a combat. 1/Ever

Strength Charm - 150p
You may add your Strength to your Vorpal damage for Re-Pop. 1/Ever

Tiger’s Claw (x2) - 150p
This will allow you to make your claw damage Vorpal for the Re-Pop.

Archmage’s Pendant - 200p
This will convert a Slay to Arcane damage 1/Ever

Balance Pendant - 200p
Cast “Banish” 2/Ever

Black Feather Hair Clip - 200p
May use Light as a Feather as a Hop for the re-pop or may expend two uses to triple the distance you can go 1/Ever

Copper Tree Heart - 200p
Resist Drain 4/Ever

Dreamer’s Orb Necklace - 200p
Create a 10 minute portal through the Dream (following the rules for Portals) 1/Ever

Earth Charm - 200p
Triples the damage from Earth’s Mastery 1/Ever

Fire Charm - 200p
Triples the damage from Fire’s Mastery 1/Ever

Gardener’s Flower - 200p
For the Re-Pop you can create harvestable nodes by taking 5 Drain Life per node. (you can only create 10 nodes in this fashion). 1/Ever

Lightning Charm - 200p
Triples the damage from Air’s Mastery 1/Ever

Map Case - 200p
This map case will double the research put into a project that is looking for a specific location. 1/Ever

Rainbow crystal bracelet - 200p
Reduces the mana cost of all spells by 1 for a combat. Stacks with other reductions but can not reduce the cost below half. 1/Ever

Red Cicada Necklace - 200p
Allows Animal Ken to be used as a point ability for the re-pop. 1/Ever

Seashell hair clips (x3) - 200p
This “Creations Gift” will remove the time component to a single crafting skill for the re-pop. 1/Ever

Silver bird beak charm - 200p
Skill Store: Sneaky Bird 2/Ever

Skull Candle, Green-Eyed - 200p
When lit, this candle will open a portal to an Outer Plane. While the candle is lit the portal remains open. Candle can not be relit.

Skull Candle, Purple-Eyed - 200p
When lit, this candle will open a portal to the Void or Dream Plane. While the candle is lit the portal remains open. Candle can not be relit.

Skull Candle, Silver-Eyed - 200p
When lit, this candle will open a portal to the Void or Dream Plane. While the candle is lit the portal remains open. Candle can not be relit.

Skull Candle, Yellow-Eyed - 200p
When lit, this candle will open a portal to an Inner Plane. While the candle is lit the portal remains open. Candle can not be relit.

Slay Fan - 200p
May expend 2 uses of Slay to deliver an Eviscerate for a combat. 1/Ever

Stag Tribe Pendant - 200p
Skill Store: Stag’s Gateway 2/Ever

Tree Travel Pendant - 200p
Group Treewalk (4 people) 1/Ever

Water Charm - 200p
Triples the damage from Water’s Mastery 1/Ever

Water’s Circle – 200p
Once activated every time you utilize Water’s Mastery you may also “Lash - restore 1 mana” instead of repairing mystic armor, this effect lasts for the repop. 1/Ever

Avyana Rose Scarf - 250p
For one combat a use of Sneaky Bird will also grant a Press on the same attack. 1/Ever

Bat Tome – 250p
Reading this tome transforms an appropriate (Under 500 spent cp) reader into a Werebat for the repop 1/Ever. While transformed they gain +100 Life, Claws that deal 10 Vorpal, sidestep x3, dodge x2, detect hidden x10, Immunity to disease, quick healing (100) x3. They take x3 damage from silver while in this form but are minimal to edge and blunt damage. (Reader must make an appropriate costume/phys rep changes per the disguise rules).

Black Cat pin - 250p
Doubles the effective level of Urban Knowledge that the possessor has for the re-pop 1/Ever

Courage Stone Pendant - 250p
Grants a Courage Shield for a Re-Pop. May call “Reflect 20 Magic” against any melee delivered Fear attacks. 1/Ever

Harvester Bee - 250p
Reduce Harvest times by half for the event. 1/Ever

Harvester’s Goggles - 250p
Wearing these goggles allows you to identify how a Talisman component will function in something you can craft. Must be able to craft something from a Talisman component. 4/Ever

Tranquility Stone Pendant - 250p
Grants an Ignore Shield for a combat. May call “Reflect Charm Ignore” whenever hit with a melee attack. 1/Ever

Bear tribe skull bracelet - 300p
For a combat you heal for 100 life when you use a Resist Damage. 1/Ever

Blue ring - 300p
This ring will convert a single target consumable which provides a beneficial effect into a group target item 1/Ever

Blue Peace Pendant - 300p
Allows your earth healing spells to heal drain for the Re-Pop 1/ever.

Fibonacci Stone - 300p
Grant 3CP to Chaos Shadow 1/Ever

Green Familiar Necklace - 300p
Grants a familiar 2CP 1/Ever

Night Bat Pin - 300p
Allows Nightboon to be used during the day 1/Ever

Silver Drake Bracelet - 300p
Will re-open a portal that has closed within the last 10 minutes. 1/Ever

Tree of Life hair/beard ornament - 300p
Grants 3CP to Wyldbeast 1/Ever

Frog Gem Bracelet - 350p
This bracelet has the following enchants upon it that can be called upon once ever by the wearer:
Skill Store Hop 1/Ever
Cast Grant Jump 1/Ever
Expert Bard Stone - Song of War 1/Ever
Destruction Venom 1/Ever
Water breathing 1/Ever

Lover’s Spoons - 350p
A pair of spoons, each spoon can be used to Rift, on a 3-count, to the other spoon 1/ever

Messenger bird charm - 350p
Cast Whispering Winds 1/Re-Pop

Musician’s Scarf - 350p
Masked Power

Soul cube - 350p
This multi-colored cube will allow you to change your access points (must still follow racial access requirements) 1/Ever

Allerian White Flower - 400p
This Allerian hair pin summons forth a Radiance Blade that does 2 points of damage per level of basic magic skill that the summoner possess. Blade lasts for the re-pop or until it leaves the summoner’s person. 1/Ever

Arctic Warrior Brooch - 400p
Plant your feet and gain double AC, until you move. 1/Ever

Green Fluidity Pendant - 400p
When attached to physical armor, will double the armor’s protection for the repop (Double armor points) 3/Ever

Purple and Clear stone bracelet - 400p
You can call a defense vs Disenchant while Blinking 3/Ever

Crystalized Ink Necklace - 450p
This will allow the creation of scrolls and transcribe to be done for 1 less PP per tier of the spell for the re-pop. 1/Ever

Dodge Charm - 450p
Gain Double Dodge for a combat 1/Ever. Gain a second use of Dodge that must be used within 15 seconds after expending a use of the Dodge skill. Does not work for magic granted dodges or skill stores.

Great Tree Necklace- 450p
Lash Treewalk (group of 12 self included) to a single plane of your choice (Inner Plane, Outer Plane, Dream or Void) 1/Ever

Silver Necklace - 450p
This necklace comes with multiple enchants that can be changed out accordingly, each enchant working once:
Blue - Restore 10 mana 1/Ever
Purple - Dream Portal 1/Ever
Green - Heal 50 Drain 1/Ever
Orange - Spirit Solidify 1/Ever
Pink - Firestorm 1/Ever

Siren’s Charm - 450p
This ukulele playing mermaid will amplify the Song of Quickness to grant Phase instead of Dodge. 1/Ever

Wing Pendant - 450p
You turn into a small bird with 10 life and Winged Flight for the Re-Pop or until you choose to end it. You count as a non-combatant while a bird. 1/Ever

Deathsnake skin in a vial - 500p
When combined with 20PP of Aqua Mortis, this will craft a Race Reaver venom that will now work on any creature (excluding prop monsters) 1/Ever

Hunter’s Skull bracelet - 500p
Cast “Banish Undead” 4/Ever

Magenta Energy Pendant - 500p
Transfer 1 Vitality from you to another, target cannot exceed 10 Vitality with transfer 1/ever

Purple Heart Necklace – 500p
Remove Wound Storm 1/Ever

Ritualist’s Transfer stone - 500p
Transfer Enchantment (can only transfer what is allowed per the ritual) 1/Ever

Silver wrapped crystal pendant - 500p
Can copy 50 levels of Gem Crafting or Relic Crafting recipes without needing gems (or Gem Dust) to do so.

Mini-Tinkering Tools - 600p
These tools function as a full lab for the event for a single person’s crafting needs 1/Ever

Sylvani Belt - 700p
Double uses of your Sylvani racials for the Re-Pop. (must be used on a Friday night in order to work for I Can Get That) 1/Ever

Anchor Bottle Opener – 750p
Open a bottle with this and pour up to 6 drinks. Any Islander who drinks one of the drinks may learn the expert level & one shot of a racial skill (or treat it as if they are a non-islander). Any non-islander who drinks one of the drinks gains 3 uses of each islander racial per repop for the event. An individual may only benefit from this once, and drinks must all be consumed within 10 minutes of being poured. 1/Ever

Wolf Mother’s Howl - 750p
When you enter a bleed out count you may howl instead and stand back up with full life points. 5/Ever

Meditation balls - 1200p
Meditate with item for 10 minutes to refresh yourself (gain a repop) 1/Ever

Lair stick - 1500p
When planted and tended to over three moons (IBGAs) this will grow into a Lair for the planter. This lair will be protected with a level 3 scry shield against being found and will be added as a Major Boon on the character’s sheet. Do not need to have Wilderness Knowledge to gain this Lair.

Egg of Rebirth - 3000p
Upon being fed the right combination of raw components, this egg places a single person into a chrysalis and over the course of a week will transform them into one of the following races. This must be done as an IBGA and the components will be collected at the following check-in. This special Race will be added to your character sheet and will become your race and path and you will be able to self teach your racial skills per the Elder learning system.
Fee’Li’Nos - 100 Air Components
La’Sidhe (Dream Spirit) - 50 Water Components, 50 Air Components
Minotaur - 50 Earth Components, 50 Fire Components

Boons - cannot be reserved in advance.

Major Boons - 25 - 600p
Minor Boons - 25 - 400p
New Adventure Boons (Under 500CP) - 20 - 200p

These boons are randomly selected by the person purchasing them from a container. They will be categorized loosely on what type of adventuring might find them most useful. Once selected, the boon binds to the person and cannot be redrawn. Gambling at its finest!
Gekek Farwalker,
Lion Tribe Warrior, First Warden of Lion's Pride Peak
Scout, Member of The Keepers
Head of House Toevass in the Campbell Thanedom, Keeper of the Fifth Tome
Slayer of Vath, Guardian of Phantara

Mike, Assistant GM, Logistics team Player Marshal, Magic Marshal, and Rules Team
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