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Assisting Raven land [Nov/Dec]

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:50 pm
by Clonk
In the days following, Clonk makes periodic rounds into the Silver Rose, thanking those who went to the Raven lands to fight back Blood Axe forces.

"If any wish to help in their recovery or hunt more Blood Axe between Gathers, I am looking to travel there soon. Any who would join me are welcome."

Re: Assisting Raven land [Nov/Dec]

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:27 am
by Anya
Anya steps out of the kitchen, "I'm not sure what I am doing this moon yet, but I can certainly provide your group a portal down there. If you can find out what sort of supplies they need, we can also work on getting those put together to send down there."