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Trade Caravans

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:28 pm
by Edrial
*Edrial stops in and posts up a notice on the board and also reads it*

Members of Midway,
House Mandalor is looking to start bringing in a caravan of raw crafting materials - Basic, Rare, and Exotic components along with uncut gems - twice yearly. Most likely in the months of May and September. Please either speak with your house or guild heads or come to me directly and communicate what volume of which kind of components you would be interested in buying and what prices you are willing to pay. If I have this information up front we will be able to negotiate better prices and insure a recurring caravan to continue to bring us these goods. I will be looking to setup more caravans similar in idea to this in the future as well. If there are goods you know are needed on a recurring basis please speak with me so we can get these needs met.

-Edrial, Head of House Mandalor, Midway.