Tent City of the Harbringer
The tavern in Midway is open for business!

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X-GM Fesko
The Thane's Drinking Buddy
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Tent City of the Harbringer

Post by X-GM Fesko »

Rumor has it a Harbringer named Rowen is travelling amongst the nearby towns and villages telling the survivors from Necroworld who followed the Heroes back to Phanterra that the time has come to return home. Sure enough, over the last several days a tent city has been growing outside Midway as many of those survivors have been congregating there.

They say this is where Rowen told them to go (not the famous Rowen Kane of legend and song, but this Harbringer whom they all - for some reason they can’t specifically articulate – trust implicitly). Here they will wait until the Harbringer takes them to reclaim their dead world.
All answers and declarations are absolute until I change my mind or someone says otherwise
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