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Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:56 pm
by Arsenul
New here and got questions but first. I'm from Eaton Rapids and would like to know if there are any clans that I can join. I do parkour and buildering also known as urban climbing or street climbing but simply put it's climbing buildings. I go rogue all out and I take out people from their base without them knowing. For the questions. Can walkie talkies be considered "Communication Orbs"? What are rules on climbing? Do I need armor? Custom weapons allowed? Can I use my custom outfit?

Re: Elo

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:41 pm
by Kathryn Skress
Here's to hoping you aren't a bot, because if you are, that's the coolest bot intro I've seen yet. And if you aren't a bot, welcome! We (my hubby and I) are from Eaton Rapids also.

You can wear whatever you want for costuming, but custom weapons are up to the Weapons Marshall. I'd suggest giving us a description for what you want to do and we can go from there. I'll let a GM answer about walkies and climbing.

You don't "need" armor. You can use it if you'd like, and it is certainly an advantage if you intend to be a combat character. There are light and heavy armors, and what you choose will affect the types of other combat-type skills you can use (no dodging in heavy armor, for example). If your armor skill is high enough, you can even go without wearing the phys-rep and get some benefits. Many players choose not to wear armor or buy the skill at all, depending on their character type.

Re: Elo

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:17 am
by Sylas Hay
We are always looking for facilities that help CARPs to grow and provide for our players. That being said, our current game location only has one 'building' and for safety reasons we've had to prohibit climbing on top of it. (its happened in the past) It is a wilderness setting, and has trees abound, but as the GM I have to stress safety.
Additionally I have to say no to the 'communication orbs'. Its been suggested in the past with either cell-phones or walkie-talkies, but in my experience they just subtract from the game, rather than add to it.

I hope your not put off as there are many great things CARPs has to offer, and we hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.