Mostly Barbarian questions
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Brooshdar Guldren
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Mostly Barbarian questions

Post by Brooshdar Guldren »

Thanks again everyone for having us for last session. Our group really enjoyed themselves. While playing, a lot of things came up that I had questions on. Before posting I did try to find answers in the rule book and on the forums. What follows are some stuff that I couldn't find:

1.) Killing Blow - I am going to go out on a limb and say that this is used to finish off an enemy before they can get back up. That being said, is it a skill that needs to be bought? What are the mechanics of it?

2.) Barbarian Totems - This was a big one for me because it seems like there are a lot of preconceived notions about a barbarian based off the totem he/she takes. So if a barbarian takes wolverine people think they are always angry/looking for a fight? After playing, I think wolf might be a better fit for me. If I do, what might be the preconceived notions about wolf barbarians?

3.) I also have some questions on the wording of the 'Wolf's Pack' ability.

"Wolf’s Pack – Once/level you may declare someone a member of your pack for a combat. During that combat all members of the pack deal +1 damage per member of the pack involved in the combat (not to exceed +5 damage). A three-person pack grants all three members +3 damage for one combat, but would take three uses of the Wolf Pack ability. Anyone who has the Wolf totem skill is automatically considered part of the pack and does not require a use of this skill to be included in the pack."

So if I am a wolf totem barbarian and I use this ability to make Jaxx a member of my pack, wouldn't there be two people in the pack? Thus giving each member +2? Or let's say there were just 5 wolf totem barbarians in combat together, would they all be getting +5 damage? Or would they be getting +4 because they don't count themselves when figuring out the total number of people in the pack? (Sorry if that was confusing)

4.) Barbarian Tribes - I overheard some people taking about a tribes and totems. From what I overheard, it sounded like barbarians can belong to one tribe but may have different totem animals? Also, are barbarian tribes only named after totems animals or can they have names like "Broken Spine Tribe" and "Roaring Fury Tribe"?

5.) Barbarian Lands - I may be just not seeing it, but I haven't seen much on Northern Barbarians. I want to start putting together a back story for my character, but I don't want to just make things up if there is already a set description for what there home land is like. More or less I want to know:
-How much interaction do they have with humans and other races?
-Is there a ruling body for their land (Barbarian or other race)?
- How prevalent are slavers for their land and might it be okay to have been a slave for a back story?

I hope this wasn't too overwhelming. Like I said, I tried to find stuff on the forums to limit the questions. I will most likely have more questions in the future, so sorry in advance!!
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Re: Mostly Barbarian questions

Post by Gekek »

Thanks again everyone for having us for last session. Our group really enjoyed themselves. While playing, a lot of things came up that I had questions on. Before posting I did try to find answers in the rule book and on the forums. What follows are some stuff that I couldn't find:

1.) Killing Blow - I am going to go out on a limb and say that this is used to finish off an enemy before they can get back up. That being said, is it a skill that needs to be bought? What are the mechanics of it?

Killing blow is basically a way to end the targets life, there are no skill requirements for someone to be able to do a killing blow. It’s also very hard to perform a killing blow on someone that can fight back so usually they must be incapable of doing anything. “Killing Blow – This call takes a three-count to perform, “Killing Blow 1, Killing Blow 2, Killing Blow 3” and must be delivered with a weapon to the target’s chest. Unless the call is interrupted the target dies upon the completion of the Killing Blow.”

2.) Barbarian Totems - This was a big one for me because it seems like there are a lot of preconceived notions about a barbarian based off the totem he/she takes. So if a barbarian takes wolverine people think they are always angry/looking for a fight? After playing, I think wolf might be a better fit for me. If I do, what might be the preconceived notions about wolf barbarians?

It depends on the type of barbarian but think about preconceived notions of actual wolves. Most barbarians act like their totem animal. In the case of wolverines for example many people see them as foul tempered creatures that even mountain lions don’t want to mess with. Same principal goes for wolves and wolf barbarians.

3.) I also have some questions on the wording of the 'Wolf's Pack' ability.

"Wolf’s Pack – Once/level you may declare someone a member of your pack for a combat. During that combat all members of the pack deal +1 damage per member of the pack involved in the combat (not to exceed +5 damage). A three-person pack grants all three members +3 damage for one combat, but would take three uses of the Wolf Pack ability. Anyone who has the Wolf totem skill is automatically considered part of the pack and does not require a use of this skill to be included in the pack."

So if I am a wolf totem barbarian and I use this ability to make Jaxx a member of my pack, wouldn't there be two people in the pack? Thus giving each member +2? Or let's say there were just 5 wolf totem barbarians in combat together, would they all be getting +5 damage? Or would they be getting +4 because they don't count themselves when figuring out the total number of people in the pack? (Sorry if that was confusing)

In your example you are correct you and Jaxx would each get +2 as you are both in the pack. If another wolf barbarian with Wolf’s Pack joined in on your side it would go up to +3 because he automatically is considered part of the pack. So again if 5 barbarians with Wolf’s Pack were fighting on the same side they would have +5 since they all count as part of the pack.

4.) Barbarian Tribes - I overheard some people taking about a tribes and totems. From what I overheard, it sounded like barbarians can belong to one tribe but may have different totem animals? Also, are barbarian tribes only named after totems animals or can they have names like "Broken Spine Tribe" and "Roaring Fury Tribe"?

Arctic barbarians can belong to one tribe and have different totems, its how they are set up. Southern barbarians are different, their tribes are organized solely by totem. For a southern barbarian if you are Wolf totem you are Wolf tribe, Bear totem you are Bear tribe or if Rat Totem you are Wet Rat tribe. While arctic barbarians might be Frost Saber tribe and Fox totem or White River, Fire Spear tribe or one of the ones you mentioned.

5.) Barbarian Lands - I may be just not seeing it, but I haven't seen much on Northern Barbarians. I want to start putting together a back story for my character, but I don't want to just make things up if there is already a set description for what there home land is like. More or less I want to know:
-How much interaction do they have with humans and other races?
-Is there a ruling body for their land (Barbarian or other race)?
- How prevalent are slavers for their land and might it be okay to have been a slave for a back story?

There isn’t much on Arctic barbarians, there is more than for Jungle or Desert but no where near as much as Southern. Southern barbarians are part of the Kingdom of Silverthorne with their lands making up the southern most barony. Northern barbarians live very far north of the Kingdom of Silverthorne. Traveling north from the Kingdom of Silverthorne there is the dwarven kingdom and Caldonia. Moving past that you find the Great Plateau, while I’m not sure of the exact locations, here you find another human kingdom, many tribes of orcs, many tribes of barbarians, some giants and various other creatures. I’m pretty sure the land is mostly tundra, plains and forests but I’m not as sure of that. Given all the presence of such races there is likely to be interaction but I can’t give you specifics. I doubt there is a ruling body of any kind the tribes don’t seem to work that way. Slavery is a question for the GM but keep in mind the arctic barbarians draw from Viking culture.

I hope this wasn't too overwhelming. Like I said, I tried to find stuff on the forums to limit the questions. I will most likely have more questions in the future, so sorry in advance!!

That’s about the best I can give you.
Gekek Farwalker,
Lion Tribe Warrior, First Warden of Lion's Pride Peak
Scout, Member of The Keepers
Head of House Toevass in the Campbell Thanedom, Keeper of the Fifth Tome
Slayer of Vath, Guardian of Phantara

Mike, Assistant GM, Logistics team Player Marshal, Magic Marshal, and Rules Team
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