If I can make it..... I'll miss the newbie mod
A Forum for new players to ask questions about CARPS. (and of course welcome to all of our Hungarian spammers!)

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If I can make it..... I'll miss the newbie mod

Post by Thistle »

Right now I am working until Saturday morning so even if I can make it down I'll miss the new player orientation stuff. I've monstered the last two events. Yeah, I was THAT girl. So if I can make it, what would you like me to do. I can monster again, I had planned on doing some things in game, or I can crash and see you guys in September. Miss you guys!
X-GM Brian
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Re: If I can make it..... I'll miss the newbie mod

Post by X-GM Brian »

Well ideally we try to run newbie stuff over the entire event. Not just at a particular time.

I say come play if you aren't too wiped from work =) NPC or play your char..thats up to you. We will make sure there is stuff for everyone to do either way.
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Re: If I can make it..... I'll miss the newbie mod

Post by WAAAGH! »

And if you have any new player questions throughout the event, you can ask me at any time.
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Re: If I can make it..... I'll miss the newbie mod

Post by Thistle »

Still trying to make it, but it doesn't look good. Which is sad because next weekend is a three day off for me. Between the weather and work I may have to sit this one out. But hey next event, I have some female peasant costuming that I was suppose to bring this event. Basically I don't want to drive 5 hours in inclement weather and then drive 5 hours back with little sleep, kinda sounds like an accident waiting to happen. I should have an overtime waiver by next event and I'll be a peon with benefits next season : )
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Re: If I can make it..... I'll miss the newbie mod

Post by Nel »

Come and play, I wana see your pc :P
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