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Ok some more questions.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:24 am
by nailrules
First where do i send the event evaluation/character journal in? I pm'ed them to GM Tod, then i clicked on the talk to carps on the main page and re-did the evaluation and now im about to email it in from the link under general discussions, lol. I also did the journal in first person from characters point of view, i hope that the correct way.

Next topic, increasing skill levels, i know you can be mentored between events by other players, but thats 1 skill at a time and you can do nothing else. And something swift said during the event suggested that you can level up you could just get 5 levels in a skill all at once, is that from an npc during the event?

Next topic is, im completely remaking my char, and i was told i could keep my boon from my quest, do i pretend that my new character did the quest? and a gypsy bought me lunch, so i feel indebted to him. Do i pretend that my remade character did everything my 1 shot character did?

Re: Ok some more questions.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:12 am
by GM Todd
I did get your PM. Feel free to just send it to (I forwarded it) in the future.
First person view for a Journal is perfect. The Eval should be player not character.

When learning skills you may learn as many levels as you have the points to spend. When spending these points you need a teacher. Teachers can be found in game among your fellow player OR you can Pay an NPC to teach you.
(I just woke up so costs allude me, its in the book)

New players do get a free rewrite, and yes you do get to keep your boon. (this is not always the case, so make sure to check with a GM/Marshal in the future) The Boon becomes part of your new character, so how ever youd like to explain it away is fine with me.

Re: Ok some more questions.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:46 pm
by Timin
GM Todd wrote: When learning skills you may learn as many levels as you have the points to spend. When spending these points you need a teacher. Teachers can be found in game among your fellow player OR you can Pay an NPC to teach you.
(I just woke up so costs allude me, its in the book)
Teaching Skills: Can learn as many skills and skill levels as you have the character points to spend for them. Skills can be taught by a PC up to the teachers level in the skill. NPC teachers may be found up to Master (Skill Level 8 I believe) but will cost you at the beginning of the next event. Current costs according to the book are...
Basic Skills: Point Cost of Skill Levels to be taught divided by 2 and rounded up in verlan.
Advanced Skills: Total Point Cost of Prerequisite Skills (and any previous levels in current skill) + Point Costs of new Skill Levels to be learned divided by 2 and rounded up in verlan.

Mentoring Skills: Different from Teaching skills in that the player may only be mentored in one Skill Level between events (Rage 1 first month, Rage 2 the next month) regardless if character has enough points to purchase multiple levels in the skill at the beginning of the mentorship. Benefit of mentorship is that each Skill Level mentored comes at a reduced character point cost then if it was taught. Mentors are only capable of teaching to 2 levels below their current skill and NPC mentors are only able to be located through the expenditure of influence.

Re: Ok some more questions.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:01 pm
by GM Todd
Excellent! A Rulebook Gnome!!

Re: Ok some more questions.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:43 pm
by nailrules
Thank you very much.

Re: Ok some more questions.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:39 am
by Crunch
I ws told I could not keep the boon I got in my first event when I rewrote (if i'm using the term correctly) its the boon that grants a once per event (or repor, don't remember) use of the hide skill. Was this changed recently or did I get incorrect information?

Re: Ok some more questions.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:50 pm
by Hawke
It has to do with how much you re-wrote.

If you had stayed a human, and just refocused from earth to air (armor to dodge), you would probably have gotten to keep the boon, as you were still the same human.

since you went from human to orc, and changed your name, and the whole shebang, you're considered a 'new character' and didn't participate in those events, and didn't get the boon.

At least that's how my brain interpreted what I've seen happen.

Re: Ok some more questions.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:27 pm
by GM Todd
PM me