Character Re-Writes Closing
Rule changes, updates, announcements, and clarifications from staff.

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Character Re-Writes Closing

Post by Anya »

Good morning, CARPS! We, at Logistics, wanted to make sure that everyone is aware that open character re-writes are closing on April 13th at 11:00PM (same time temp tags are due). Due to the different ways IN GAME you have to make character changes, if you truly feel you need to, and after V6 being live for a year, GM Evan has decided that all changes need to be done in game starting with the April Event. (Standard exceptions for new players/characters that are within their first 3 games played). If you have any changes that you need made, or need to share a completely new character with us, please email it to and we will get you updated. Also, if you can't see your character, please let us know and we will add your email to it and share it with you. Thanks!
~Anya Stanslinski
Baker and Spellweaver
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Re: Character Re-Writes Closing

Post by Anya »

Last reminder! 2015 Temp Tags for Crafting and any character changes need to be in to Logistics by April 13th (this Wednesday) by 11PM. Also, if there are things you want to buy with Brownie Points for the April event, those can also be sent in so they will be ready at your check-in. All these things can be emailed to
~Anya Stanslinski
Baker and Spellweaver
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