26: In time, the Stag shall raise his head
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Post by Mohdri »

Since no one else here has the right or position to say it, I think Galen is wrong and this does refer to him
Rasolin W.

Post by Rasolin W. »

Well then who has he been training to take things over when need be?
But I think that will be know in due time...
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Post by Faerykin »

*Twilight smiles at Mohdri*

Well, it is about time someone of authority joined our discussion, welcome Mohdri.

Perhaps your insight will bring light to what has been kept in darkness.


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Post by Balthazar Ordieth »

*as Balthazar is passing by he hears snippets of the conversation and comes over*

He may not have been training him, but Markus has spent some time in the barbarian lands of late, It also sounds to me that this pertains to the Thane, although I would never contradict his word.
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Post by Mohdri »

The "...new beast who forms his pack" may refer to a new tribe that will be formed as a result of Galen's dealings with the barbarians. This could be a unifying tribe (with a new animal as its totem) formed from factions of the other current tribes that will oversee all the others.

And as for my insight into this prophecy, my knowlege of things such as this is very limited, but I will endevor to mindful of information that does come my way.
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Post by Fate the Healer »

**returns to the table after the eventful weekend. She reads over parts of the prophecy for refreshers and starts rolling bandages**

According to the man named Fergus, he has used his ability to read the stars to determine that Thane Galen is not the Stag. It appears that we must concentrate our efforts elsewhere in this matter.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn sits back to the discussion area after being gone for few days and as the events of the weekend have taken place and listens to Fate. She then looks to see if Twilight or Jenna are around.*

Humm...as soon as Winter is available I will ask her to see if that is the same conclusion that she came up with. I mean if that is what Fergus has determined that is great, but I want to make certain that Winter has the same answer.
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Post by Faerykin »

*Winter approaches the table, shaking her head, a gentle smirk on her face*

Yes Kimberlyn, I was there when Fergus looked to the stars. He was incredibly helpful in sorting out a few things in this stanza in particular.

*she smiles as she sits and spreads a few papers*

No, the Stag is not Galen, nor is the new beast who forms his pack anyone who would usurp or take over Galen’s role in uniting the Tribes.

Perhaps the Stag refers to that particular Barbarian Tribe.


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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »


Then I guess the next step would be to obtain information from the Thane, if he has the time, about all those barbarian tribes. Hopefully that will be able to help us.
Kimberlyn Thurs-kona
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Rasolin W.

Post by Rasolin W. »

*comeing up to the table, and a few books under her arm*

Well I am willing to do some research into this if it will help.....
Just let me know what you are looking for...

Post by Guest »

Perhaps this doesn't refer to the barbarian tribes at all. What of were-creatures? Or even Beastmen? Translating this stanza requires an understanding not only of who or what the Stag represents, but also of those the Stag apparently leads.

Likely, knowing one will reveal the other, yet no connection has yet been made between the Barbarians and this 'Stag'.
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Post by Faerykin »

*Twilight stifles a slight glare at the Dark Elf's presence*

I know for a fact that this stanza refers to the Barbarian Tribes.

*she inhales deeply in an effort to calm herself a bit more*

We also know that each Tribe of Barbarians follows a different animal totem of sorts. Which is what leads me to believe that mention of The Stag in this stanza refers to the Stag Tribe - or a member thereof.


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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Glares over at the dark elf coldly before turing her gaze upon Twilight*

Winter, has Galen been able to give you any information on this Stag tribe?
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Post by Faerykin »

*she sighs, still keeping the dark elf in her line of sight*

I haven't had the opportunity to ask him yet.


Summer Twilight
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

It is perfectly alright Winter. Just thought I would ask.

*Kimberlyn's body language will denote that she is more agitated since the dark elves arrival to the discussion.*
Kimberlyn Thurs-kona
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