Celebrating Summers End
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Sylas Hay
The Thane
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Celebrating Summers End

Post by Sylas Hay »

The Kingdom of Silverthorn is enjoying a sense of safety and security not felt in several summers due to the looming war efforts. Prince Grayston joined by General Garm, and Sentinel Garen Aythereon of the Mages Guild have pulled up the Kingdoms proverbial bootstraps and have begun getting dirty! Morale is at an all time high!

In honor of those who continue the good fight and those who have fallen before, your King Johanas Silverthorn hereby proclaims Sunday to be a day of Tournament and Revelry! All who can make the trek may attend!

National teams will be competing, as well as several amatuer qualifiers! The small Town of Midway in the Duchy of Susspin has a record number of competitors entered this year in both Tournament tests of skill and combat! Additionally the Guthrie Ball championships will be held later in the day! And for those who just wish to enjoy the beauty of our capital city and all it has to offer, Prince Grayston himself will be presiding over the wedding of Magistrate Jack Maxwell and lovely Lady Sofia in a public ceremony!

Join your King and Court as the celebrate the Kingdom of Silverthorn and the magesty of Summers End!
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