March 17 - Teaser
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GM Evan
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March 17 - Teaser

Post by GM Evan »

The light snow falls of the past several weeks has finally broken. The weather is warming; and while most folks are keeping a cloak about their shoulders, the bitter chill of winter is starting to lose its grasp on the area. Elves and Humans laugh as the Orcs play a newly-invented game that nobody can quite figure out the rules to; just that it involves seeing who can “Nom” the most snowflakes while preventing the other Orcs from “Nom”-ing too many of them. The inability of the Orcs to count higher than four does not seem to dampen the mood any.

Inside the Silver Rose Tavern, warm mulled cider and hearty ale is being served alongside a savory meat and vegetable stew with crusty bread. It is the sort of meal that sticks to your insides and keeps you warm long after you have left the Tavern.

Around the local villages, the town guard continues its patrols; but the troubles of the past year seem to have diminished, or at least gone into hibernation for the winter. Many of the villagers are starting to rouse themselves from their winter dreams and are taking stock of what repairs are needed from the winter, before the Planting Moon arrives. Hopes of another caravan of supplies is spoken of in the Tavern and many a craftsman is busy sharpening knives, shaping nails, and making tools for the planting next Moon.

In Tarragon, the recent marriage of Baron Vincent Von Droven to Lady Vivianne Du’Katak has left many happy faces. The celebrations lasting for several days after the wedding itself; with kegs of ale, fresh-baked sweetbreads, and roasted meats being available to all of Tarragon City. Wagons laden with supplies also journeyed forth from Tarragon to the local villages and delivered gifts of celebration to them. Kegs of ale, wheels of cheeses, dried meats, and pickled vegetables for even the lowest of peasants to enjoy the celebration.

Word has slowly begun to trickle in from the east. The Dwarven lands have been invaded. Details are hard to come by, but rumor has it Boulderstone Fortress has fallen. Some reports indicate it was taken by Dark Dwarves, other people speak of red-skinned horned creatures being involved, and still others speak in hushed tones of the Fortress falling to the Dark Elves. Silverthorne has begun marshalling forces to strengthen its eastern borders, but has not committed any of its soldiers to assisting in defense of the Dwarven lands at this time.

From the south, word reaches Midway that raids into the Barbarian Lands by the Blood Axe Orcs continue. Warbands have been seen as far south as wolf lands, but raven and owl are suffering the most from the raids. It is said that these warbands consist of Orc warriors, Goblins riding upon Worgs, and Drakes that bring fire from the sky.

Problems seem to be distant from Midway. The question is, will they remain distant?
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