A storm is coming (October 2014 Teaser/Info)
Things of note in the world at large that your character would notice. These posts are In-Game. You cannot create topics here, but you can reply to them.

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GM Evan
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A storm is coming (October 2014 Teaser/Info)

Post by GM Evan »

You can feel the world around you buzzing with energy. You can smell that scent of an oncoming storm. You can hear the world shifting around you. You can see the animals skittering on the verge of panic, and the nervous expressions on the folks around you. You can taste that things are out of balance, your food does not taste the way it should but then a few seconds later it tastes fine again.

All around Phantara echoes of something are heard but all that can be made out is one word over and over again, quietly, just barely within your range of hearing, taunting you with more whispers that no matter how hard you strain yourself you can’t hear. The one word you can make out is….Midway.

From all over Phantara heroes of the past, the present, and perhaps the future gather within the small town of Midway. A dwarven clan leader from the distant past and his entourage, A high elven mage from the Silverthorne council of mages, An enigmatic fae seer from the queen’s court, A Shadowy Lord of Chaos, A legendary Orcish mercenary leader, A barbarian from the great north riding upon a giant polar bear, A deadly assassin from far away lands, A dwarven smith said to have learned from the Storm Giants themselves, and many other masters of magic, steel, and knowledge. All those who have come gather with reason and with purpose, they come to try and guide or control the coming storm. They bring all that they have to bear against the storm, the only question that remains is will that be enough to shape the next Age of Phantara. Will it be the Age of Storms where devastating tempests of magic scour and reshape the lands, or will it be the Age of Resonance where the lands resonate with magic and power for any who are brave enough to embrace it and send their resonance into the very fabric of Phantara.

Come find out the fate of Phantara at the CARPS 20th Anniversary Event October 24th – 26th. Cost is $30 for the weekend, with an additional $10 for meals Friday night, Sat morning, and Sat Evening. Sat afternoon is Chilifest where everyone is welcome to partake of the various chili’s and goodies that have been provided by the members of CARPS.

Site opens at 4pm

Check-in to begin at 7pm

Game on meeting scheduled to take place at 9pm

PC’s may bunk within the B1, B3 & C Cabins, B2 may have a few bunks available but has been reserved by the Roticherre Gypsy group (they pay extra each event for it, we are not playing favorites) please refrain from using the A cabins until B & C are filled. NPC’s will be operating out of A1 (the old mages guild building) with A2 as the primary adventure building. A3 will be a secondary adventure building or overflow sleeping as needed. We expect all available bunks will be needed this event, but we will do everything we can to make sure as many people as possible have space to sleep. If you cannot find a bunk with the B or C cabins please come see Staff and we will make arrangements for you to have a bunk somewhere on site.

If you have any questions or issues that you need resolution before the game on meeting, please arrive early if you can or email them to GM@carpsgame.com. We hope to have a GM on site by 5pm to begin assisting with questions as they arise.

The GM's
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