Harrison's Folly
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X-GM Fesko
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Harrison's Folly

Post by X-GM Fesko »

Large Settlement located at the mouth of the Tarragon River, on the south shore of Lake Paradise. Approximately ten thousand of Silverthorne's unwanted have ended up here by choice or by force. The city is divided into four districts:

Moorwatch borders the dangerous swamps to the Northwest of the city. Out of necessity it has developed strong fortifications and an effective para-military defense force to counter the near constant assaults from swamp monsters. It’s activities are focused on a burgeoning industry of herb harvesting from the resource-rich swamplands. A portal to the Shadow Realm lies in the swamps just outside this District. Underworld influence is plainly strong here, and very few actually know who is running the show. Nobles of Silverthorne have commissioned an Asylum to be constructed here, of which the foundations are currently being laid.

Dockworks occupies the bulk of the city’s Lake Paradise shoreline. Much of its population are fishermen, harvesting the abundant bounty of the waters of Ulric’s Gift. The Huntsman Gang hold dominion here, it's leader, Kenly, forging a thriving economy while his gangers and savage wardogs hold discipline in the streets.

Highlands is the most inland part of the city, consisting mainly of farmland with access to vast grass planes to the Southwest. It is perhaps the most peaceful district of the city, patrolled by the lightly staffed and equipped Highland Guard. Plants tend to grow VERY quickly in Ulric’s Gift, and the Fall harvest has been bountiful beyond expectations. Highlands would be paradise if not for the giant spiders frequently harrassing their shepherds and flocks. Thandar is the popular leader here, known to hold weekly parties open to all Highlanders at his vineyard estates.

Riverside is the eastern part of the city along the Tarragon River. Formerly ruled by weaker gangs, it has come under the domineering control of Gentleman Samson Bull and his well trained and equipped household guard. Several rich merchants have also settled here, drawn by the tales of the land's bounty. To ensure their protection, the merchants have brought the Mercenaries Guild with them, who have constructed a small wooden fort in the district. Riverside's population focuses on forestry, hunting, and fishing


Northwest of Legacy, four hours walk, as the city-dweller stumbles.

How to get There:
Teleport, or volunteer for NPC duty for the travel duration, or walk the Shadows

Lake to the North, River to the East, Woods to the South, Swamp to the Northwest, Plains to the Southwest.
Portal to the Shadow Realm located in the swamp.
Tent hospital at the center of the city.
Insane Asylum in Moorwatch, adjacent to lake and swamp.

Notable NPCs:
Thandar – Ex-nobleman who's organizing development activities in the southwest quadrant of the city known as the Highlands District. Very proud of his developing vineyards.

Gentleman Samson Bull – Wealthy exiled nobleman whose money and household guard has allowed him to wrest control of the Riverside District from the local gangs. He is avidly developing a lumber industry.

Kenly – Leader of the Huntsman gang that holds dominion over the Dockworks District. He has a thing for dogs and is known to maintain a kennel where he breeds strong and viscious attack animals.

Wat – Harrison’s Folly’s premier blacksmith (he actually has an anvil!) and former lycanthrope. He lives along the flexing border of Dockworks and Riverside Districts.

Master Ebin – Master Healer in charge of the Healers and Charities Guild located at the center of the city and bordering all Districts. Seven other healers aid him at the hospital facilities contained within nine large tents.
All answers and declarations are absolute until I change my mind or someone says otherwise
X-GM Fesko
The Thane's Drinking Buddy
The Thane's Drinking Buddy
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

All answers and declarations are absolute until I change my mind or someone says otherwise
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