News of the war
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GM Evan
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News of the war

Post by GM Evan »

With the dark fay defeated and the portals closed the Red tear lashed out in its anger.

Gathering its dark minions the forces of necromancy used the blood moon to its advantage. Sending out its hosts to assault the gathered humans and gnomes that prepared to launch an assault on the great skeletal fortress in the Sea of Dust.

A battle raged in which the necromancers used a new spell called the bloodmoon circle. The spell enabled the energies of phantara and the time of year to power a ritual that would animate any recently dead creatures within several miles as undead. This ritual circle combined with a well timed assault upon the gathering Silverthorn army was devestatingly sucessful. The undead swarmed into the camp and with each living creature they killed, another undead rose to join the battle against those alive.

It was a hard fought battle that lead to many deaths and eventually through the bravery of a company of Silverthorn knights the Bloodmoon circle was brought to an end and the attack thwarted.

What remains of the army of Silverthorn is still not totally known, but word is travelling fast and doubt creeps into the hearts of Silverthorns folk. Many wonder if the stout folk of this world are truly able to stand against the tides of darkness. Either allies will need to emerge for the lands of Silverthorn, or the future may be very dark in the coming months of this war.
X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The volcano known in the annals as Mt. Tyriss, many leagues to the North at the edge of the Chaos Mountains, belches black clouds into the sky – clouds visible across all Ulric’s Gift. Not far to the East of Legacy, the remnants of Silverthorne’s Royal Expeditionary Force trudge warily South toward the Tarragon Pass. For once the nightmarish legions of the Red Tear do not dog their every step. The soldiers have had respite ever since Tyriss’s eruption, as now the necromantic forces are locked in battle with the desidens of the Plane of Fire that pour forth through the volcanic portal.

The Allied Forces also appear to have gained new support, as Wahuru scouts have been spotted flying to and from the Silverthorne army – reporting to the Allied commanders before again taking flight northward to monitor the Necromancers’ progress.

Despite this good news moral is low and the outlook is grim for the people of Legacy, Shepherd’s Down, and Harrison’s Folly. The Expeditionary Force is retreating to Tarragon Keep while a great wall is being erected across Tarragon Pass. Rumors are circulating that the residents of Ulric’s Gift are not allowed passage through the Pass, however – that they are expected to defend their lands with their lives against the unstoppable undead hoards closing from the North.
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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Small units of Silverthorne soldiers, roughly 20 men and women augmented by a mage or two, begin to emerge from the Portal Fort. Five such units arrive per day. Most of these units leave the fort to proceed up the road toward Harrison’s Folly while the remainder travel the road South toward the Tarragon Pass. None of the new arrivals remain in Legacy.

Meanwhile Legacy nights showcase a play of fiery lights on the Northern horizon – in the direction of Mount Tyrsis, the Volcano to the Plane of Fire.

Skulls with skeletal bat wings are also occasionally found in the dark. While these never attack, they watch over the citizens of Legacy intently. When attacked, themselves, they attempt to flee through the air.

At least the attempted abductions of warriors by Renegade Wererats seemed to have ceased. But then again, according to the animated corpse of Wolf, they all have an important ritual to attend this Friday night, in the downs South of Legacy.

During the days, winged Avyana Wahuru can be spotted flying overhead from time to time.
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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

By Monday some 6,000 Avyana have set up camps around the settlements of Legacy and Shepherd’s Down while the remainder of their army continues to fight the Red Tear forces North of the Tarragon River. By their second night of fighting they discovered how difficult it is to thoroughly clear a zone of undead. Previously hidden pockets of Red Tear continuously arise among and behind the Avyana lines.

The excited talk of Lethnal soldiers, reveals Legacy and Shepherd’s Down are the first civilized settlements to be taken by them. As such, they have at last established Lethnal’s first foreign province and so now their King truly is at last an Emperor. The distance between Lethnal and Legacy may be a bit extreme, but Avyana villages are sure to sprout all over Ulric’s Gift before too long, thus making supply lines easier to maintain.

All in all the Avyana have not been bad conquerors. They leave the village women alone, as they are not particularly attracted to featherless females. They wish to maintain this settlement, so there has not been any significant wanton destruction. And as the army commanders are focused on the battle against the Red Tear for now, there has been no political changes made yet in town, nor the imposing of infamous Lethnal taxes. Save for the presence of the Avyana host, they have largely ignored the villages. Though somewhat timidly at first, the villagers have emerged from their huts and are going about their daily lives.

There is concern among the Avyana over Harrison’s Folly. They know it’s Northwest of them, and that it’s a large, if not particularly formidable, city. Most of the soldiers believe they will not move on it until after the Red Tear has been dealt with.
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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

For nearly two days Avyana arrive in Legacy by the score – tired, beaten, filthy, and hungry. None had seen any sleep in over two days, as they sought to escape slaughter at the hands of the Red Tear and Lethnal’s former allies, the Dark Elves. Of the 23,000 Avyana sent to Mt. Tyrsis, the volcanic portal to the Plane of Fire, little more than 5,000 return – putting Lethnal’s strength in the area at roughly 8,000 soldiers. With depleted numbers and few Gnomish and Guthrie servants to provide magical support, there is little hope they can stand before the Red Tear.

The Betrayal accounted for every Captain and General the Avyana had, making Lieutenant Moki, Komidant of the Legacy Garrison, the defacto Avyana Force Commander. One of his first acts under his new authority is to immediately dispatches scouts to the southwest in search of expected reinforcements, for the stars reveal nothing of them these days.
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X-GM Fesko
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

With the closing of the Mt. Tyrsis portal to the Plane of Fire, the glow from that volcano shifts back from violet to red-orange. Wahuru scouts report the Red Tear lines are now deploying to the South of the mountain, arraying their forces for yet another push against Silverthorne.

This shift in enemy lines both deeply worries and outrages military leaders around Legacy. The respite against undead assault is ended.

But good news has also arrived at the front. The first troop ships from Silverthorne City have arrived at Ironguard (Ports End), where a grand army rumored to mass 100,000 strong is beginning to assemble. They are planned to march to Legacy before the first snows of winter.
All answers and declarations are absolute until I change my mind or someone says otherwise
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