Scroll casting
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Rowen Kane
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Post by Rowen Kane »

i want to make it as clear as posable for all the people in this town, i am a scroll caster and if i want to live i will have to talk to the archon and the local mage slayer, it is not any one elses responceability to investagate me if i cast a spell and don't talk to the archon before doing so, the law is as such; any one casting magic who is not regastered or a member of the mages guild is a roge mage and will be delt in the same maner as any other rouge mage. so the morel of the story is.....if you want to cast magic talk to the archon or risk being killed for being a rouge mage.

i don't like seeing the towns people fighting with eachother about a rather rediculis "what if situation", if it hapens we should adderess the situatiuon at that time, insted of wasting our time that we have now to prepair for what ever the proficy has instore for us next.

these of corse are my thoughts not yours, and if you take offence to my thoughts go complain to the baron.

*rowen takes a sipp of his ale and gets up and walks out*
Rowen Kane
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Post by Lee Priest »

But the question is... and you have already stated it. Whom is casting the magic? You are only releasing the magic from a peice of parchment that is made of magic. It is that peice of paper that is casting the magic you are only saying the password. If you were a real caster you would be able to cast from a mages SPELL BOOK. But you are not a true caster you are more of a Lore master whom is able to read that which I can not. Because that language is one that I didn't learn. Oh and only a mage can make scrolls... Can you do this Mr. Kane?

I am not here to tell people whom they are supposed to report to and whom should rebel against the system. I am saying that we need to obey the laws that the King has laid out for us. We shouldn't be making guesses at what we THINK is law. We should know the law and be the hero's that the peseants are saying we are. THEY don't have the rights that we do. So why spend our time on this land trying to make the simple stuff so hard.
If the law is that hard to understand and is in need of better interpretation then I am sure Mohdri and the rest of our chosen LEADERS should be able to provide it. As for Kimberlyns rights on whom to kill and not to kill. Her 'master' and the king have set up those boundries. I suggest that Mohdri, Kimberlyn, and perhaps a few quild leaders should find this information out and let us have it ...... good or bad... They are our leaders.... We are the followers.
"Victory belongs to the most perservering and the best skilled.”
Lee Priest


Post by Guest »

Actually Mr. Priest sir....That part about only mages being able to make scrolls is not entirely correct. It is actually possible for someone who is skilled in sensing the flows of magic and weaving them into objects to not be a mage and still be able to weave the magic into the words of a scroll. Granted...A full fledged mage would be better at it.....but someone who is not a mage can learn the skills required to fashion scrolls.

As for the laws with regards to scroll casting, its very simple. Once you are able to cast from a scroll the mages guild asks that you acknowledge this ability by signing an acknowledgment, Aka registering. If you dont get around to doing this and you find that you are in a situation where you need to use a scroll you may do so, However if anyone is there to witness it you will then be asked to "register" yourself with the guild of magi. Refusal to "register" at this point is when there would be a crime against the kings law. Then and ONLY then does kimberlyn have the right to step in.

Hope that helps.
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Post by Darthesis »

And as usual in any rule within our Kingdom, there are people who's job it is to enforce order at any cost within their sphere of influence.

These people are charged to take ACTION if they feel you are breaking the laws. Yes, you may not actually have broken the law but if you don't take the time to do such a simple thing as registering, you may find yourself on the short end of the justice stick. A hunter/huntress may find themselves in trouble for acting incorrectly... but you will still be dead.

The same issue exists with joking about treason in front of the constable. He or she may find out you were just joking or they misunderstood, and may get slapped on the wrist if you were of some status within the Kingdom, but unless someone acted quickly... you will still be dead.

It is much better to be safe than sorry. Silverthorn and most civilized Kingdoms value the rule of law higher than that of complete justice. In other words, quick action against lawbreakers is worth the few mistakes that may be made. DeVrie exists to confirm that justice is complete in those cases that time is available... and to find the final answers even after a mistake was made. Sometimes, this is of little help to the person involved.

Skirt the edges of law and lawfulness as you will, but be prepared to pay the price for being that close to the chasm of criminality.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

Darthesis brings to bear an excellent point. There seems to be a tendency by some to think of things in terms of Black and White. If I have learned anything in my time here, I have learned that life rarely affords us the benefit of framing issues exactly in that light. Yes, there are some things that are absolute evils... Necromancy and Dark Elves, for instance; however, these are exceptions... not the rule.

There is gray. For instance, I am not registered with the guild of magi, yet I am probably one of the most "visible" of the magi that operate within the town. Suppose I was attacked by a wretch-hunter who did not recognize the shield of Silverthorne that adorns my belt..

*Llyshon levels his gaze upon Kimberlyn* Allow me to be more direct, even, than Darthesis. This talk of cutting someone down for the simple of act of casting, without first stopping to find the details is irresponsible, dangerous, arrogant, and criminal. It speaks of a level of Hubris that I did not think you capable of, M'Lady Kimberlyn, and it makes me wonder at the thought that you could have changed so much in the time I have spent away.

When I return to Midway without my symbol of office within House Silverthorne, and with the rumor that I have stepped down from my position at His Grace's side as his loyal servant and bodyguard, will you, Kimberlyn, presume to attack me on sight? I assure you that you will not find it so easy a task to dispatch me, and after the attempt you will find yourself, if there is anything left of you, in a jail cell.

But no, I assume (I would hope) that my long history with Kimberlyn and my achievements in the service of the Kingdom and Phantera and her peoples might at least lend me the benefit of her asking questions before attempting to strike me down. This, then, is a double standard, is it not? Whatever my achievements, in this matter I deserve no better treatment than a complete stranger. Or rather, a complete stranger deserves at least the same treatment afforded to me.

A word of warning, then, and let me be quite direct about this. If I see anyone, for any reason being arbitrarily attacked... be it a scroll caster, an unkown mage, or a peasant with a potato on a stick who claims it is a magic wand, I will do my utmost to defend them until the last of my energies are expended and the attacker is a pile of ashes at my feet. We have laws for a reason, and those laws are to be respected and adhered to.

I am tired of the strife among those within this town. It seems to me that it was not so in Elthinaar... townsmen working in factions, whispering about each other. Division is not a thing we can afford. It grieves me to hear that some, indeed, consider it their appointed duty to slay others without question; to condemn others and speak ill of them behind their backs and in tiny circles, isolated from the whole. In this, at least, I will admit that there is no gray. We either work together for the greater good, or we die alone.

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Post by Lee Priest »

Looks at Tee with a raised brow.

"Well thank you Mr. Tee for the additional Information. I didn't know that. But I still stand firmly that we need to be a tad more hesitant when threatening to kill off a possible ally just because some of that mistical energy came from their direction. I think common sense and mercy should be applied at all times."
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Post by Darthesis »

Common Sense and Mercy are not equivalent to a Rule of Law. Choose which you support. They can sometimes be congruent, but not always.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

(OOG NOTE: This -is- a different scene, as it takes place after the event. Kimberlyn may or may not be here. If anyone wishes their comments to be changed to reflect this possibility, please let me know.)
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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I am all in favor of showing mercy Mr. Priest. To destroy life is what those who practice the dark arts do, to show mercy and a respect for life is what seperates us from those who practice the dark arts.

As for the laws and how to follow them, that is not for me to decide for others as I am a gnome. I can only decide for myself how I choose to go about following the laws of this kingdom.

From what I understand this conversation started with a simple question about does a scroll caster have to register with the mages guild by law. The answer to that question is Yes. Is that register available to the public, No. The register is maintained by the archon of the local guild and then by the high council record keepers within Vanaphusak.

I have seen many people here jump to assumptions with regards to how fictitious situations would be handled by the mage slayers. This is stupid. It accomplishes nothing but to ostracize those who are our allies. The mage slayers exist because magic is a powerful force, and an unchecked powerful force is a dangerous force. Stop and think of all the harm that mages such as the master, Regal, Regis Mortum, and Piiru did to this world. If we did not have mage slayers and a local guild of magi this list of powerfully corrupt mages would be 10 times as long. They are a system of checks and balances designed to help minimize the damage that can be caused by those with the gift to wield magic, and those who practice the dark arts.

Lyshon, while you are not a member of the mages guild itself you have a special dispensation that is known to both the local guild members and the mage slayers of silver thorn. To assume that you would be attacked on sight just because you no longer wear a belt hanger is fool hardy as you know it wouldnt happen. To then insinuate that you would kill any who tried screams of a hubris all its own. More importantly it does nothing to foster unity within this town.

There are those of us within this town who have been trying for sometime to build something better. In some ways we have succeeded, in other ways we have not. I will continue to do everything in my power to protect this town and ALL of its residents from danger while working to guide the prophecy. This is something that we have been doing while this town has been busy sating its bloodthirsty nature by stabbing each other in the back and pulling the knives out to lick the wounds. If we truly wish to survive the coming wars then we need to resolve these matters with as little blood shed and loss of life as possible so that we are strong and united when the battle comes to midway.

Focus not upon the what if's of scroll casting, and focus on the harsh reality that people are dying everyday battling the prophecy. Focus on the reality that wars are coming and this town Will be affected by them. Focus on the fact that if we fail to guide the prophecy none of the kings laws, mages guild registration, or ones personal abilities will matter....Does anyone here truly believe that the red tear CARES about anything except its own personal power? Do any of you believe that you personally have the strength to stand against the onslaught they will assault us with? We are midway, we have been a thorn in the side of the red tear for many years. We have killed many a necromancer and destroyed countless hundreds of undead....but do they ever seem to have a shortage of more? No they do not. They are organizing, they are building up their armies and when they feel they have enough they will come like a wall of darkness from the sea of dust enveloping all the lights they can. I for one am tired of being a thorn in the side of the red tear....I plan on becoming a spear that will drive right to their black undead hearts and release them from this cycle.

Those who believe, and those who know will be there with me but as it stands right now it is not enough. Until things change and we focus on the bigger picture there will not be enough lights in the coming darkness. Make your choice and make it well. Be a light in the coming darkness, or perish within it for darkness feeds upon itself.

*Tee slowly makes his way to the door of the Inn. Stops and turns around.*

If anyone wishes to know more about what they can do to help or if any in this town have need of my help I will make myself available. I will be around town and within my tower for the next several months. Seek me out if you need my aid.

*Tee then exits the Inn to go stand by the fire*
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Post by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru »

*Nyrhtak sighs and follows Tee out, muttering to himself.*

Trust is neigh something easily gained, and thus I hope it is not something necessary for us to defeat these evils...
Nyrhtak of Mahuru
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Post by Darthesis »

Impressive words Tee, impressive indeed.

I will just HAVE to convince you someday to charge for that wisdom, we could make a lot of money.

*** Darthesis chuckles.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Lee Priest »

I agree with Darthesis. Your wisdom Tee has been proven.
As for this conversation I think its mute now. We know what is needed by law so lets just abide by it."
"Victory belongs to the most perservering and the best skilled.”
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Post by Rowen Kane »

*kane franktly writing down the point of the conservtion*

hows about a round of the best for all in the inn.............on me.
Rowen Kane
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Post by Lee Priest »

LOL... Oh great Rowen is buying for everyone? I don't think this will keep you out of jail. But thanks for the drink.
"Victory belongs to the most perservering and the best skilled.”
Lee Priest

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