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Sir Llyshon
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News from the front.

Post by Sir Llyshon »

*The door to the Inn opens and Sir Llyshon steps through, followed by a gust of frigid air. Though still simple in appearance, his white tabard appears to be of a slightly better cut and cloth than before. The symbol on his chest is also different, now bearing a white heater shield with a crown in the center. A similar crown has been painted in the center of the white shield that is slung over his back.. His clothes look neat and fastidious, but there are dark circles around his eyes, and his face looks haggard, as if he hasn't slept well in weeks. When he walks to the center of the room, his movements are swift, belying the obvious signs of fatigue. He gives a cursory glance to the towns-members before speaking*,

"I have grim news that will anger many of you, but I ask that you refrain from speaking until you hear what I have to say."

*He pauses for a moment, then continues*

"General Fuller remains in command of the army. He has claimed Ulric’s Gift was lost due to the betrayal of the Treants, Wood Elves, and Wahuru Avyana. He has promised to retake Legacy at all costs, though was reprimanded that a high cost is not tolerable to the King. I have informed my superior of the true nature of the loss of Alric's gift, and have asked for an inquiry into the General's discrepancies in reporting the facts on the ground. I am still awaiting his response."

"As I feared, the General has made scapegoats of the Wood Elves the Treants, and The Wahuru. He refuses to use the Wahuru scouts, although they were willing to provide me with information when I asked."

*Sir Llyshon folds his arms and looks carefully from one person to the next* "I expect that this news will anger and enrage many of you. I understand. If I seem calm now, that is only because I have had time to master my anger. This General has done grave harm to Silverthorne and to the war. But I ask each of you, please... do not vent your anger now. Harsh words, yelling, and loud complaints about the Kingdom or its nobles will do little to help us come to a solution."

"There are times when fate itself hangs on a single, slender thread and the actions of a few mean the life or death of a world. Phanterra needs us. If we fall into dischord, if we act in rage and anger, we fail. If we fail, our world becomes like the one we just left. Should Silverthorne fall, the Red Tear will sweep across this planet like a black tide. It is up to us to stop that from happening."

"I would like to call a council where we can meet and discuss our options in civility. I will give you time to decide what it is you wish to do. Those who are willing to take part may meet back here on Thursday morning. It is my hope that you all will be here."
Last edited by Sir Llyshon on Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari stands and starts heading for the door, obviously furious with green smoke trailing out of the corner of his eyes*

The fact that man still commands others in Silverthornes army does not instill any confidence in ANY of his superiors. That fool is obvioulsy either the small minded cowardly imbecile he appears to be or he is working for the Red Tear. Every chance that bafoon gets he attempts to weaken any possibility of people actually coming together which is what the Red Tear fears most. Apart they WILL crush us all. Our ONLY chance is to fight together.

I am going to make sure that those that he has thrown to the drakes don't get consumed.

*Stops and turns to Rooks and Sylas if they are anywhere around.*
Perhaps the two of you can convince someone above that cretin that he is the lying ignoramus that he is.

*Looks to Llyshon without any of the anger and a hint of sadness*
New duds, they fit you well... unfortunately. I hope to be back before this council convenes. Until then... Sir

*Solari walks out and straight to the portal*
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Kimberlyn Darksbane
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Llyshon. She says nothing at first, but her gaze says plenty while she thinks for a moment.*

Anything you think I might be able to do to get those in charge that allowing Fuller to roam free and unchecked is a bad idea?

I'm glad I haven't formally met this individual for he and I would have been at odds, heck he probably would have thrown me in jail or worse.

*She pauses*

I'd like in on that meeting. Maybe if we put some collective heads together we can come up with a plan. Well more then what is going through my head at the moment.
GM Todd

Post by GM Todd »

*as Solari approaches the portalstone is activated and a small contingent of men come through bearing the livery of Thane FitzDroven. Silently they take up positions around the stone.*

*a moment later the portalstone is activated again and FitzDroven, Vod, & Sylas step through*

Vod says, “Ahh.. good. Some of you are already present. Solari will you join us inside? *signals to one of the nearby Wahuru* Could you fetch Ryphisto for me please.. *turning his attention back to Solari* We have much to discuss, and information to convey. Please everyone lets gather inside.”
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*Sylas quickly ducks inside and behind the bar, pouring himself a drink*
*to anyone listening*
"You asked for answers, I bring you answers"
*Takes a deep pull from the tankard*
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*A startled Rooks looks up from his cups as Sylas slides back behind the bar. He takes a quick account of the happenings of the bar*

"Ah good your back Sylas... which means I'm leaving. Promises to keep... grand adventure and all. Kllog, its time to go... and Vigfus... yes vigfus gather all your furs... and than get some more, its off to the north for grand adventures with orcs!"

*rooks starts to rummage through his things and gathers them into his backpack*

"Oh and solari, if i could i would... but you can probably guess how long its been since my voice has carried much weight here. I could convince Alleria that he's incompetent... but than again they probably already know... spies everywhere and all that. Speaking of... i don't actually know much about their spy network... huh."
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

* Aroura comes in the INN*

I hear there are plans to be made and information to be given.
I appologise for my earlier outbursts. As Sir Llyshon has said it's time for ideas not anger.

*Aroura walks over to Kimberlyn*
May I sit next to a friend and buy her a drink? (a look of I'm sorry in her eyes)
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*whispers to Rooks*
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Aroura and she'll notice the same I'm sorry look in her eyes.*

Actually I'd very much enjoy that Aroura. It is one of the things I have been looking forward to since my return from the front lines.

*Kimberlyn turns her attention to Vigfus for a moment*

Well since it looks like you are taking off with Rooks, perhaps when you return we can have a little fun and blow off some steam later. Obviously I need to remain here for a bit to figure out what all is going on.
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks makes big eyes*

"Um can i trust you to take good notes maybe?"

*rooks bats his eyes at sylas*

"Kllog told me i really don't want to be keeping... um... crap i wanted something clever to say. Well i do have someone very important waiting... so maybe I'll just be making my way to the door now."

*Rooks makes a sassy face and walks slowly towards the door*
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Sir Llyshon nods taciturnly to Solari as he makes his way to the door. When Sylas and the others enter, a look of relief flashes, briefly, across his face. He nods in greeting to the Thane, then moves over to where Sylas sits, places his hand on the caldonian's shoulder, leans down and whispers something briefly into his ear before straightening again and turning his attention back to Rooks.*

"Your voice carries weight with me, Rooks, and that counts for something. I would prefer if you stayed, but go if you must. Send my regards to Klogg and Vigfus. I will need to speak with you when you return.".*
Sir Llyshon
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GM Todd

Post by GM Todd »

*Rooks and those trying to leave are met at the door by the approaching Ryphisto, accompanied by the Wahuru scout and a handful of Woodelves. Even a Treant can be heard lumbering along in the woods, though from the sound it will be a few minutes before his arrival*

*Seeing Ryphysto enter the Inn FitzDroven steps up on a bar stool and speaks up so everyone can hear*
“Since there are obviously things going on I will try to be brief. Certainly you are all deserving of answers, and straight answers at that. I will do my best to deliver what news I have and answer what questions I can. I ask that you allow me to speak in full before you begin the questioning however. *pauses and looks over the collection of peoples* “General Fuller’s actions and loss of Ulric’s Gift have been investigated and, though the issue is rather controversial, he is still in charge of the army. He has claimed, and reports from other generals and officers confirming, that the retreat out of Ulric’s Gift was both necessary, and the result of, the betrayal of Siverthorne’s allies, the Wood Elves, Treants, and Wahuru Avyana. *raises a hand to quiet mumblings from a few Woodelves and raises his voice slightly* HOWEVER…. There are a number of conflicting reports. *looks over the PCs* Unfortunately these conflicting reports, along with the unopposed presence of Essence Mages and Silverthorne heroes at Legacy, indicate a.. complicated situation at best, where the terms ‘betrayal’ and ‘traitor’ might not apply to many, if not all, of those considered responsible for forcing the army back through the Tarragon Pass.
Regardless, Fuller is determined to redeem himself and retake Ulrichs Gift by any means necessary. He is encouraged by intelligence indicating the Lethnal and much of the Kunapan armies have left. He has much support, as reports indicating Ryphisto has resurfaced in Legacy have also been heard, and there is much fear that he intends to establish a new Magocracy within Ulric’s Gift.
Before anyone raises protest it should be known that several steps have been made to quell these rumors, and the King himself has made it implicitly clear to General Fuller that great loses will not be accepted.

However that does bring us to the crux of the problem…
Baron VonDroven believes, and many agree, that from a military perspective having a town in front of one or more advancing armies is dangerous and counter productive. To that end with the addition of portalstones in Portsend and Midway, the existence of Midway as a military way-station is no longer necessary. The Baron has arranged, with the help of Sylas, to relocate the refugees from Legacy and Shepards Down to Midway which has been returned to the status of ‘town’, and has been assigned a new Thane.
I however will be staying here. Sylas and I have arranged for free passage through the portalstones for the residents of Midway to return here to work with Myself, Vod, *turning* and to Ryphisto if it means defeating the Red Tear.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Sir Llyshon addresses the Thane*

"Clearly evacuation of the townsfolk is warranted. None of us want civilians trapped between two armies."

"I have been placed in command of the Tarragon knight outpost and ordered to rebuild it. I will dispatch two Knights to assist you with the evacuation efforts, and will be willing to offer outpost jobs and housing to those freemen and their families that wish it. I will also be willing to donate money to help feed and move the needy. If there's anything else I can do, let me know.

"As for the heroes of legacy, some have expressed concern that Ulric's gift would be lost should the Red Tear attack and therefore do not want to leave legacy. If assurances could be given that this place would remain safe, I believe they would be willing to relocate to Midway."

"These reports of a mageocracy are what I feared the most. Would you allow me to arrange a meeting between the King's advisors, myself and some townsmembers, Ryphisto, the Baron, the Wood Elves, and Vod?"

"A formal declaration that Ryphisto has no intention of claiming these lands for himself would go far in quelling rumors. The King is a pragmatic man. If he knows the nature of Woods Father and the Treant uprising, he will better understand the need to work with the Kunapan and Avyana, and the incompetence of General Fuller."

"I have spoken with Prince Greyston about General Fuller and his attack on the Kunapan. The General failed to mention to his superiors that he violated a binding non-aggression pact with the Kunapan when he attacked them. Prince Greyston is concerned but says he can not act without proof. If we can provide such proof to the King's advisors and they believe the truth about the loss of Legacy, it will be the final nail in Fuller's coffin."

*Sir Llyshon shrugs*, "Or we may chose a different tact. Given Fuller's desperation, he may be willing to listen to us. He can't 'retake' Legacy without either heavy losses, or our help. That provides us with not only leverage, but the opportunity to define what 'retaking' legacy means."
Last edited by Sir Llyshon on Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Torvach »

*the huge wolf laying by the fire wuffs, gets up, scratches it's left ear, turns around twice in a circle and lays back down and seems to go back to sleep*
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Kimberlyn Darksbane
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Llyshon.*

Llyshon, I would like in on those talks concerning the mageocracy angle.

*Kimberlyn turns her attention to FitzDroven*

General, I'd like to submit a formal request to have myself station here in the Terragon area once more to assist Sir Llyshon. I'd also like to speak to you about another matter.

If in the future however, you need me back on the front lines, do not hesitate to send for me General.

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