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Kimberlyn Darksbane
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn's eyes narrow.*

To me BOTH types of mages be they necromancers and roges need my specialized attention and both should be hunted.

Do not debate semantics with me magi for I have faced both types and I will hunt both types until the day I draw my last breath. As some around here who actually know the meaning of the word duty, I know what I am and I will never apologize for that which I do.

If lines are drawn a certain way then there will be consequences. The laws of the Kingdom of clear on this matter as is the King's resolve to prevent certain things or even a remote possibility of such matters from uprising again.
Zen Zecharion
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Post by Zen Zecharion »

i have no quarrel with you or what you do, im saying it is more efficient to strike at the enemy you can clearly see that search for the one you think may be lurking about. do you not agree?
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Looks at the mage*

If that means allowing rogue mages to just freely roam around then no I do no, I do not agree for both rogues mages and necromancers are a threat.
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Post by Zen Zecharion »

so, by that logic you would prance about town looking for the thief while the murderer stands in the town square, killing the innocent?

you continue to speak to me as if i am your enemy, yet i fight beside you against the undead. would you not stand at my side against the undead.

Post by NPC13 »

*** Olsen Mills of House Toevass steps out into the light.
*** A large book and quill in his hand.

People, I can not tell you how to think or how to feel about the events of this past moon, but I can tell you one thing. The Red Tear thrives on discord and strife, and it seems they are getting their wish. I do not doubt the noble intentions of Ryphisto just as I cannot begin to understand a being such as Woodsfather.

However how one implements their plans can always have flaws. We must deal with those flaws as a nation, a people, and as individuals. I wish you all luck in that.

*** He turns to Kimberlyn

I understand your ire as you look at the not perfect options before you, try to focus your anger better, the Kingdom needs your anger just as it needs you. Words are just words, please focus on actions.

*** He turns to Zen

Remember that although everyone can fight against the Red Tear and the undead, only a select few are trained to find those enemies within, those few whose foul seeds would grow and taint us all from the inside out. The mage hunters are trained for just such a purpose. Let them do what they were ordained by the King to do and what they were trained to do. As is said by my father, one bad grape can foul the bunch. One such bad grape can wreak much more harm than a thousand undead if such a grape is in the right place at the right time.
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Post by Zen Zecharion »

ah, one of learned stature, i see your point. however, although i have no alliences with any of these kingdoms involved, the speak of policing within while a war is being faught baffles me. one would think that those best suited to the destruction of mages would be at the front fighting the army led by mages. is this not true.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn loos at the Toevas representative and then to Llyshon before speaking.*

You are correct sir in where my anger and wrath needs to be focused. Trying to explain a Mage Hunter to a mage in terms of why we think the way we do is pointless.

*Looks a Zen*

I have been told you have registered with the Guild of Magi, once you did so technically you did agree to adhere to the laws of Silverthorn. If you need further assistance in understanding said registration then I'm certain this individual from House Toevas can explain it better to you.

*Draws her attention back to the Toevas representative*

That is if you do not mind sir.

*Pats Daniel on the shoulder.*

Care to buy a girl a drink and we can discuss battle stories?
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Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Responding to Zen*
"Yet how can you fully commit to face that murderer when you fear that the thief might stab you in the back?"

"The law is the law, Zen Zecharion. The enemy you do not know is often more dangerous than the one you can see clearly. House Devry was recently betrayed from within by rogue elements and the result was the slaughter of men and women who would have served us well in our fight. I understand what you are saying, but I disagree. A King's authority is only as strong as his ability to enforce the laws that he has set. It is the nature of politics. If the King allows threats to his authority to stand, even in times of war, his victory will be a hollow one... for some may see it as a sign of weakness, and a weak King is an ineffective one."

*Looks at Olsen* "No one questions Ryphisto's intentions. We question his methods. As for understanding woods father, i don't need to understand his motivations to know that his actions were deplorable. He killed our soldiers. He killed men that had nothing to do with General Fuller's decision to attack the Kunapan. He killed men who have struggled to stop the Red Tear and who have fought to keep his woods safe from the decay we witnessed in the necromantic world. He is every bit as responsible for those deaths as Fuller. That those deaths can be brushed aside by some, mortifies me. These are men who do not have the resources or luxury as most in the town do, of being able to be raised from the dead. They are gone... and they leave behind widows, orphans, grieving parents... and all for what? Because of the unrestrained anger of Woods Father? Because we did not heed his warning one day before the battle was met? Because in the space of a night we weren't able to mend relations with the Kunapan and overthrow the Avyanna king? Men died for THAT?"

"No... I do not name Woods Father as any friend of mine. I will work with him only because I must, only because the alternative is worse. But I will not forgive him for his actions. I care little to understand why he did what he did. He has murdered good men."

*Looks back to Daniel* "The decision to move is a pragmatic one.The King's forces have withdrawn from this place back to Tarragon and there is no longer a Silverthorne presence here. We can do more good in Midway and at Tarragon itself by exerting our influence and skill to calm things down, and lend aid to the army. I for one, would like to quell any rumors of a wood-elven uprising before they get out of hand. It may also be a good idea to distance ourselves from Ryphisto for the time being."
Last edited by Sir Llyshon on Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sir Llyshon
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Post by NPC13 »

*** Olsen Mills speaks to Zen

I can only say this. There are hundreds of thousands who are trained to fight, and thousands who have been trained to fight mages and undead. There are only a handful trained specifically to find those enemies hidden within our midst, those mages who have 'gone bad' as you say.

As Sir Llyshon has so stated, the Red Tear works hard to corrupt our kingdom from the inside and is succeeding to some point. This must be stopped, it as just as important a front in the war as the open front to our north. One more body along that line will do little. One trained mage hunter can do MUCH to find and eliminate Red Tear and other threats from within our Kingdom.

We have tens of thousands guarding our war front, we have very few guarding our hearts and minds from threats in our midst. We can not for a moment tell them to stop such an important job and go and stand with the rest on the lnes if we wish to win... and survive.

Good luck to all of you in your struggles and your choices. I am returning to Tarragon Keep shortly. I only can hope that the differences can be worked out and a united front again can be shown to the Red Tear in the near future, hopefully with the addition of Ryphisto's magical power.
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Post by Zen Zecharion »

ah, at last, somone gives logical reasoning.
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Kathryn leans against the nearby doorjam, her armor clanking slightly. One hand rests, as always, on the sword at her side. Her symbol of House DeVris is clearly displayed on her belt.*

*To Zen*
I don't know you. You are clearly new to this area and this Kingdom. But once you stepped foot into this land we are in, you stepped foot into my jurisdiction. I suggest you follow Kimberlyn's advice. Logic aside, by being here, you agree to follow our King's laws whether you hold allegiance to him or not. A Rogue mage IS a bad mage in this kingdom. No questions asked, no explanations needed. Arguing about the matter contributes nothing to the current situation.

*To Llyshon and Daniel*
Sir Llyshon and Daniel, I agree with you about Woodsfather. His actions do not speak of Essence as I know it either. Perhaps we should ask Kimberlyn here to check him for a taint of Necromancy. Murdering innocent men is not the way. Haste is not the way of tree ents. Something is wrong.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Looks at Kathryn*

I have not seen this Woods Father, but when Ryfisto and the essence mages appeared I did sense them for magic. I did not see the taint of necromancy nor did I notice if they were under the effects of any charms. People were keeping his location to themselves.

All I know is that this whole thing is INSANE.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Shrugs at Kathryn's words*

"I do not believe any taint of necromancy is involved. The undead were destroyed as readily as were our soldiers. I suspect, rather, that woodsfather acted out of ignorance, arrogance, and anger.... which is why I likened him to Fuller rather than to the Red Tear."

"But whatever his motivations, men died needlessly."

*Llyshon looks over to Kimberlyn* "War is insane. But we will make the best of what we have and find a way through all of this. We must."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Llyshon*

War I understand to some degree since I've been on the front lines for awhile.

What's been going on for the past few months....that I do not understand. The turn of events that Saturday evening when Ryfisto revealed himself, that is what is insane.
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

"Insanity. Good word for it." A Wahuru speaks up from the rafters.

“Mistakes happened everywhere. The humans need not have attacked the Sil’van’con Treants when Woodsfather’s trees went berserk. Nor the Wood Elves when they sought to ward off the human swords. But when we in the air saw our allies under assault…”

The Wahuru pauses. “We had to help. We didn’t want to hurt the humans, but there was panic… chaos… many died who shouldn’t have.”

“Ryphisto says he can bring all sides together in peace – even Lethnal, with the proper King. He says this can be done from a position of neutrality. If he can stop this insanity and keep friend from killing friend, then I’m all for it.”
All answers and declarations are absolute until I change my mind or someone says otherwise

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