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Edrick Stormbane
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

I'm slightly confused. I thought we are at war with the Red Tear and right now, we are barely holding our own. These other complaints and arguments seem to be counter productive and irrelevant if the Red Tear wins the war.

I say, we stop the Red Tear and than after that threat is destroyed, the argument of Ulric's gift can continue.

And, what purpose is served if we move to Midway? Would it not be better to use Legacy as the home base because of its location and our ability to quickly respond to attacks and threats to the frontline? And we can send delegates to the keep to keep the leadership informed on what’s going on?

It matters not what race we are, it only matters that the Red Tear is stopped so another Necro World does not happen. Have we forgotten the lessons we learn in that accursed place?
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari nods to Erdick and quirks a small smile and nod of the head for Darthesis*
And THAT has been my point all along. Some of you have some sway with people in positions to bend Silverthorns ear. You can choose to use that influence any in any way you wish. All I'm saying is that would it not be wise to use it to forstall reengaging Lethnal and the Kunapan and allowing a disinterested 3rd party try to bring peace amongst all to accomplish the task at hand? We have the chance to save this world from that abomination we just spent an entire year in. Does any of you really want to live in a world like that? You have the choice to use your sway to help or not.

Kimberlyn, what makes you believe that anyone that supports the idea of Ryphisto and the essence mages trying to make peace amongst all sides here is attacking what you hold dear? It's pretty obvious that you hold your allegiance to the kingdom of Silverthorn dear, correct? How do you think anyone is attacking that at all? I'm not playing the blame game here, what I said about you is a real concern. You have great power and abilities, and you have great leeway where mages are concerned. What I said to you was said in kinship, if you were to do that to a human mage and it was found they were part of the guild you WOULD be put up on charges. If they happened to be some cousin of a royal you would be put to death. Even though you can't see it, I'm trying to actually help you out here. We have grown close over the years, I don't want this situation to affect that.

I don't want enemies amongst any of you, I call you friends, and will continue to do so.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon looks over to Solari*

"There were those who did speak out against the Kingdom. Their words angered us. But at least for me, that anger has passed."

"I hold no enmity towards any here, even those who have spoken out. As I stated at the first, I see you all as brothers and sistersd, united in our stand against the forces of darkness."

"I do have some sway in political matters, and it is my best judgment that we withdraw to midway temporarily while keeping a portal open to this place. I will be willing to work with Ryphisto and the essence magi in their diplomatic endeavors. It is my counsel that this space be declared a "no man's land" and I will make it clear to my contacts within Silverthorne what has happened.... that an ancient wood spirit has stirred to wrath in this place and will allow none of the four armies to enter it."

"I will be able to arrange a meeting between Ryphisto and whoever else wishes to come, and the King's personal advisors, though I would strongly caution Ryphisto from asking to meet with the King personally. Any appearance of equality with His Majesty would be a breach of diplomacy. I would strongly recommend that diplomats from the Wood Elves accompany us so that they can make it clear to the King, they had nothing to do with the uprising. I would also suggest that Rooks, Klogg and Chronix attempt to broker a similar meeting between Ryphisto and the Kunapan. As for the Avyanna... we will probably need to remove their King for any serious diplomatic endeavors to take place. That will require no small measure of planning."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*shakes head without looking up*

"Edrick, how could you be soo close, yet so far off.."
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari looks at Llyshon with a confused look on his face.*

So... you think that the best strategy to stop the Red Tear is to go to Midway and wait til whoever is here gets a message to Midway to come and help and then travel to Tarragon, pay the Allerians to port 8 or so at a time back here when something happens?

I'm sorry, I don't mean this to be offensive but that sounds like a Fuller plan. Without the distractions of the Kunapaun and Lethnal forces and Silverthorn's forces not inplace, the Red Tear would overrun this place in a day and it would be lost. They need this area to attack into the heart of the other side of the Chaos Mt's. This is where the stand needs to be and right now it's woefully unprotected. This town could repel a massive atack with the help of those that weren't expelled from the land. Leaving now and going somewhere we can't get back here immediately is just a very very bad idea.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon quirks an eyebrow at Solari and replies coolly*

"I understand that you are worried. Let me address your concerns, by telling you how I see this situation from my military and political background."

" First, the Red Tear will need time to regroup and re-organize. They were defeated and will need to lick their wounds and assess their situation. They do not know that Woods Father has expended all of his energy, and to engage with the number of tree ents they saw at his command will mean heavy losses for them that they can ill afford in the face of an assault on Silverthorne. It will give them pause. Even necromancers need time to replenish their soldiers. How long they will need, I can not say, but scouts can be deployed to keep an eye on the bulk of their forces, and give plenty of warning should they go on the move again."

"Second, our presence here will matter little if the Red Tear attacks in force. We can not hold off an army by ourselves, even with the help of the essence magi, Ryphisto and the town. If 100,000 silverthorne troops outfitted in the best of arms, armor, and magi had difficulty in holding off the Red Tear, WITH our aid, what hope do we have alone, with only a handful of essence magi? We have limitations, Solari. If we attempted to hold this land against the Red Tear without the aid of an army, we would be overrun and slain, and the land would fall. Who then would push for reconciliation amongst the three armies?

"Third, I have no doubt that Ryphisto could communicate with us immediately if needed. If he can not, we can provide him with a spell that will enable him to do so. If this place is attacked by a lesser force, we could be here quickly. Quick enough to make a difference."

"The bulk of our work now is political and diplomatic. The sooner we can get the three Kingdoms to work together, the sooner we can field Silverthorne, Kunapan, and Avyanna forces on this land, and the sooner it will be protected."

"If we stay here, not only will we accomplish little, for all the reasons that I just mentioned, but we also risk angering Silverthorne and making our mission even more difficult. Since the bulk of our work is within Silverthorne lands and not here, we will be spending a lot of time and money traveling through the portal to Silverthorne. And even were we not seen as traitors, or suspect for remaining on these lands, I and the other humans would be at a distinct disadvantage being so far away from the political happenings."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

Of course I don't understand your political wranglings, but Silverthorne's heirarchy has asked us to garner this land for them, and ever since they have asked us multiple times to put our lives on the line to protect it. For your rulers to now feel like we are betraying them by staying here is illogical. If anything he should feel like he has an upper hand in re-claiming it once the Red Tear has been dealt with. After all, we were never expelled.

And I'm sorry, but I've seen how this town responds to threats that aren't immediately threatening it and how far the sun or moon can move across the sky noticably before it actually mobilizes. Not to mention the time and magical energies needed to move everyone to the portal in a timely manner would be wasted. A delay like that could cost us EVERYTHING. I for one am not willing to take that chance. This is the front that needs to be protected from the Red Tear. The hurt feelings of a man that hasn't even deigned to come to these lands for himself don't concern me at all. I understand that some of you are bound in ways that make you beholden to the kingdom, I just hope that doesn't stand in the way of what need be done for the good of everyone. Keeping this world from falling into that nightmare we lived is paramount, it's bigger than this land, it's bigger than allegiances, and it's bigger than any individuals ego or desires.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

"I agree. Keeping it safe is paramount, and if I felt we could hold this place on our own, Solari, I would agree with you.

But by staying here we will accomplish little. We simply can not hold this land against the Red Tear without Silverthorne. If we try to fight without the army, we will die, and the land will be taken. A wise man knows the limits of his strength.

These are the facts, as I see them. We need the army to hold this land. We can get that army here faster if we work from Midway. If we stay here we could do nothing to stop the Red Tear should they mobilize in force.

You have passion, Solarii, and a big heart. But those things alone will not stop the advance of the necromancers into this place. Our best chance of keeping this land safe is by getting the three armies in position before the necromancers come.

Staying here will hamper that effort."

*Llyshon's hand moves towards the handle of his sword and he tilts his head as he regards the wood elf, the tone of his voice remains relaxed, but there is a definite edge to it*

"Now as to your words. You have a tendency towards a free tongue when you are angry. Because I count you as my friend, I can forgive much. But do not forget that I am a Knight of Silverthorne, and the 'man', about whom you are speaking is my King. In my presence, you will address him as 'King Silverthorne', 'His Majesty', or 'The King' and not as 'a man', and you will speak of him with respect. As I stated before; every man has his limits, and when you dishonor My King, then you have reached mine."
Last edited by Sir Llyshon on Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Vigfus Vigbjornsson »

*Vigfus stands up*
You are a victim of mechanic strategy over role-playing. Think outside the box. Role-play.
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Post by Floggdagreen1 »

*Flogg watches the tension rising and shakes his head*

Typical. Just typical.
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Post by Darthesis »

*** Darthesis claps in his corner

Everyone here states truth, but it is the truth through their eyes. I would think we wait for our scouts to tell us how bad the area looks before we withdraw for military reasons. It may be required, it may not, I have just arrived back here.

As for diplomacy and political reasons, I see widely varying views here. Solari has often let his mouth get him in trouble, there is nothing new or shocking here, even to you.

*** Smiles and nods at Solari

However everyone needs to learn to deal with their emotions and coat their words such that other partially closed ears can hear it properly. This is the way of the world, there is no way around it.

Llyshon, insulting 'King Silverthorne' is indeed something that I can see you having trouble abiding. However, he is a man, and... only a man. A man with a lofty title and great responsibility, yes, but still a man.

I would think taking insult at calling a man a man means everyone needs cooler heads here. It's not like he called him a goblin, a kobold, or a fool.

How can we profit... I mean prosper... if we can't find common ground? I would think that would start with information of what exactly our situation is militarily. That more than anything else will make the decision. There may be no options whatsoever.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn smirks after Darthesis speak as if amused*

Ah profit *she turns her attention towards him* speaking of which I do have something for you that you will be interested in. I didn't have a location to send it to you when I was on the front lines. It's yours whenever you are ready or available.

Oh yeah since I've had to clarify it to a few people if you heard of my death it's a good story, but as you can see I'm quite alive.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon continues to look at Solari as he speaks*

"Perhaps you are right, Darthesis. It is not the act of referring to the King as 'a man', as much as it is the disdain and disrespect with which he referred to him."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Lochlainn »

Llyshon, I would have you remove your hand from your sword.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*OOG: Just to clarify to everyone since it is sometimes difficult to gauge things over the internet, Llyshon's hand is resting lightly on the handle of his weapon, not gripping it, and it seems as if his moving his hand to his weapon was an unconscious gesture. His voice is calm and while there is an edge to his tone, there is no hint of malice, anger, or overt threat in his voice or body language. He looks upset, and affronted, but it does not look like he is going to draw his weapon or act violently. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my description.*
Sir Llyshon
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