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Solari Son of the Mother
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari pointedly looks at Llyshon's swordhand and quirks an eyebrow as he looks Llyshon in the eyes*
If you think that was disdain then you haven't heard me speak in a disdainful manner. I simply stated facts. If those facts rub you the wrong way then I'm sorry Llyshon, but that does not change any of them. If you are expecting me to treat Silverthorne with the reverence you choose to, I think you will be sorely disappointed. I do respect the man, but as Darthesis points out he is just a man, I don't think he would deny that.
*cracks a small smile*
In fact if he did deny that I would be very worried.

As Darthesis says, we need more information. As to what I believe, I believe that with the help of what essence mages are here or could be here somewhat quickly, that with the help of this town we could hold off any forces that the Red Tear could muster quickly. Llyshon you your self said that a large attack force would take quite some time. However, a smaller force, one that could mobilize in a few days could possibly sweeep through this land with little resistance without the protection of this town and what few essence mages are available.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Darthesis »

And one other important piece of the strategic puzzle. What resources do this 'essence council' or 'essence nation' bring to bear here in this area? Is it a small group of essence mages, is it a large force? From what I have heard of Ryphisto he is no fool, I'm sure if he expects his mages to be here on a permanent basis there is some force to remain with them. If not, then he likely will not be here full time.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*the sound of breaking glass comes form behind the bar*

*with a grin that doesnt quite reach his eyes*
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Post by halfelfman »

*pulls a sheet of paper, ink and a pen out of his satchel

*starts to write and looks up.

Sylas where can I post something?
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Quote From a Grandmaster Healer known as House: Everyone Lies sometimes except House Mandalor members. Those bastards never tell the truth.

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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Looks at Sylas with a grin of her own and shakes her head in amusement.*

Sylas, need help cleaning that mess up? Might as well make myself useful and it sounds like you could use an extra pair of hands today. Besides it will take my mind off of things.
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks walks into the inn, his hood is down, features look a little haggard*

"Ugh, glad thats done with..."

*Looks to Sylas behind the bar*

"Ah, my silver rose, I need alcohol, and lots of it. Whats.... happening here?"
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Post by Darthesis »

Welcome Rooks...

You have missed a group of people doing their best to insult the Kingdom of Silverthorne, raising the ire of those who defend it, and that ire has risen to the level of threats.

It's all wonderfully fun... if you're the Red Tear... and probably bad for the digestion as well.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Sylas Hay »

"Ill have you know I issued only promises, no threats. And my Ire is perfectly balanced, neither raised nor lowered."
*stops for a moment and thinks, then cocks his head to the left*

"Hmm.. I had forgotten, I am a bit unbalanced currently. Silver rose eh? *smiling and pouring a drink for Rooks* I was once refered to as the 'Black Rose of Jakoric', and I suppose in my *looks down at self, head still cocked* diminished state Im looking a little haggard. Silver Rose might be more suiting."

*grins to himself as if sure, head still lolling to one side*
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*After Solari finishes speaking, Llyshon sighs heavily and removes his hand from his sword, folding his arms in front of him.* "Solari, by your tone and the way you referred to the King..." *he trails off as if at a loss for words, then sighs again and shakes his head, clearly more exasperated now than angry.* "I think part of what angered me is fear for you. Some day you are going to say the wrong thing in front of a noble or other official and I will have to pull strings to haul your neck away from the hangman's noose."

*Llyshon glances about the inn at the other patrons, frowning.* "I will try to say this without sounding arrogant, for i have been accused of such by others here, although in truth, I do not count myself as 'better' than any of you. But I am no longer simply Llyshon. I am Sir Llyshon. I ask, out of respect for me and for all that I have done to earn my Knighthood, that you address me so."

*he glances to Sylas* "Agreed. I believe I echoed your sentiment earlier. I would not have drawn blade on anyone here."

*He looks back to Solari* "You have some valid points. While I maintain that my job on the political spectrum would be far easier to accomplish in Midway, it seems our first order of business before any decision is reached will be to collect information, and to do so quickly." *He looks over at Darthesis with a wry smile on his lips.* "I imagine you will be able to gather what we need... for a price?"
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari giggles a little at the mention of saving someone from the hangman's noose*

And at times I may have actually said the right thing to the right army officer.

So let's get down to business.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Darthesis »

Business, music to my ears!

*** Darthesis chuckles.

I expect the army can report back on the current situation in a reasonable fashion, but if you want the best information money can buy, let's talk in about a price. Anything from general locations and numbers to the family history of each member of the opposing factions. Whatever level of detail you need, I can provide for the proper motivation.

And btw, the one thing I truly find ludicrous in all this is to think that for one moment that Silverthorn would give up their claim and effort for this land. Whatever is decided, whatever the battle lines and locations may shift, Silverthorn will still want to keep this land. This is simple fact.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks wanders behind the bar and takes him mug from sylas, the mug looks aged and has strange writting on it. He takes a drink then sneezes and looks up*

"I agree with darth on this matter, I see little would make me believe that his majesty would give up this land, and I see even less reason it shouldn't be his. Surely alleria may have intrest in it, but the king has made no mention of it to me. I think kllog would confirm my notion that Windcrest is quite happy with their own borders, and would have little issue with silverthornes claim. Land is like any commodity, it has value and someone will own it. My people have lost much, but we.still lay claim to what we have and will in time seek to regain what was lost. Many of the races have found a posative and nurturing role in silverthorne, the gnomes has catilion, your people solari, live amongst any forrest in the kingdom and have yet to be kicked out to my knowledge. If this land is to be held and kept safe, there will be a time when someone must be its warden. Even if we win this war necromancy will still exist and will look to tarnish this place. Even if I am ultimately sucessful in my endevors it will take centuries to right this world, and even than necromancy will still exist. Humans act fast, and very commonly in the wrong, but in so many cases they strive to make it right. I see no one else I would trust this gift to, I would expect many to benefit from it, even if a king says it is his. I see many suffer if one does not."

*rooks down his ale and refills it.*

"I am long winded tonight, but while your all in this bar with your mouths open you should be drinking"
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*straightens head*
"Answers. Right."
*pats Rooks on the back*
"Bars yours"
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Rooks.*

I've been trying to get Daniel to get me a drink for awhile. *She smiles* Mind getting a mug of ale for me Rooks?
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari unconsciously thinks of he and Twilight's ward while Rooks speaks of someone ruling this land and he appears, this time he looks like a Ga-Vin*

I would think that Silverthorne would indeed still lay claim to these lands, as will Lethnal. Unless of course some things change or come to light in the days going forward.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
Sunlight Reflected Off Of The Dew As The Sun Crests The Hill
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