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Post by GM Evan »

"Hey look at that, Daniel, Kimberlyn, and Lyshon, all valiantly spouting the greatness of Silverthorn. So far all I see is Human talk about the greatness of a human kingdom that oppresses and belittle all other races. Perhaps if the other races felt they could be treated with respect they would also make a commitment to this war. Perhaps it is time for Silverthorn to put aside its racial superiority in the face of this enemy and ASK the other races for some help instead of just expecting that the other races will come and SERVE under Silverthorn's banner."

"So far, from what I have seen. Silverthorn is pretty much getting what it deserves. The necromancers dont care if you are Human, Elven, Gnome, Barbarian, Avyana, Guthrie, Sylvani or anything else for that fact, they are using Silverthorn's insistance of superiority to its advantage and taking this time to strike knowing that in its arrogance it will not ask for aid till its too late. Do you really think the Red tear could stand up if Silverthorn, Windcrest, Alleria, Sylvandar, The dwarves, The Gnomes, The Kunapan, The Avyana, and Sylvan'con all stood united against them. This war would have been over a long time ago if the nobles of Silverthorn could but put aside its racial superiority complex and treat other races as equals. But I see that about as likely as an army of dark elves rising up to join the battle against the Undead."

"So yeah, you humans all keep spouting about the greatness of Silverthorn. Us lesser races will be around doing our part to fight in this war DESPITE the treatment we get from your kingdom, but never in the numbers that are truly needed to turn the tide of this war."

*Vaellar then turns and leaves, heading outside*
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

"Opression? Belittling? Tell me Vaellar.. Ryphisto is an Elf who rose to the highest ranks in the Guild of Magi. How many Humans hold such great positions of power within the Elven Kingdom? Within the Dwarven, or the Gnomish? How many non-humans hold such within Alleria? Of any nation now in existence... find me one that treats those not of their race with more respect than Silverthorne treats non-humans."

"Alleria, Sylvan'dar, The dwarves, The Gnomes, The Kunapan, The Avyana, and Sylvan'con, How can you speak of these nations, then complain of 'Silverthorne's racial superiority complex' in the same breath?"

"As for requests for help. Do you think we have not sent such requests to the Dwarves and the Elves and the other races? Do you think we have not requested aid from others?"

"What help has come? Where are the Dwarven armies and the might of the Elven magi? The Avyana attacked us. The Kunapan sought to carve through our territory as an afterthought. Such is our aid."

"I do not 'spout the greatness of Silverthorne.' We are not a perfect Kingdom, for such a Kingdom does not exist on Phantera. But we have shed the blood of our sons and daughters to stop the advance of the Red Tear. The least that we are owed for this, is respect."

*Llyshon sighs and shakes his head*

There are many in our Kingdom who have faught with, and learned to respect and honor those not of our race, and I am truly sorry that all do not do so. But what you ask is for something that no Kingdom in Phanterra now offers, and probably never could.
Last edited by Sir Llyshon on Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Llyshon and sighs*

This is exactly the beginning of things I was concerned about. No matter what you say, what I say, what anyone who has fought time and time again against any corrupt force be it necromantic or otherwise. Lines for people have been drawn in the sand in their minds Some will take what Ryfisto did and see it as an opportunity to seize power in some other way or find it to be their out for things they do not fully understand.

What is going on my friend sickens me to my very core. What has happened to those who were like me, what is happening among people who were friends but now take actions neither you or I understand, what is happening to things you and I hold dear.

None of this is right and I still am trying to understand it all.
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Daniel Lockheart
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Post by Daniel Lockheart »

Vaellar, we've had this discussion time and again, but if you wish to discuss it here then I shall as well. Tell me when the next trip to Sil-Vyn-Con is? I'd love to take a visit there. Oh, wait, I'm human, elves don't allow our "kind" there. Well then, instead I'd like to jump into the dwarven halls and visit their home. Oh! nope not really allowed to enter there let alone to be treated as an equal there either. I'd look for a Guthrie kingdom, but the last I checked you couldn't bother to settle down long enough in one place to have one. Windcrest is a human kingdom as far as I know, as is Alleria, which by the way as a non-mage I'd be a slave there. The Gnomes kingdom exists inside Silverthone where they govern themselves. You talk to me about the only kingdom that allows all races to come into its boarders and live here as freemen, and you have the gall to call us the racists one? Pride? Sure. Making people who we openly accept into our land that are not our kind earn their place here, that's true too, but you can attest even a KNOWN criminal like yourself has been given chance after chance and has even been accepted as a citizen. Don't sit there and act like it's oh, you're not a human and you broke a single law, off with your head... else you'd already be dead.

We have rules, we have laws, and we have ways for all to be accepted as equals.
Gentleman Daniel J. Lockheart, Lord of Morborough
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

The problem here is that Silverthorn believes these lands to be his. The Kunapan believe they have been wronged by Silverthorn and Lethnal. Lethnal believes that we are trespassing on their side of the Chaos Mts and Woods Father believes that you are forsaking a gift that was bestowed upon the world.

I was there when Ulric gave the last of his essence to Phanterra and this entire place sprung up out of the waste here. He said that his last act upon Phanterra would be to give this gift to the world. To the WORLD! He didn't say he was giving this gift to "his king", he didn't say he was giving this to Lethnal, or to Syl'van'Con, nor to Castellion or Syl'van'Dar In all of silverthorn's "grand benevolence" *flourishes his arms* at the heart of what he wants here is simply more power and control. Does any of you truly believe that the essence mages give a whit about power and control of land or machinations of how they can increase their borders?

I don't pretend to understand why you humans feel the need to posess EVERYTHING that you possibly can. *Looks to Daniel* Perhaps that is why our cousins in Syl'van'Dar do not allow the other races, especially, humans within their borders. Because eventually you would try to find a way to take it from them. I don't think it's an accident that most of the other races tend to try and keep their homes hidden away from you. And Daniel, I have taken you into Syl'van'Con myself, anytime you wish to return you have but to ask. And I promise you that you will not be treated as a second class citizen there. Ask Mohdri if humans are considered second class citizens amongst the wood elves.

I say to you all, what better buffer between warring nations than a people who could care less about the land that you are all killing each other to have. ESPECIALLY since the Red Tear is on the other side.

Llyshon you say you cannot forgive the deaths at the hands of the trees and plants of this land in the confusion, then why would any of us have a notion to forgive the continous death that has been perpetrated in this land since Silverthorn came to US and WE claimed it? You seem to brush those aside as "acceptable losses" which you military types tend to do when it's convenient for you. And then take offense at the fact that any of your soldiers died. You yourself, before I met you I knew 2 things of you. That you were a great mage or fire, and that some people called you village slayer and peasant bane.

And yes Kimberlyn, things will get more and more insane as long as people take things too far. Insanity like attacking a PUPPET because you assume that they have cast magics within the borders of Silverthorn WITHOUT even attempting to do your duty with diligence and ascertain whether or not that mage was rogue or not and whether or not they had broken any laws in Silverthorn. Or have you forgotten that there are guidelines that you are supposed to follow. Have your fears taken hold of you that much that you have become a rogue mage hunter? If that had been a human you should be up on charges right now.

And Katherine, Katherine do we really want to start talking about some of the things that were done in your name? Or the aftermaths?

I'm not trying to embarass any of you, not at all. I'm just pointing out that your words seem duplicitous. I know that you all are good people, but you all also have an allegiance that clouds your vision. I freely admit that I suffer from the same affliction. I always wanted for this land to be free of political wranglings and maneuvering. I have always wanted this land, given to the world by a great man, to be a place where people all were welcomed equally. The difference, I feel, is that I recognize that and try to take that into consideration when I contemplate what is best for the world and us all.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Floggdagreen1 »

Flogg think everybody need stop all this. Necro guys need to be smashed, but everyone fightin' with each other. Bird guys and lizard guys on both sides, maybe they can be talked to. Maybe not, Flogg not so good with that kinda stuff, Flogg know couple things though.

In bird guy lands, Flogg's people are slaves. Not know how lizard guys are but no reason to think they different. Dark elves? They use Flogg's people as slaves. Order knights? Flogg remember seein' dem in dream place. Flogg's people slaves there too, not even allowed to have dreams of their own. Orcs be kill on sight to Dwarves and Elves of all kinds.

Flogg is free, brothers are free. Flogg's people have no homeland, we treated like slaves almost everywhere. We treated like fodder fer slaughter just cus us Orcs like ta fight and bash.

Ifin yuse guys want bash each other be done with it. Human land, Dwarf land, Elf land, Bird land all the same to Flogg. It land, maybe yuse guys gots cities there but land is land is land. It all part of the Green. Flogg more at home among the Green, but not allowed to say that cuz Flogg not human, or elf, or dwarf or whatever.

So we gonna go bash the necros that need bashin? We gonna get the help of others so we can proper bash? Or we just gonna bash each other like the necro guys want?
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Post by halfelfman »

A somewhat tall chubby man wanders in, wearing a green shirt, brown leather vest, black knickers, knee high black boots and a brown leather hat. Several pouchs hang from around his waist while large brown leather satchel is draped over his right side. He seems tired and wanders over to the bar keep, pulls out a metal mug and asks to have it filled with dwarven ale. Tosses the keep a few coins and wanders over to a table to relax.
Andrew Green

Adventuring note # 121
Throwing a ball and saying go fetch boy does not work vs Werewolves.

Player note # 47: Proving the staff wrong is hazardous to your health unless you are Soco. Cause Soco is always right.

Quote From a Grandmaster Healer known as House: Everyone Lies sometimes except House Mandalor members. Those bastards never tell the truth.

Combat tip #22: Wearing parachute pants and singing can't touch this while doing the MC Hammer every time you use Battle Dance is only funny the first few times.
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Post by Darthesis »

*** A man wearing a long flowing black cloak and hood steps out from a corner of the inn.
*** Those nearby don't seem to remember him being there. Where his cloak opens in the front
*** you see flashes of blue shirt and glints of many small bits of steel and possibly stranger metals.
*** You're gessing they are blades but it's hard to say.

*** He takes a seat nearer to the light, but with his back near the wall.

What a discussion indeed. Many, many interesting viewpoints and representation. I think there is indeed a great deal of information needed here before making such momentous choices.

My name is Darthesis Tal'Sadaar and if anyone has need of such information, they can request it of me. If I don't already know it, I guarantee I can find it, and my word is my bond. My services are the very top of the line in this and almost any kingdom, as are my prices. My reputation will speak for itself.

*** OOG: Darthesis is world famous as a mercenary. His reputation is shadowy but very effective.

I recognize many of you, but certainly not all of you. Welcome home to Legacy even if it's for a short few months you will be able to stay. I was nearby when you were all swept away last Bloodmoon last year and I felt the tug pulling me along as well. I quickly looked up at the stars and decided it was not a place I wished to go, so I fought against it, successfully. After a month had passed and people started to write you all off as dead I myself decided the best place to make my living was far away from here with just the army around... I'm allergic to conscription you see.

I recently heard that you all had risen from the dead... in a totaly non-necromantic manner. I stand here impressed and shocked. I made the arduous journey back here to be with my old acquintances and confidants.

As everyone knows, I'm also allergic to politics, so I'll let you all ponder over the fate of the kingdoms, kings, and other little things while I settle in. Oh, and by the way. I have only heard rumors of what you all went through on this 'other world'. As a man who lives for excitement and stories, I would truly appreciate to hear of this place. I'll happily pay for this information if anyone has some time to tell the tales.

Oh, and yes, I did stop at Tarragon and update my writ, Fidelis Pro Aurum is again sanctioned as a local chapter here in Ulrich's Gift, all paperwork is available to whomever is in charge of such things now.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
Fidelis Pro Aurum
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon arches an eyebrow and looks coolly at Solari* "Peasant bane? Village Slayer? Upon my honor I can not recall ever harming or killing a peasant. Odd that there are those who would say such things."

*Llyshon sighs* "Solari. I grieve for every innocent that has been slain. Every single one. I despise war. I would never use the phrase 'acceptable losses'. I am truly sorry that good men and women have had to die, whatever their race or allegiance. Whatever their nation."

"I did not say that Alric specifically gave Silverthorne this gift... but as to who this land belongs to and what right they have to claim this place... that is not the issue. In politics reality matters less than perception. The issue is how it will be perceived by our nobility if, after Silverthorne withdraws from this place, a new nation declares itself. Anything that REMOTELY resembles this will make any hope of peace delayed, if not impossible."

"I do not know why you seem so surprised, Solari, that us humans would show pride, and gainsay those who would speak ill of Silverthorne. Would you not do the same were someone to speak out against the wood elves? Vaeller, and some of the townspeople before him, has spoke ill of us. We felt compelled to answer."
Last edited by Sir Llyshon on Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn appears irritated and looks coldly at Solari*

So, you want to play the blame game? Would you like for me to rehash how Alrich was trapped in the first place and because he was trapped the end result was this place?

You stand there as if you want this division to occur. That you want people like Daniel, Kathryn, Llyshon, and I to now become your enemy.

*Kimberlyn takes a deep breath and look at Llyshon*

The line is being drawn. People are already choosing sides. Ryfisto and the others are about to destroy what you and I and some others once cared about. If THIS is what is already taking place then the King and others will see it and he will give the orders neither one of us want to hear.*

*Kimberlyn notices Darthesis and turns her attention towards him.*

It's been awhile. I believe I have something of yours I'm sure you would like returned to you. I did not forget, I just could not locate you to send it to you.
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

Solari, if you have an accusation to make upon me, I suggest you do so here and now, in the open. I have nothing to hide. *she sighs* I have no quarrel with you. I merely think that a being who claims to be of essence, who is not acting as any other essence creature I have ever met, needs to be examined.

*Kathryn looks to Darthesis*

Welcome back. I wondered what happened to you.
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

*Kimberlyn looks at Kathryn*

Agreed, this Woods Father does indeed need to be examined.
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Post by Sylas Hay »

*quietly serving drink at request, but having said not a word until...*

*speaking much more coldly then is normal*
"Kimberlyn, if you wish to 'rehash' what happened to Ulrich then I suggest you speak to me directly. I was the one who killed him."

*eyes never leaving Kimberlyn, but speaking to all in the tiny Inn*
"As for Woodsfather no one said he was tied to Essence any more then any of you. He is an ancient creature, Long dead before the Sea of Dust appeared. When Ulrich restored the Gift Woodsfather was revived as well."

*dropping his eyes back to the bar, and pouring an ale*
"This is still Legacy, this is still my Inn, and I am still its Shepard. Argue till youre blue in the face, but I swear the first person to draw steel on another member of my town will learn how 'substandard' I really am.."

*continues to clean the bar and reorganize mugs that dont need it*
Last edited by Sylas Hay on Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon nods once to Sylas*

"Agreed. Whatever our differences or our quarrels... we are on some level, united. Any who would forget this by way of violence, would reckon with me as well."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Kimberlyn Darksbane »

I agree with the statement by both of you were violence is concerned. What we have here is a debate and neither side appears to be listening to the other.

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