Preparing for Blood Moon '07
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X-GM Fesko
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Preparing for Blood Moon '07

Post by X-GM Fesko »

“GENERAL FULLER!” Thane Fitz-Droven can be heard shouting just outside the Inn. “Would you say, perhaps now, that an evacuation of the civilian populations is indeed in order?!?”

“Nonsense!” Replies Fuller. “Our situation has never been better! The Wahuru air scouts report the Red Tear armies are in complete disarray following the destruction of that lord of theirs. That… Regent Morty, or whatever. Why, I’m even considering sallying forth to finish them off!”

“Take a good look around, General.” Fitz-Doven waves a hand about – indicating the smoldering buildings, his own wrecked manse, and the dead and destroyed undead still lying in the streets. “You said there was no need for an evacuation – that your army could hold our enemies at bay.” He laughs humorlessly. “I’d say the evidence is starkly to the contrary!”

“Have a care how you speak to a noble, full-blooded Fuller, FITZ-Droven!”

“The point is,” the Thane continues, struggling to maintain control, “we are facing powerful forces capable of unknown feats. If the Red Tear is badly disorganized, great, redeploy some of the troops from the Northern Flank to secure the Tarragon Pass. Let me move the non-coms out of harms way until the Blood Moon is passed.”

“Dedeploy my – My dear Thane, that would preclude any offensive that might be made to take advantage of the Red Tear’s loss! Missing out on this tactical opportunity is unthinkable!”

“In disarray or not, the Red Tear still outnumbers you two to one – and that’s if you take all your forces AND Moki’s with you! Losses will be horrendous and victory is hardly assured. And what of the approaching Kunapan? Now is not the time to leave these towns defenseless!”

General Fuller pauses to think for a moment. “I’m sure I could have our troops back in place before the Kunapan arrive…”
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Post by Darthesis »

*** Darthesis speaks up from the table, not loudly enough to be
*** heard outside, but still at a normal voice volume.

Is there no one involved in the political process here who can take this matter to the Baron and the Duke to have Fuller tried for treason over his igniting of a second war and gross incompetence? Baron Von Droven was a general, he will understand the truth.

This insanity, if left to go on, will be the death of everyone on this site of the Chaos mountains... and that is just for starters.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*listens politely to what the General has to say, then interjects*

"General, your plan would be an excellent one if the information you had at hand were correct." *He shakes his head* "But I fear it is not. I have thoroughly studied the lore of Regis Mortem, with Sir Alric as my teacher. There are few that know more of him and of the Red Tear than I do. Even if the apparition we fought was, in fact, the real Regis Mortem and not just a crazed necromancer, the lore books that are available in the Toevass library speak of Regis as an entity that even the ancient An'Dar could not destroy. It required a feat of magic that almost unmade the world in order to best him. The thing that claimed to be 'Regis Mortem' was nowhere near the level of power that the lore of Toevass tell us."

"As I'm sure you are aware, the Red Tear are well known for their deceptions. It is possible that this is all a Red Tear plot, designed to take us from the safety of our fortifications when our enemy is at their strongest. Even if the enemy is, in fact, in disarray, they may provide us with enough of a fight to delay us, and to make our flank or rear vulnerable to an attack by the Kunapan. I know that a man of your genius would see the wisdom in not falling for what may well be a Red Tear trick."

"As I told Sir Pyre, the Kunapan will be looking at their first attack upon our position as a true test of our mettle and strength. When we prove our strength and your prowess to them, and they do indeed break before our walls, they will at last give you the respect that a man of your station deserves. Let us marshall the fullness of our strength here, where WE are strongest, and teach these Kunapan to properly respect the colors of Silverthorne."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Torvach »

*Torvach stares at Fuller like he's sprouted a third head*

Yeah, shouldn't have had you raised.

*turns to the thane*

I'll go tell the peasants they get to leave.
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*Rooks's eyes snap open and he addresses all gathered*

"As you all know this coming moon we will all face an enemy... or should i say enemies most fierce. As things sit now... it is far to late to make any last minute replacements of those of rank, and while i have shown great distaste in some whom play a role in this... i ask we band together now and make the stand we need to make. Right now planning and sharing information are the most important thing we can do."

*Rooks coughs, takes a long drink from his wine glass and continues*

"As was agreed between the Mal Ka' Tai and the Kunupan, should we break their ranks on ours and hold them off for merely one push of their
strength they will once again speak of a treaty with us"

*Rooks hones his eyes to Fitz-Droven*

"This treaty will be imperative to holding the night against the red tear. We need to have plans prepared to hold against them based on the fact that we have gained their allegiance... should we have failed in this... it probably wont matter how we plan for the battle."

*Rooks once again addresses the masses*

"I will now admit my lack of knowledge, it has been all of you who have been fighting on this front for so long, and know more of the red tier then i do at this time. I can offer very little for the attack they will mount. So i ask a great deed of you know... One, all ego's are to stay out of this, time is to short for it. Two, bring any idea you have, for it may have merit unseen or unknown by the rest of us. Three, Everyone one of you willing and able is needed, in any capacity you can offer. Four, we stand at the head of a new war... one to mark our world for good or evil... everything is in the balance here, and i vow to trust each and every one of you in this fight."
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Post by Darthesis »

It should also be noted that we should do anything we can to solidify our alliance with the Avyana for the coming fight, AND to guard against their betrayal. They have turned sides once, and should it seem in their best interests, I have no doubt they will do so again.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Chronixxx Thunderforge »

"that's great news Fuller, so you laid the killing blow on Regis Mortem. Wow thats fantastic. I had no idea you were even around last moon when he showed up. And to kill one of the most powerful necromancers ever.... WoW I mean really thats great."

"Ya i dont trust the birds. I wouldn't even bother with trying to have them stay on our side, just better to prepare for their back stabs."
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Red with rage, General Fuller storms away.

“GENERAL!” Fitz-Droven calls after him. “WHAT ABOUT…. Ah, it’s no use. There will be no assistance from his quarter. We need to evacuate the townsfolk, but we can’t send them through the Taragon Pass if there are no soldiers to secure it! I can’t ask the Baron for assistance – what would I say? ‘Father, may I borrow some troops? Sure, I play host to a large army, but my ineptitude leaves me unable to get them to do anything. Please bail me out?’”
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Post by Darthesis »

*** Darthesis speaks to Von Droven quietly then steps away

PM incoming
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Glances over to Chronixx, and states* "Regis Mortem is not a necromancer, Chronixx. It is not human. It is magical chaos personified... perhaps a better way to describe Regis Mortem is to say that it IS necromancy. It was wrought into being by the arrogance of the An'Dar in their might. Regis Mortem is an entity that draws its very existence and strength from the magical fabric of our world. To defeat it required the intervention of the greatest warriors and magi at the end of the Age of the Ancients... and even after his defeat the very nature of Magic had to be changed in order to prevent his rise again. It was for this reason that the time of the Ancients, and One Magic, came to an end."

"To defeat Regis Mortem is well beyond the scope of any of us individually... yet I know of a way. It is for this reason that I need to travel to Silverthorne and need the assistance of some of you."

*After he has spoken, Llyshon walks over to where the Thane and Darthesis are huddled together in conversation*
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Chronixxx Thunderforge »

"I figured as much Lyshon. I've heard many stories of the power and evils of Regis."

*in extreme sarcasm*
"That's why Fuller needs so much appraise for defeating him. And by his boasts single handed too."

"but now on with the evacuation plans. The Mal Ka'Tai will give what ever help we can. I'm sure Skumm boat will be of great assistance. Rooks shall we?"
Sir Chronixxx Lightningforge
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The Thane responds to Darthesis then addresses everyone present.

"Legacy and Shepherds Down shall be evacuated. Captain Torvach - make use of the Town Guard in spreading the word and organizing the freemen who would leave. I'll ensure the Pass is secured."

With that, he turns to the Portal with the determined focus of a warrior on a suicide mission.
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Frowns at the direction that Fuller has left in, and looks over to the Thane* "I will speak with the Knighthood on this matter. To leave our defensive positions would be suicide, and I don't think that General Fuller fully understands the danger that he would put us all in." *With that, Llyshon walks off in the direction of the military tents.*
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

The boat is sadly gonna be pretty tied up Chronixxx, we have those delegations to fly around... remember? Speaking of which... i prolly need to get going. I'll pop back in and out to keep touch with our plans... I've got some ideas if we manage to have one person access our resources and plans our defense.
Rooks Bloodsinger Reayvalynn
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Post by Torvach »

*walks off in the direction of Shepherds Down*

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