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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks strolls into the inn with kllog amidst the discussion*

"Wow... what a bunch of familiar faces." *chuckles* " Can i assume your all discussing the failure-ific mission of diplomacy and the impending-er doom that is now befallen us? Thank goodness i live on a flying boat!" *states rooks with his pointer finger to his lips* "On that note... i need a drink what about you Klogg?

*Rooks wanders over to a seat, and waves to a barmaid*

"Ale... dwarven, and keep it coming."
Rooks Bloodsinger Reayvalynn
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari stops and turns around when Rooks and Klogg show up

Wow, now we'd like to know something about them, maybe SOMEBODY should travel with them for a day or something silly like that. *Shakes head* I'm sorry if I seem perturbed, but this is no time for making more enemies, a war that will be talked about for the next 1000 years is upon us. One of the great champions of the last one is gone, None of the forces that fought in that last war are available at this time. Bravado and pride will not win this war.

*To Rooks*
I assumed you and the rest of Scumm would make it out with no problem. I do however need to speak with you, I had no idea you knew where the Un'Far'Dar are.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks's eyes go aglow to Solari's words*

"Yes, pride will in fact be costing... much. But yea, i know exactly where they are and how to get there. The matter of how to make it happen a reality... is little known to me. My kingdom put little interest in the secrets i have locked up tight in this ol' melon of mine, and i have been unable to route any help from other avenues. Well, technically i may know two ways there... one will just play hell on the entire fabric of your existence, both here and in the dreaming. "


"odds are i know where the lost dark elven city is too... well many, or at least a few of us do. I think think they are some perversion of dark elf... by the sun is magic strong there."

*rooks sneezes then takes a long drink of ale*
Rooks Bloodsinger Reayvalynn
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*After some time listening to the discussion, Edrick speaks up*

Do the Kunapan hate the undead? Will they stop fighting Silverthorn if undead walk onto the battle field? Will they chose to destroy the evil that is the Red Tear instead of Silverthorn if given the opition?

I ask because may we not delay the Kunapan attack long enough so they will show up when the Red Tear attack Legacy. If all goes well, the Kunapan will show up as the Red tear starts the assulat and the Kunapan would have a choice of joining the Red Tear in the attack or join Silverthorn on destroying the Red Tear.

Just an idea and I do not know enough about this stituation to know if this idead has merit or not.
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Post by Darthesis »

I'm not sure on this, but they didn't show any great hatred. However, they DO hate the avyana, they are who attacked them (with Red Tear help) and leveled villages of Kunapan. This is what we must focus on and direct their energies. I assume they already know of the Red Tear involvement, and we even attacked those who were attacking them. I still believe that unless the Kunapan are a group of fools they can be convinced to attack the Red Tear and the Avyana first. Too bad for the Avyana, so we must focus on the Red Tear.

However, this would require I believe two things. Firstly, a true diplomatic mission with trained diplomats. Secondly a show of strength in combat and magic from a small group of champions... one performed well before they reach our land and our freemen.
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Nods to Darthesis, and muses quietly* "If General Fuller insists on keeping the Garrison here, as it appears he is wont to do, then a surprise attack by a small group of champions that inflicts significant damage upon the Kunapan ranks while taking small losses would serve several purposes. At best, it would teach them that our full forces would be one to respect, and another diplomatic envoy could be tried. If they still can not be swayed, it would at least be a probing test of their defenses, and if repeated guerrilla assaults are made upon them, and traps, magical and otherwise, are laid upon their path, it may at least slow them down enough so that their attack will fall on us AFTER the bloodmoon. In addition I know there are mages in Legacy that have access to the Fifth Tier spell of Earthquake... such a spell, strategically placed, could indeed slow the Kunapan down, and would make them think twice about our mage-craft."

*He glances at the Baron* "I too, had considered teleportation attacks. If we can identify key targets such as magi, that would be more susceptible to surprise attacks, but not too heavily defended..."

*He looks to Sir Frederick, then to Rooks, then Darthesis, and begins to talk faster, as if an idea has just come to him* "We can attack at night with a small force that is illuminated well by light spells so that the force can both see and be seen. While this attack occurs, a small gathering of mages, who can instantly cast area damaging effects can teleport into and out of key places, perhaps even some of those places might be to their armies rear and flank, making them think we are a larger force than we are, and forcing them not to commit all of their forces to direct combat on their front lines. Vaeller, I believe, and myself can cast spells as an elemental.... negating any of their abilities to resist magical attacks, and not allowing the true nature of the teleports to be sensed through the ability to sense magic."

*He continues* "Such an attack can be planned and carried out within three days. Scouts or the Skumm boat can be sent to visually gather information, the night layout of the camp, and confirm targets, while those mages teleporting and myself pick out suitable ground for an assault and spend perhaps two days memorizing it. Given the magical knowledge of the Kunapan the actual teleportation attacks could only last a limited time before we became in danger of them figuring out a way to counter it... say four or five attacks in the confusion... but if we are able to inflict casualties on their mages...."

*He shrugs* "This is just a suggestion. If you have any other ideas, by all means feel free. It would require good intelligence gathering on our part, something that I'm certain Darthesis could provide."

*He looks at the General* "I would also like your permission to organize and lead this assault, General. Although as non-military Freeman, I believe it is within our purview to engage the Kunapan as non-human threats to us, you are the commander of the forces here, and I think it only proper to ask your leave, and yours as well, Sir Frederick." *Llyshon chuckles* "Besides, I am a former soldier of His Majesty, King Silverthorne's army, and old habits die hard. What say you, General? May we attempt this? And would you be willing to meet again with the Kunapan if they are taught to give you the respect someone of your station deserves?"
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Darthesis »

Please let me gather what information I can on the Kunapan first as requested, then we can 'assemble' what is necessary. I'm still not sure that an attack is necessary, but if there will be fighting, it should certainly be done before they arrive at Legacy.

*** Darthesis whispers to Llyshon
Darthesis Tal'Sadaar
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“We’ve heard it from the Avyana’s own lips, Llyshon.” Sir Fredric informs. “They were quite boastful of their razings of the Lizardfolk villages. Dark Elves were indeed with them – providing magical support. This combined force then took control of Legacy and beat back a Red Tear attack. But those Dark Elves later betrayed the Avyana to the Red Tear – an event that ironically helped us. With the Avyana numbers greatly reduced and their magical support gone, Silverthorne was able to retake Legacy.”

“When the Avyana destroyed the Kunapan villages, their Dark Elf allies may not at the time have been allied with the Red Tear. They are now, however, which links the Red Tear to the destruction of those villages as strongly as the Kunapan link us. The Red Tear are aiding the Dark Elves just as we are aiding the Avyana.”

“And should the Crocs fear and hate undead as much as any good Phanterran should,” Fuller adds while giving a nod toward Edrick, “they will have to put their full might against them rather than us should they come into contact with the Red Tear!”

“But we don’t know how they view things – what their rules are.” Fredrick points out. “Perhaps they will put the Red Tear on the same level as Silverthorne – as aiders and abeders of their enemies. Perhaps arranging for both sides to hit us at once will only make things worse.”

Fuller straightens. “Indeed, my men and women can fight all day and all night, if necessary. All week if they must. Purpose, discipline, and righteousness will see them through! And we shall have reinforcements, aplenty! When the mountain snows melt come spring, 100,000 fresh Silverthorne soldiers shall join us in throwing back our enemies on all sides! The grandest army Phanerra has ever seen!”

Fitz-Droven, meanwhile turns to Aurora. “Yes, unfortuantely the Kunapan learned we are allied with the Avyana who attacked their villages, and thus mark us as enemies. I believe the General has answered most of your other questions…”

“And Evacuation is a sign of weakness!” Fuller continues. “An admission that defeat is possible. What of the moral of our soldiers then, eh? What respect would our enemies afford us? No! Everyone – soldier and citizen – shall stand their ground and display their strength of purpose!”

“I think we can be sure the undead will attack at night.” Fredrick muses. “They’ve been beaten back once - they’ll want to gather all their strength to ensure victory next time, and they are much stronger in the dark of night.”

“But Rooks, Chronixxx, and Klogg are with us now.” Sir Fredrick points out. “I understand you met with the Kunapan before. What more can you tell us about them?”

“Yes!” Fuller adds. “Can they see in the dark?”
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Whispers in hushed tones with Darthesis momentarily*

*After he is done Speaking with Darthesis he responds* "So the Avyana joined with us out of necessity after being conquered by us and betrayed by their own allies. According to the Kunapan's way of seeing things, the Avyana would be more conquered enemies serving us out of necessity than they are allies. If there were only some way to speak with the Kunapan and get them to understand that the Avyana worked with the Red Tear and captured our town, and it is only because we defeated them in combat and their former allies turned on them that they now work with us..." *Llyshon sighs* "But even were that so there is still the problem that General Fuller was not respected by them as an equal. Until that occurs I do not know how both sides can feel enough at ease with the other to discuss anything. That is why I advocate for an advanced strike that will shock them at least into a measure of respect."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*rooks is mid sip at the end of Llyshon's speech, and proceeds to exhale a large quantity of ale as he breaks into a fit of lauphter*

"good one there, respect one of their station, yea, good one Llyshon."

*rooks stands and addresses the majority. His face is stern, with a seriousness not akin to him*

"What i love is all this talk of numbers, strength, potential threat is done after the representatives of Silverthorne have insulted an entire army. We had a dam good chance of forming this alliance, people needed to represent the strength of this kingdom, not the pigheadedness it could show. It probably would have been a good idea to send Darth in prior to the first diplomatic mission of your kingdom had you of put any merit in this alliance. Foolishness."

*rooks looks to sir fredrick*

"I have held you in enough esteem that i will share this information with you. The Kunapon see the army of silverthorne in the exact same light as the red tier, in all respects relevant, they are one great army to prove the strength of the Ascendancy, Silverthorne's army is a second. They have every intention of meeting both armies and winning the day. It took great efforts on the part of Chronixxx to even get skarr to speak to myself and kllog... and much further persuasion to convince him to speak of treatise with a kingdom he saw far below his strength."

*Looks to fuller*

"Defeat is always an option, pride merely blinds some from it. Neither you or Skarr see any chance of your armies failing to win this fight. In fairness to him i don't think his kind truly feel the threat bearing down on the world... as they have had little exposure to it. You, and any member of your kingdom who has been fighting this war, and been involved with the machinations that brought it about have every clue that we sit on the brink of another war on par with the last essence war. This isn't about saying how grand you are, or how cocksure you are of your victory... its about winning, and in doing so saving this land, this country, and this world. I said it before and i will say it again. Think deeply on this."

*rooks takes his seat, a solem look comes over him and he delves back into his drink*

"I will offer what help i can here... if this foolishness ends"
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Post by Chronixxx Thunderforge »

"my favorite things you have said all evening are that the Kunupan link us to the destruction of their villages, thats false because they see humans as part of the destruction. And second I won't speak for Rooks or Klogg but I'm not with you. If the pay matches the danger then maybe, but there is a whole lot of danger you speak of. "
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Smiles grimly as he is addressed by the elf. He looks at Rooks, then Sir Frederick and says softly* "Pride indeed is as dangerous a weapon to us as any held by the enemy. " *He raises his voice louder* "The fault does not lie solely with the Silverthorne delegation. Skarr did his part in hurling insults. While some of us who are more diplomatic and less... apt to take offense... may have been willing to look past that fact, we were not in charge of the delegation."

*He shrugs,* "But be that as it may... as soon as the Kunapan learned that we were in alliance with the Avyana, their reaction would have been the same, whether our diplomacy was perfect, or no. The crux of any negotiations with the Kunapan, as I see it, is to address their lack of respect towards our military, while at the same time addressing their anger at our alliance with the Avyana. Both must be done quickly."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*To noone in particular*

They will not care why we allied with the Avyana.

Not evacuating as much of the villages as possible is ridiculous, there is no way to properly protect them from attacking them without significantly weakining the main force that will now face 2 much larger forces. The cyclebreakers will surely attack them if they get the chance, they are probably planning to do just that, and create more undead for us to fight. All made up of our own people, farmers, lumberjacks, convicts, mothers, daughters, sons and the mentally disturbed all.

This war will be nothing like any of the war's that have been fought in 1000 years. The usual tactics simply will not apply.

Spring may just be too late.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Sir Fredrick cups his chin in thought. “That approach may have merit, Llyshon. Perhaps the Kunapan may be placated, to an extent, if the Avyana were presented as our ‘property’ – won with martial honor. It may be an aggressive perspective, but no less a truthful one. Perhaps it may spare Moki and his troops from their wrath, and put Silverthorne in a better light.”

General Fuller scoffs at Rooks. “Think, think think! That’s all you Elves do – sit around all day thinking, while we Humans go out there and get things done! Had we faced all our challenges with as much ‘deep thought’ as you Elves, the Red Tear would all ready be in Sliverthorne AND Sil’Van’Dar! You just go about your ‘thinking’ – I have necromancers to kill!”

He then turns to Llyshon. “Yes, that is the crux of the problem, but rest assured the croc survivors will have nothing but respect and fear for Silverthorne after the coming battle! We will present an icon of strength and fortitude! They’ll soon be begging to fight alongside their superiors!”

He points at Solari. “Which is why there will BE no evacuation! No weakness – only unyielding strength!”
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

*Rooks spits on the floor and stares fuller dead in the eyes*

"Don't call me elf."
Rooks Bloodsinger Reayvalynn
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