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With friends like these...

Post by X-GM Fesko »

Thane Ivan Fitz-Droven steps into the Inn.

"I need to speak with Constable Hay on an urgent matter."
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Looks around...

"Or are any other representatives of Legacy present? A House or Guild head, perhaps?"
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Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Is seated at the table. As the Thane enters he closes the book that he is studying and rises, acknowledging the noble with a short bow*

"Squire Llyshon Al'Corrin, at your service, Thane. Perhaps I may be of some asisstance?"
Sir Llyshon
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“I certainly hope so.” Fitz-Droven replies somewhat relieved. “A delegation is being sent to the approaching lizardman army to try to ward off any conflict between our forces. Perhaps even gain powerful allies. General Fuller will represent our military forces, and has once more accepted Sir Fredrick as an advisor. Captain Greggor leads his honor guard of hand-picked troops.”

“I must go as Legacy’s political leader. Yet as a recent arrival, I cannot possibly provide an acceptable representative of its people, concerns, and interests. I, too, need advisors and guards – those well established in the goings-on of this place… and with the discretion befitting such a critical diplomatic meeting.”
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Post by Vigfus Vigbjornsson »

There's a loud *snort* from outside the window when Vigfus hears the words "discretion" and "diplomatic".
You are a victim of mechanic strategy over role-playing. Think outside the box. Role-play.
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Edrick Stormbane
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick walks up to the Thane and bows*

My name is Edrick Stormbane of house Mandilor. I'm new in Legacy so I can not provide the critical information you desire, but I can and will offer my sword arm in Legacy's name. For I owe this town much and I'm willing to do what needs to be done. If you would have me, I would be honnored to help guard your deligation.
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

“Well you certainly appear to know the correct speech and mannerisms, Edrick Stormblade. I certainly have no objections to your presence. And if no one else gives reason why you should not go, then you are most welcome, and shall be compensated with three verlan for your efforts.”
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Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*nods in recognition to Edrick as he speaks, then addresses the Thane* "I am but recently arrived myself, however I am a capable guardsman and am familiar with many of the townspeople and could assemble a task force that would suit your needs. As well, I have some knowledge of lore and would be more than willing to use what resources I have at my disposal to research lizardmen customs if it could help in our diplomatic efforts.

Sir Frederick is the Knight to whom I report in my duties as squire. I am certain he would want me to offer my services. As far as payment, I would prefer for you to use my share towards the good of Legacy, perhaps towards a fund for the poor, and would urge my fellow townsmen to also donate their own shares within their means. In this time of war, performing such an undertaking is a service to our King."
Sir Llyshon
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Ivan smiles and nods. "My thanks to you, Squire. I would be honored to have you by my side. But the time to gather representatives is short, I fear, for battlemages are to teleport us to the head of the lizardman army in the morning. Edrick, Llyshon, we will simply have to make do with our collective knowledge if no other town representatives are available by then."
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Bowing to the thane*

I will do what I can to help my Lord. How much time is there before we must leave?

*Turning to Lyshon*
I'll help find people of Legacy for this meeting. Do you know where they might be?
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Post by Chronixxx Thunderforge »

*chronixxx wakes up from his drunken slumber on a bench*

"AHA!!! Rooks and I were just talking about when we we're going to leave. We have already made contact with the Kunapan and are expected to meet with them again soon. We were just waiting for the right people to show. Oh and i advise not to teleport to close to the army. They really like to fight and most likely will attack you. Now when you do meet up with them I recommend that you use their greeting to show the peaceful nature of your visit."

*chronixxx then shows the proper Kunapan greeting, the open hands to the sides and the head nod*

"So let me go find Rooks and Klogg so we can get going soon."
Sir Chronixxx Lightningforge
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

*Solari walks up to the thane without regard to what conversation or whatever else is going on*
Thany person, I need your great and glorious and grandiose kingdom to find my stuff. It, and some other stuff was stolen from the Inn. You "claim" these lands as yours, there was no thieving in the Inn here until you and your like showed up, so what are you going to do about setting things right?

The constable is very busy trying to keep the different parts of YOUR thanedom from slitting each others throats, so don't try and shirk the responsiblity off to him.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

The dwarfs words catch Ivan off guard. "They call themselves the 'Kunapan', you say? And you've treated with them all ready?! Shocking news, to say the least, Chronixxx! Our delegation will not be complete without your presence! Yes! Please do meet with us in the morning!"

But the Wood Elf's words truely floor him. "Eh... My appologies regarding your misfortunes, Solari, but when the matter of thievery comes up, I'm afraid the Constable and town guard are indeed the ones who first come to mind when considering corrective measures."

"I'm sure Constable Hay is very busy. We all are during these dark times. I, for one, am about to teleport to the head of a large, unknown army in the hopes of staving off additional attacks on Legacy. If you wish not to burden him further, perhaps you have friends who might track your thief, or scry the location of your stolen possessions. Perhaps even your kin could aid you there."
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Solari Son of the Mother
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Post by Solari Son of the Mother »

BAH!! If you'd talked to the people that have been living here for some time you'd have more information on the approaching army. Most of us have known they were on the way for quite some time now.

We're good enough to come here and use our myriad of skills and resources to secure more posession for a person most of us have never and will never meet and has more posession than any 1 person could ever have need of. Quite a few of the people that have come here came because the royalty asked them to, obviously that had less than nil to do with my decision to do so. Yet, I am here, helping because it's the right thing to do. As now, *Looks around* I don't really see ANYONE who's been here consistantly for the turning of a cycle, not even myself. But as I'm the closest to that, I can't in good conscience let you people go off and ruin everything. Instead of going after possesions that can be replaced, albeit not from what the kingdom has compensated us with for spending years securing more posession, I will do the right thing. So... you have a tagalong... if it suits your graciousness of course...I promise, I won't be a negative influence.
Solari An'aalcouladinasmyyran
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Post by X-GM Fesko »

Fitz-Droven listens to Solari with sad acceptance in his eyes. “We all do as we must for King and Country. We all do what we think is best…”

He pauses for a moment and sighs heavily. “Solari, I didn’t have to come here to know of your deeds – how much you’ve helped our Kingdom, despite your dislike for it. But since arriving here I have learned more of what this town owes you – and that you’ve been with it from the start. Legacy needs you. I need you – both here and on the diplomatic mission to that lizardman army. Of everyone here you probably know this town and land best.”

“You may not like me nor this Kingdom, but you clearly love this land. In that we have a shared goal – to not only prevent its destruction, but see it prosper. Let us work together by focusing on that.”
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