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Where's Nerezza?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:45 am
by X-GM Fesko
The three rescued drakes that hang out at the Inn (now about 20 feet long) have started going out and hunting on thier own in recent moons. At least, the red and black ones have. The green drake seems mostly to sleep, and apparently eats no more.

But one morning the black and red drakes set out for a meal, and the black one never returned.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:07 am
by Vaellar
*Vaellar wanders over to the Red Drake*

"Excuse me, Do you know where Nerezza is? Last I saw she went out hunting with you and has not returned?"

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:29 pm
by X-GM Fesko
Rowen snakes his head around to face Vaellar. "Nerezza and I do not hunt as one. I have not seen her since we parted ways at dawn."

He closes his eyes briefly in concentration, the opens them again with a sigh. "She often cloaks her mind from myself and Orane, and I fear now is no different. I cannot discern her location."

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:56 pm
by Vaellar
"Thank you Rowen. I will attempt to contact her via a whisperwind spell to see if she is alright."

*Vaellar casts a spell and a small gust of wind appears at his side, he whispers a few words into it and then it flies off*

(Message: Nerezza, are you well? I am worried about you. V )

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:17 am
by X-GM Fesko
The wisp of air whisks away, seeking Nerezza within the Legacy area.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:44 pm
by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
Rowan...I wanted to ask you about your sister. Is she well? I haven't noticed her going out on the hunt with yourself and Nereeza, and am worried about her health.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:51 pm
by X-GM Fesko
Orane lifts her head from where she is curled in the corner.

"I do not enjoy hunting, and prefer to take my sustenance directly from Phanterra."

Rowan snorts. "And thus she sacrifices the joys of consumption. Truely I shall never fathom her reasoning."

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:06 pm
by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
Nyrhtak appears puzzled.

My apologies dear one, I did not realize you were awake. I am not certain that I understand what you mean when you state that you take your sustenance directly from Phanterra. Do you mean to say that you are eating plants?

Nyrhtak turns a stern gaze to Rowan

While the hunt can be thrilling, mind yourself that you do not indulge too much pleasure in it. The hunt is for sustenance and is not a game. Whenever you leave the confines of your home, you are left vulnerable, and there are those who would hunt you as a game. More so, there are those who are like you that hunt those like me as a game. I would hate to learn that you have found so much pleasure in the hunt that you seek more of a challenge, and thereby begin hunting those akin to myself. This would be most disappointing indeed. I cherish the two of you dearest ones, and whilest I honor your thirst for meat Rowan and support your distaste for it Orane, I wish to make sure that you are safe and that you do not fall into the trappings that others have fallen to so often in the past.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:26 pm
by X-GM Fesko
Rowan lowers his head in admonishment. “I understand. I swear I have never taken the life of a sentient, but I also had not contemplated doing so – and thus had not resolved never to seek them for food. I do so now. But is it truly wrong to revel in the search, the chase, and the taste? I do so hope it is not.”

Orane shakes her head. “I prefer not to harm plants, either. I take norishment from whence none are hurt – from the ground. These surrounding lands have an abundance to offer – I can take all I want without fear of depriving others. An energy that is apart of all living things. I believe it is the Essence I hear talked about.”

Rowan rolls his eyes. "Everyone eats something! You're just being difficult and rebelious."

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:45 pm
by Nyrhtak Of Mahuru
Nyrhtak smiles.

Have I mentioned to the two lately how proud I am of you?

No Rowan, the thrill that you feel is natural to your being, and while I would prefer that, order willing, it were not the case, it is the case and I have reserved myself to that understanding. What I ask is that you always be ...aware... while doing so. It is all too easy to lose yourself to the trappings of exhilaration and so long as you keep this in mind, you can keep yourself in order, while still enjoying the hunt.

Nyrhtak chuckles.

I'll be the first to admit that I like a good steak once in a while. While I would like to see all living beings sustaining themselves in a way similar to which Orane is now doing, there are many obstacles and complications in the way. Mayhaps one day we will be so lucky to have wiped out all that is Necromantic and we can begin making real progress to a more perfect and ordered world, but in the mean time we do what we must and cherish the simple enjoyments that we have offered to us.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:10 pm
by Solari Son of the Mother
*Solari chuckles*
So have you finally come to the understanding that necromancy is not truly magic?

I hate to say it, but I don't trust Nerezza. Never have really, perhaps thats why I don't now because I made assumptions when I first met them. I have always thought Nerezza's destiny lied in the waste with the Red Tear, perhaps she figured that out as well.

*Turns to Orane*
Obviously I think your destiny eventually lies with the Essence mages in one way or another. It does very much puzzle me that you feed on life essence though, necromancy does that. Puzzling for sure, but I do not sense the same things I sense in Nerezza.

*And then to Rowan*
I believe that somehow you are the balance between your 2 siblings, I believe that it will eventually be your destiny to tip the scales, perhaps in the coming war, perhaps just between the 3 of you. I hope that I am wrong.

*Looks around and then smiles abit*
Maybe Winter is rubbing off on me, I don't mean to be the doom and gloom wood elf!
*Bursts into laughter*

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:01 am
by X-GM Fesko
Rowan makes a face. “We tasted Necromancy before we hatched – during that ritual you rescued us from. It was very… wrong.”

Orwen shivers. “It was destruction. It was death. I never want to feel that again. How some can willingly subject themselves to it, I cannot fathom.”

Rowan nods and snakes his head around to face Solari. "I know Nerezza may seem mean at times, but she's our sister. She's been through the same things we have. She could never embrace that black power that oozes from the Red Tear. She's just... a bit full of herself, is all."

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:17 pm
by Solari Son of the Mother
*Solari steps closer and strokes just behing the ear very gently*

I sincerely hope you are right, there is much frustration and impatience in Nerezza, the things that sometimes urge some to seek the easy path to power. The 3 of you are certainly destined for great power, but along the way you must gain the wisdom to go along with that power.