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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*Aroura lands and follows*

Well both Lochlain and I are capable in destroying undead. For the most part though i want to get your companions and get out.
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Post by Lochlainn »

*Lands behind the others with a bit of a thump.*

"I'll do what I can to keep the undead back. Just give a holler when it's time for our tactical withdrawal. I'll stay close so that we don't get separated."

*Readies his hammer and shield and follows quickly after Edrick.*
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Edrick Stormbane
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick leads the group through the woods and down into a goarge. Edrick points to a small cave opening and wispers*

This is where we attacked. We came down here looking for shelater for the night, and that's when they came out.

*At a closer look, sign's of battle can be seen, some broken rusted weapons, and a piece of torn cloth with what looks to have the Silvertorn emblem on it. There are no bodies on the ground, but some bones can be seen here and there*

Are you all ready? If lets go in and see if my friends are still alive.
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

"one moment"
*casts a couple spells*

Alright then. *casts light spell* lead on. (OOG: yes i know that spell is only for roleplay, but figure it's a good time for it)
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Post by Vaellar »

*Vaellar nods that he is ready and takes up a position behind Lochlain and his large shield and hammer.*

*Muffled Gulp*

*Shaky Voice* "Lead the way, its just skeletons right??"
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Post by Lochlainn »

*Shifts his shield into a more defensive posture.*

"Ready as I'm going to be. I really need to look into getting myself some actual armor."

*Starts cautiously moving forward, shield and hammer ready.*
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Post by Vaellar »


"You don't need armor, you just need to not get hit....see simple solution. Besides armor is not as good of a protection as simply not getting hit."
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Edrick Stormbane
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick takes point bringing shield to bare and long sword drawn*

I'll take point since I seen some of the cave.

*As the group slowly moves foward into the cave they here grinding bones, clicking, chatting of teeth*

*Further into the cave a red glow can be seen. The glow comes in pairs and they advance foward. As the glow comes into the light it can be seen the glow come the eye sockets of 5 skeleton warrios. Each skeleton has some type of rusted weapon, a broken shield, and not much else*

*Edrick steps into the skeletons blocking their incoming attacks as best as he can*

My sword is little use against these skeleton's. Ill block their blows, if you can crush them with your hammers.
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*Well Aroura can swing for 6 destroy undead*
*as long as its small numbers just using my club*

Five skeletons, Lochlain and I will make quick work of this. *a smile comes across the woodelven face as she destroys the skeletons*
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Post by Lochlainn »

*Begins swinging at the skeletons. Each hit doing 8 destroy undead damage.*

"Let's hope we keep getting small groups like this, and that your friend isn't too far into this cave. This may be a place to come back to later with a greater force once we've rescued you friend."
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Sir Llyshon
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Post by Sir Llyshon »

*Llyshon has landed to the rear and remained quiet during the group's entrance into the cave. He glances at Vaeller, and says quietly under his breath, "Keep him safe and alert me if he needs aid", indicating Edrick with a nod of his head. He strides forward and gently lays a hand on Edrick's shoulder then says, "I may be of more use up here. We need a good man on the rearguard to watch over Vaeller, will you take up position there?"

*with that, Llyshon moves towards the front of the group, takes a combative stance, and in a flash, he transforms. His body becomes rock laced through with veins of lava, and he is wreathed in an aura of flame. Lightning crackles along the surface of his "skin", and a weapon takes shape in each hand. His left holds an earthen hammer, and his right carries a short-sword fashioned of lightning.*

(swinging for or 11 earth (5 crush when I can't get a clean shot and aim for their body instead) and 11 air.
Sir Llyshon
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Edrick Stormbane
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Post by Edrick Stormbane »

*Edrick falls back to rear guard and watch's amazed as the undead are utterly destroyed by the group*

*The group travels further into the cave with no other undead to be found. After some time the cave splits. The group can keep going straight or go to the right. No sounds can be heard from either direction and edrick did not make it this deep into the cave.*
Almer Forni of the Helmspliter Clan
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Post by Lochlainn »

*Looks back and forth between the two passages, stroking his beard.*

"Well, it'd probably be best to stick together and choose one of these passages to explore first. We're a small enough group, that I don't think splitting up is a good idea."

*Turns to Vaellar.*

"Can you do that trick with the sticks to see which way Edrick's friend may have gone? Not that we can probably find enough sticks in this cave, though."

*Looks back at the passages.*

"If this friend had been taken by your attackers, I'd think that they would take him straight. If he fled into the cave to get away from them, though, I'd think that taking the side tunnel would be a good idea to try and lose his pursuers."

*Shrugs his shoulders.*

"Maybe I'm trying to over-think this, though."
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Post by Vaellar »

"Well...unfortunately my soothsaying skills are very limited and that little trick with the sticks was the extent of my knowledge. I am a fair astrologer, but being underground and being daytime I cant do much to discern a direction from that. Perhaps Aurora could try and track them?"
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Rianna Lindsay
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Post by Rianna Lindsay »

*aroura has wilderness survival and level 3 wilderness lore, i don't know how well that works in caves*

"I can try, caves are a bit different then the woods"
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